Lucky pregnant warm wife sweet and beautiful

Chapter 292 Who Is Rushing Whose Popularity

Song Yan was also a little excited, and his eyes were moist: "Mom, you don't have to worry about me, you have to live a good life in the future, and you must be healthy!"

"I will, and I will do it for my daughter."

The mother and daughter hugged each other and wept silently.

Tian Mimi came forward and said softly: "Luhan, today is your wedding day, it's not good to cry, Auntie, I understand your feelings, but Luhan finally reaped happiness, you should laugh."

Shao Yujia hurriedly wiped away her tears and smiled: "That's right, it's my fault, I shouldn't cry, I should laugh, I should laugh!"

At this time, music suddenly sounded from the high platform in front, and then someone began to sing.

Everyone's attention was attracted, and Song Yan followed suit, and saw a beautiful woman on the high stage dancing and singing with a microphone.

Someone nearby commented: "Oh, is this the female star who has just become popular now, what's her name, Irene?"

Song Yan's heart skipped a beat. It's called Ailin, that's right, it's called Qin Ailin.Irene must have been her stage name.

Shao Yujia glanced at Qin Ailin on the stage and said: "You may not know that Qin Ailin has entered the entertainment industry when you are not in China for the past few years. She acted in a romantic drama a while ago, and now it is on fire."

Song Yan nodded, she hasn't paid attention to the entertainment industry these days, so she doesn't know, but Qin Ailin's entry into the entertainment industry is not beyond her expectations.

"I didn't expect that this kind of star would come to sing for your wedding!" Tian Mimi said enviously beside her.

While talking, Qin Ailin finished singing. She stopped and said in a crisp voice: "Today's song is dedicated to my dear sister. Today is her wedding. I don't have any good gifts for her. Just send a song, I hope she can be happy every day in the days to come!"

As she spoke, her eyes turned to Song Yan, and all the guests followed her. In an instant, Song Yan felt that countless eyes were cast on his face, so detailed that it was breathless.

Others' comments sounded in my ears: "Oh, so this female celebrity is her younger sister, it's really different, the family background of a woman who can marry Mr. Su must be extraordinary."

"These two sisters are very good-looking. Sure enough, the daughter looks like her father. Did you see her father at the beginning? He looks very handsome."

"I heard that the agency of this female star is Su's Entertainment. Sure enough, there is a sister who is married well. This sister also has resources."

Song Yan raised the corners of his lips to show a smile, and looked at Qin Ailin.

On an occasion like today, no matter what she thinks in her heart, she still has to be affectionate with Qin Ailin on the surface, which is good for her and Qin Ailin.

Qin Ailin walked off the stage, walked up to her slowly, and held her hand: "Sister, I bless you!"

Song Yan smiled brightly at her: "Thank you, Irene!"

The two sisters held hands and smiled at each other. Many guests picked up their mobile phones to take pictures of the two of them loving each other.

Mo Shaojing followed and came over, pretending to smile, with a gratified expression: "Both of you sisters are fine, I am relieved, Mom."

Song Yan sneered in his heart, and he didn't know whether he was taking Qin Ailin's fame or Qin Ailin was taking Su Xing's and his own popularity.Fortunately, Su Xing came over and took her away at this time, which was considered a relief for her.

The banquet was almost over, and the wedding was coming to an end. Su Xing took Song Yan to the stage again to thank the guests for coming, and the girls below clamored to throw bouquets.

After Tian Mimi drank some wine, her personality became more unrestrained. She quickly found a flower ball, handed it to Song Yan, and winked at her: "Throw me the flower ball!" He ran down the skirt.

Immediately, a group of unmarried girls ran out and squeezed me and I squeezed you to grab the best position. No one wanted to catch Song Yan's joy and catch that flower ball.

Seeing their lively appearance, Song Yan smiled slightly, turned her back to them, took a deep breath and said loudly, "I'm going to throw it away!"

"Throw it quickly, throw it quickly!" shouted underneath.

Song Yan tried her best to throw the bouquet back, only to hear noise and laughter behind her. She turned to look, but saw a tall man foolishly holding the bouquet.Song Yan recognized that man as Jian Feiyang!

He was wearing a black suit today, tall and slender, very handsome.

Compared with three years ago, he has also changed, the last bit of bookishness has faded away, and he has become more stable and mature.

At the moment he was holding the bouquet, he was a little dazed, and didn't know what to do for a while.

A girl said to him: "Handsome boy, give me the flower ball?"

Jian Feiyang didn't answer, but looked at Song Yan on the stage. Su Xing took a step forward to block Song Yan behind him, and said loudly: "Since this bouquet is in your hands, you can decide for yourself. Give this bouquet to a girl you know."

Jian Feiyang nodded, glanced at the group of girls, then seemed to have made up his mind, walked up to Tian Mimi, and handed her the flower ball: "Give it to you."

Tian Mimi curled her lips: "I didn't snatch it, I don't want it."

"I really don't know the blessings in the blessings. If you don't want it, I want it!" A girl next to her said angrily, reaching out to get the flower ball.

Tian Mimi hurriedly took the flower ball over: "Don't want it for nothing." She said as she walked a few steps away as if she was afraid of being snatched.

Everyone laughed "haha", some of them were familiar with Tian Mimi, and said with a smile: "Tian Mimi, I think you also want to get married. This year, I snatched the bouquet, and I promise to marry you next year."

"I don't want to get married. Isn't it good to be a professional woman?" Tian Mimi said.

The crowd laughed even louder.

The wedding was finally over, Su Xing and Song Yan saw off the guests, Su Xing took her hand and said, "Come on, let's go to our honeymoon."

He didn't take Song Yan into the car, but pulled her to the back of the farm.

"Honeymoon at the farm?" Song Yan asked curiously.

Su Xing didn't answer, he pulled her to speed up the pace, walked around the farm house, saw a small hill behind him, he took her to climb to the top of the hill, and what suddenly appeared in front of Song Yan was a huge colorful hot air balloon!
Looking up, Song Yan took a deep breath: "Wow, what a beautiful hot air balloon, do you want to take me to ride—ah!"

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Su Xing's movements, because he leaned over and picked up her princess, and walked towards the hot air balloon.

He put Song Yan into the basket of the hot air balloon, and stepped into the hot air balloon with his long legs. The staff underneath helped to untie the rope that tied the hot air balloon to the ground.

Su Xing lit the fire of the hot air balloon, and the hot air balloon floated up slowly.

Song Yan had never had this kind of experience before. Looking down at the houses below getting smaller and smaller in sight, he couldn't help exclaiming, "It's amazing!"

Su Xing put his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear: "The more amazing thing is yet to come."

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