She went to the kitchen in surprise and saw her mother, Shao Yujia, busy in an apron.

Seeing her, Shao Yujia said with a smile, "Are you finally awake? Just in time, my dishes are almost ready. Come, come, get ready to eat."

"Mom, you—"

"After I came here, I saw the two children playing well with Qin Ailin. I thought it was almost noon, and you hadn't settled down for lunch, so you just arranged for lunch. No, the children are playing with Qin Ailin in the yard." Shao Yujia laughed answer with a smile.

Song Yan stretched his head out of the window and saw the two children chasing and playing with Qin Ailin in the yard, he felt relieved.

She pinched a piece of braised pork and put it in her mouth. Her mouth was full of oil, and she acted like a child to Shao Yujia: "The food made by mother is delicious!"

Shao Yujia patted her forehead: "Of course."

Song Yan looked at her: "Mom, I'm a little surprised that you can get along well with Qin Ailin today."

Shao Yujia glanced at her and replied: "Do you think your mother is such an ignorant person? Now that you are in trouble and she comes to help, should I drive her away? Besides, although her mother and I are at odds with each other, But I didn't really hate her and her brother to my heart, it's best for children not to be involved in the hatred of adults."

Song Yan hugged her: "Sure enough, my mother is still reasonable!"

Shao Yujia spat at her: "Don't put a high hat on me. Although I can tolerate her, it doesn't mean that I can allow her to come in and out of your house casually. I'm afraid of her mother's character. Influenced by her mother, she is also a bad person."

She said and gave Song Yan a meaningful look: "Look at how beautiful she is now. After all, Su Xing is a man. No matter how much he likes you, after getting married and living for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be times of burnout. At this time, there will be a beautiful little girl." If the girl sticks to him, if she can't keep it, he won't be able to hold it.

"Qin Ailin is still a small star, and people in her circle are the most open-minded. If she always comes to the house under your banner, you must be vigilant. Even if Su Xing ignores her, you can still bear it." I can't help but wonder what she's doing."

When Shao Yujia said this, Song Yan remembered what happened three years ago. Qin Ailin almost had sex with Su Xing in the bathroom. Although Qin Ailin did not plan this incident, it is hard to say what Qin Ailin was thinking. .

"Mom, I will pay attention." Thinking of this, she made up her mind that it is better not to have close contact with Qin Ailin.

Helping Shao Yujia bring the food to the table, Qin Ailin brought the two children into the house, and Niannian ran so red that she rushed over happily and said to Song Yan: "Mom, auntie will take us to play eagle catch the little ones!" It's a chicken, it's fun!"

Song Yan didn't respond, just patted her head and said, "Go and wash your hands, get ready to eat."

Niannian wanted to say more, Haohao came over and pulled her into the bathroom to wash her hands.

During the whole lunch, Song Yan talked to Shao Yujia and the children very easy-going, but when he talked to Qin Ailin, he was very polite, which was an attitude—an alienated attitude.

After lunch, Niannian looked a little tired, so Qin Ailin got up to say goodbye.

Niannian ran over and grabbed her hand and said, "Auntie, will you take a nap with me?"

Song Yan went over and hugged Niannian and said softly, "Little girl, be sensible, my aunt is already very tired playing with you, you should let my aunt go back to rest early."

Niannian pouted and said nothing, Qin Ailin said with a smile: "Sister, it's fine, I can accompany her—"

"You're busy with work now, so don't waste time here with this little girl, go back and have a rest!" Song Yan interrupted her and said to her with a smile.

Qin Ailin replied with a smile: "Okay, then I'll go back." She said and waved to Niannian, "Little princess, I will come to play with you when I have time!"

Nian Nian had no choice but to wave goodbye to Qin Ailin.

After Qin Ailin left, Song Yan carried Niannian into the room, and Niannian fell asleep soon, probably because she was tired from running wildly before.Waiting to come out of the room, she saw Haohao sitting on the floor of the living room, staring at the unopened toy in a daze.

"Haohao, aren't you going to sleep?" Song Yan walked over to him and asked him.

Haohao replied: "I'm not sleepy, mom, I want to go and see the computer."

"What kind of computer are you looking at? It's not good for your eyes. You can play with this toy. I don't think you even took it apart." Song Yan was worried that his vision would be affected and tried to divert his attention.

"I don't play with this toy. I don't play with this kind of pediatric stuff for a long time." Haohao kicked the box with a look of disdain.

"Huh? I haven't seen you play with this kind of toy before." Song Yan was curious.

"Then I won't play, I won't play with things given by people I don't like." Haohao said in a deep voice.

Song Yan was a little surprised, and squatted down to look at him: "Nian Nian likes Auntie quite a lot, why don't you like it?"

"I don't know, I just think she doesn't really treat us well, so I don't like her." Haohao replied.

Song Yan stopped talking, thinking to himself, children might really have a sixth sense sometimes.She rubbed Haohao's head and said with a smile: "Well, if you don't like it, don't play, and play whatever you want."

Haohao cheered, and went into the room to look at his computer. Song Yan put the box of toys in the locker by the door, thinking in his heart, it's better not to have more contact with Qin Ailin in the future.

In the afternoon, the new nanny came. She was young and quick at work, but Song Yan always felt that she couldn't compare with Lin Xuehui.

Lin Xuehui's condition has stabilized. After a period of time, she will need plastic surgery on her legs, and then she will have to recuperate for a few months. Song Yan will return to work, so she sent Haohao back to the kindergarten, and Niannian followed her. I went to kindergarten.

After the wedding, the romantic atmosphere will gradually subside. Song Yan has gone to work, and Su Xing is also very busy these days, and the two of them can only get along at night.

The investigation by Xiaodao came out, and it was said that the shark-proof net was broken. On the day when he learned the result, Haohao said with a serious face, "The shark-proof net is not an ordinary net. How could it be broken so easily?"

Song Yan's heart skipped a beat, did someone break it on purpose?If this is the case, then what these people want is her and the children's life?
Haohao turned his head and asked Su Xing: "Dad, can you see the damage to the shark prevention net?"

Su Xing said in a deep voice: "I deliberately let people see it, saying that it doesn't seem artificial, it may be a quality problem of the shark prevention net."

Haohao also stopped talking.

This matter finally came to an end, but Song Yan didn't want to go to that small island for a while.

A few days later, Xinchuang received a big order, and the design tasks suddenly increased. Song Yan devoted himself to work, and basically handed over the family affairs to the nanny, and worked overtime three or four days a week. , When I go home at night, the children are all asleep, and only when I have breakfast in the morning can I exchange a few words with the two children.

That night, when Song Yan came back, she saw a small cake on the dining table, it was the kind of chocolate mousse cake she likes to eat.

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