Curiosity welled up in Song Yan's heart, and he approached slowly.

Probably sensing someone approaching, that person turned around and met Song Yan's cold eyes.

Song Yan was stunned for a moment.

The man's eyes were as deep as a deep pool, as if there was some magical power, which made her unable to move her eyes away.What surprised her even more was that she still felt that such eyes seemed familiar!
While dazed, the man had already withdrawn his gaze, and passed her by indifferently.

Song Yan looked back at the man's back, and after a while he came back to his senses, and focused his gaze on the cemetery.

The cemetery is not small. In a top-level place like Xishan Cemetery, it would cost millions to buy a cemetery of this size.

Song Yan's lips curved into a mocking smile, it turned out that she was worth more dead than alive.That's right, if she doesn't die, how can he get her property?
When mentioning property, she thought of Haohao, and immediately turned around and trotted towards the guest lounge.

Xishan Cemetery is a high-level cemetery area, so the supporting facilities are very complete. The lounge is near the gate, and there is a supporting hotel there. There is a pond behind the hotel, and there are half pond lotus leaves in it. It is summer at this time , the lotus blooms just right, standing on the edge of the pond to enjoy the lotus is a different kind of scenery.

But Song Yan was not in the mood to appreciate the lotus at all, and hurried forward. When she was about to reach the lounge, she suddenly saw a red figure swaying and turned into the corridor next to the hotel.

Song Yan paused and frowned, why is Hao Zifei here?

Chen Jingbo is the kind of person who cares about face. In order to maintain his image as a good husband, he probably wouldn't let Hao Zifei come to the funeral. Why is she here now?

After thinking about it, she turned around and was about to follow. After taking two steps, she heard a voice: "Haohao, slow down!"

Song Yan paused, then turned to look at the door of the lounge.

I saw a small person jogging out of it, and the nanny Chen Ma followed behind and shouted anxiously: "Oh, little ancestor, please slow down! Where did you fall in a while? Bad luck!"

The more she said that, the more energetic the little man was, giggling and running faster.

Song Yan looked at that cute little figure, and his heart suddenly overflowed with maternal love.

I haven't seen my son for two or three months. I didn't expect to grow so much taller. At that time, he was not walking steadily, but now he can trot!
"Huahua, Huahua!" Haohao, who was just able to speak, muttered something in his mouth.

Chen's mother caught up with him and smiled and said, "Oh, do you want to see Huahua? Okay, let's go to see Huahua." Then she picked him up, turned around and walked towards the back of the hotel.

Song Yan's footsteps paused, and he followed suit.

Because she wanted to take Haohao away quietly, she couldn't walk over to attract Chen Ma's attention, so she quietly walked around to the back of the hotel from the other side.

In the corner, she saw Haohao being hugged by Chen Ma, pointing her little finger at the lotus in the pond and shouting: "Huahua, Huahua!"

"Lotus—flowers—" Chen Ma taught him how to speak.

"Live—flower—" Hao Hao learned a sentence seriously, but it was completely different, which made Chen Ma laugh.

Song Yan was on the other side, and he couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, Mama Chen's phone rang suddenly, she put Haohao on the ground, turned around to answer the phone: "Ma'am..."

And at this moment, Haohao suddenly yelled excitedly, ran up and down and ran towards the pond, and fell into the water with a "plop".

Song Yan was suffocated, and ran out without thinking, and jumped into the water without hesitation.

The water in the pond was deeper than expected, and the temperature of the water was much cooler than on the shore. She felt a little suffocated when she fell into the water.

She regained her composure, barely held her breath, opened her eyes in the water and looked around for Haohao's figure. The water was very muddy, and her eyes were stung by the water, and she finally saw a small figure not far away. struggle.

Because of struggling, Haohao, who was leaning on the shore, was now two meters away from the shore. For her, two meters may be just a stroke, but for a child who is only one year and three months old , Two meters may be the death distance.

She immediately swam over to lift Hao Haotuo up with one hand, and paddled to the shore with the other hand.

She only remembered that she had good water quality, but she forgot that she had changed into another body, and now this body was just rescued by taking sleeping pills, and it was still very weak.

Just after two strokes, the muscles in her legs suddenly felt severe pain, and then the whole thigh could not move, it was cramped!
Without the powerful pedaling of her legs, her body sank quickly. In order to prevent Haohao from drowning, she stopped paddling with her arms, and only tried her best to lift Haohao out of the water.

The water quickly flooded the top of her head and poured into her nose. She couldn't breathe and felt like she was going to lose strength.

But when Haohao's weeping faintly came from her ear, she gained some strength again, and desperately lifted him up, lifted him up...

Just when her consciousness began to slacken, she felt light in her hands, as if someone had taken over Haohao, and then a strong arm wrapped around her neck, pulling her out with a "wow". water surface.

The fresh air rushed into her lungs, making Song Yan's mind instantly clear. She took a few deep breaths and subconsciously turned to look at her rescuer. She saw a sharp-edged side face.

She was slightly taken aback, this outline...

oh!She suddenly remembered that this man was the last man standing in front of her grave to leave!
She only exchanged glances with him, but his eyes left a deep impression on her!For some reason, she felt that such a look, such eyes, and even such a side face were inexplicably familiar.

While her thoughts were wandering, she heard a deep voice in her ears: "We've reached the shore."

Song Yan snapped back to his senses, and hastily stretched out his hand to grab a hand that was stretched out from the river bank.

That hand pulled her up, Song Yan's legs were still hurting, he couldn't stand firmly for a while, and crashed into his arms.

She struggled to get out of the embrace, and asked anxiously: "Where is Haohao, is Haohao okay?"

A big hand touched her shoulder, and a familiar voice rang in her ears: "Don't worry, the child is fine, he just choked on a few sips of water, and now the nanny has taken him to the room."

Hearing this, Song Yan breathed a sigh of relief, then pushed the man away violently as if he had been electrocuted.

It's Chen Jingbo!Damn Chen Jingbo, she will never let him touch her again!

Probably because the action was too violent, she lost her center of gravity and fell backwards. Fortunately, a strong big hand supported her lower back, and then hugged her horizontally.

Song Yan was so frightened that he let out a low sound, and was about to struggle, when he looked up and saw those dark and deep eyes, he suddenly felt an inexplicable peace of mind, and obediently remained still.

The magnetic voice rang in my ears again: "Your leg is cramped, and it's not suitable for walking now. If you don't mind, let me treat it for you?"

Song Yan replied somewhat unnaturally: "Then... I'm sorry to trouble you." Anyway, it's better to let this man help her than Chen Jingbo to help her.

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