Song Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at her sharply. Rowling didn't seem to see her vigilant expression, so she continued leisurely: "So it's better not to do bad things sometimes, or there will be retribution sooner or later!"

"Of course, people who don't do bad things never have to worry about this. Even if they have nightmares, it's only occasionally. But seeing that Minister Luo is so knowledgeable about the reasons for poor sleep, he probably has nightmares often? Occasionally. Nightmares are nothing, if you often have nightmares, you have to go to the hospital to see a doctor!" Song Yan replied unhurriedly, and finally winked at her, "Minister Luo, if you are sick, you need to be treated, but you can't Drag it!"

Just then the elevator came down, Song Yan ignored her and walked into the elevator first, then she saw Luo Lin stomping her feet angrily, and followed her in.

After they entered, they didn't talk any more. When the elevator reached the sixth floor, Rowling walked out. When she got to the elevator door, she suddenly turned her head, her eyes were cold and poisonous, and she said coolly, "You should also pay attention to your health!"

I don't know why, but because of her words, Song Yan's whole body got goosebumps, and he shivered involuntarily.

After a busy day at work, Song Yan quickly forgot about the unpleasantness in the morning. By the afternoon, the first draft of the design was basically done, and the next step was to hand it over to the director. The chief designer of the company will review it, and if the draft is approved, it will be mass-produced.

She read the first draft carefully again, perfected the details, and went to the president's office before she got off work.

The president took a look at the first draft, nodded and smiled: "I don't think it's a big problem with the design."

With his affirmation, Song Yan felt a lot more confident.

After get off work, she went downstairs with the employees of the design department, and saw Su Xing when she left the office building.

His Bentley was parked on the side of the road, and he leaned against the door, crossed his legs and looked at this side, with a typical look of waiting for someone.

The subordinate immediately hugged her and said with a smile: "Director, the child's father is here!" The others covered their mouths and laughed.

Song Yan gave them a supercilious look, and they scattered like birds and beasts, and Song Yan walked towards Su.

"Why are you here?" She stroked her hair, her face flushed slightly.

"Can I not come? If I didn't see you off that night, something will happen to you." Su Xing replied, opening the car door for her in a gentlemanly manner.

She was not polite, and sat in with a bow, while Su Xing walked around from the front of the car to the driver's seat.

The car started slowly, and Su Xing said, "Go pick up the child and go out for dinner."

Song Yan replied: "Okay."

The two had nothing to say anymore, Song Yan felt that since she woke up in the morning and found him by her side, the wall of her heart that had been so hard to strengthen was about to crack again, so she thought it was better not to talk too much, lest the more she talked, the more she would collapse.

Su Xing was speechless, and the car started driving quietly. After walking for about ten minutes, Su Xing's cell phone rang suddenly.

He glanced at it, put on the bluetooth headset and connected the phone, heard what was said there, he asked: "Are you sure it's that person?" Then he listened quietly for a while, and replied: "Okay, I'll take her to Check it out." After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Song Yan hurriedly said: "If you have something to do, go and do it. I should be fine when I go back by myself. It's not dark yet."

"It's your business." Su Xing replied briefly, turning the steering wheel to change the direction.

Song Yan was very surprised: "What's the matter with me?"

"The person who attacked you last night has been found. I'll take you to see if it's him."

"Huh? The police are so efficient!" Song Yan was surprised, "It seems that he was found by watching the surveillance?"

"I let someone find it." Su Xing suppressed her enthusiastic words with one sentence.

Song Yan said "Yeah", and it took a long time before he sighed: "You are too capable, you actually did what the police did."

"Some crooked ways, the police are not easy to do." He replied.

Song Yan didn't know what to say, he just felt that this man was really a master of hands and eyes, and it seemed that some things were done by some extraordinary people before. It can only be said that he has a wide range of friends and can easily handle gray areas.

The car drove for about half an hour and came to the old town. All the old towns have some old houses waiting to be remodeled. The people here are complex and mobile, and it is also a place where crimes are easy to breed.

Su Xing found a place to park his car, his black Bentley looked out of place here.

He took Song Yan inside, entered an old building, went up to the third floor and entered a room, Song Yan saw a man tied to a chair in the middle of the room, with a black cloth bag covering his head.

Several burly men were sitting in the corner of the room smoking. When they saw Su Xing coming in, they immediately stood up cautiously and stomped out the cigarettes.

"Boss Su." One of them came up respectfully and called Su Xing.

Su Xing nodded coldly and asked, "That's him?"


"Take off his hood and let her see." Su Xing gave an order.

Immediately, a big man pulled the hood off the bound man's head, and Song Yan saw a thin, almost haggard face.

She involuntarily held Su Xing's hand, and said in surprise, "It's him, he was the one who gave me the needle last night!"

Su Xing squeezed her hand to comfort her, then winked at the big man, and pulled Song Yan out of the house.

Su Xing took Song Yan downstairs to the car, and said to her, "You wait in the car and I will meet, and I will go up and down."

"What are you going to do?" Song Yan asked, grabbing his arm.

He smiled slightly: "It's just that something was dropped there, I'll go get it." After speaking, he patted her hand.

Song Yan let go of him, and stared at him in a daze as he closed the car door and went upstairs. For some reason, he had a feeling in his heart, so he couldn't help but pushed the door and got out of the car and followed him upstairs.

After going up, before she reached the door, she heard painful wailing from the room, and someone shouted sharply amidst the wailing: "Say! Who ordered you to do this!"

"I... no one instructed me, I just... just got AIDS and felt resentful, so I took blood and randomly looked for targets on the street..."

After he finished speaking, there was no movement. After a while, the big man's rough voice sounded: "President Su, he is a drug addict."

"Isn't that just right, let him suffer, and he will naturally say it when he can't bear it." Su Xing's cold voice sounded, and Song Yan's heart trembled when he heard it.

When she heard footsteps coming towards the door, she hurriedly turned around and ran downstairs, until she ran back to the car, and then she stroked her heart and took a deep breath.

After a while, Su Xing came down, and Song Yan asked him, "Did you find your things?"

He looked back at her with a faint smile: "I didn't find it, maybe I will find it later, why don't you ask me what I lost?"

"What... have you lost?" Song Yan asked hesitantly.

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