"Hurry up and pack." He urged again.

She had no choice but to concentrate on bandaging the wound on the back of his hand with a silk scarf.

After bandaging, he started the car, and the car sped along the road.

Song Yan naturally didn't dare to speak because he was wronged, so Su Xing didn't speak either. The two of them were silent for a while, and when the car got on the expressway, he suddenly said: "It's not what you think, Ning Yuan and I Nothing in between."

When he suddenly said this, Song Yan was a little surprised, and turned to look at him with wide eyes: "Then why would Su Ningyuan say such things?"

"Isn't she mentally ill?"

Song Yan nodded and didn't answer. His answer was a standard answer, but she always felt that it was definitely not a "spiritual problem" that could be explained clearly.

However, she didn't ask in depth.She knew very well that if he wanted to talk, he would naturally tell her, and if he didn't want to, asking would only annoy him.

The phone rang, and she took it out of her bag. Seeing the name jumping on it, she remembered that she was only busy following Su Xing at that time, and forgot to ask the leader for leave. No, Jian Feiyang called.

Rubbing her face, she put on a serious face and connected the phone: "Director..."

"Luhan, why didn't you come to work and didn't ask for leave, did something happen to you?" Jian Feiyang asked.

Song Yan felt a little warm in his heart. He didn't immediately ask her why she was absent from work, but was worried that something might happen to her. This is also a very good leader and friend.

"Ah, that, I have something to do—" She said a few words before Su Xing took the phone.

"Jian Feiyang, I asked Qin Luhan to come to my office to report on work in the afternoon. I won't be in the factory this afternoon, and I will go to work as usual tomorrow." Su Xing said in a business-like tone.

Song Yan could hear Jian Feiyang's voice agreeing on the phone, and then Su Xing hung up when she was not allowed to answer the phone.

Song Yan pouted: "Boss Su, is it really okay for you to be like this? People will think that I can't work hard because of your influence!"

"Why don't you work hard, you really need to report to me." He looked at the road ahead solemnly, "Start now, report."

"President Su, are you sure you're really in the mood to talk about work?" Song Yan rolled his eyes.

"It's my duty to talk about work whenever possible," he replied.

"However, the factory designers like me deal with trivial matters every day. Is it necessary to report to you? Shouldn't you have storms in your mind? It's too wasteful for me to bother you with these things gone."

He glanced at her with a half-smile: "It's also my responsibility as the president to occasionally check the work at the grassroots level."

Prudish!Song Yan scolded him in his heart, and really started to report to work.

At the beginning, they were pretending, but the more they reported, the more serious they became, and soon both of them were immersed in their work.

The car stopped unknowingly, Song Yan turned his head and looked out, and couldn't help being surprised: "Boss Su, what are you doing in the supermarket?"

"Buy groceries."

"What to do with grocery shopping!"

"make dinner."

"Can you cook dinner?"

"..." Su Xing's face darkened, "I can't do it, you can't do it? Aren't you my girlfriend?"

Song Yan curled his lips and fell silent, secretly scolding him for "male chauvinism".After scolding, she bought a bunch of vegetables "obediently". She bought a lot of vegetables, and Su Xing bought several boxes of steaks.

Song Yan thought, steak is also fine, anyway, it is easy to fry and cook, it is easier than frying and frying.

Coming out of the supermarket, he drove the car straight into the underground garage of Taoyuan Meishu. Now it is convenient, even if she is going home, she can directly enter the same unit door as him.

Song Yan had that self-consciousness, didn't mention going home, and went back to his house together.

Without saying a word, she carried the dishes and the steak into the kitchen and put on an apron.But when she took the steak out of the box, she became dumbfounded and stared blankly, not knowing what to do for a moment.

A big hand came over and put the steak into the freezer of the refrigerator: "Refrigerate and thaw first, and then fry it after it is completely thawed. It's still early, you wash those dishes."

Su Xing ordered her to work unceremoniously, but Song Yan curled his lips in disbelief, but he still did it.

After washing for a long time, the vegetables were put in a draining basket and placed above the sink to drain. Song Yan patted his sore neck and waist, walked out of the kitchen, and saw Su Xing sitting on the sofa reading a book, and soaked for himself. A cup of coffee, very leisurely.

Seeing him so leisurely, Song Yan gritted his back molars, what's the matter, do you really think she is a nanny?

Untiing the apron and hanging it on the back of the chair, she said angrily: "It's still early, I'll go upstairs to see Haohao, and I'll come down later."

He was noncommittal, and she opened the door and left.

When I got home, I heard that she would go downstairs to fry the steak in a while. Lin Xuehui enthusiastically told her many details, saying that only in this way can the steak be fried to the best taste.

Song Yan's brain aches from hearing this, and he feels that studying is not so difficult.After repeating it twice, I finally remembered the process and precautions thoroughly.Seeing that it was already six o'clock in the evening, she hurried downstairs.

Knock on the door, and soon someone opened the door, but it wasn't Su Xing, it was Sun Fushang.

"Sun Fushang, are you leaving get off work so early?" She asked in surprise.

"I'm off the night shift today, and I have a rest in the afternoon. I went to the gym and just came back." Sun Fushang replied with a smile, and welcomed her into the room.

After entering, Song Yan smelled the delicious smell of meat, and couldn't help pinching his nose: "It smells so good, what are you doing?"

"It's not me, it's—" Sun Fushang pointed to the kitchen, lowering his voice, "He."

Song Yan's eyes widened suddenly, and he saw the slender figure in the kitchen with an apron on, busy in an orderly manner.

"Are you surprised that President Su can cook?" Sun Fushang whispered in Song Yan's ear.

Song Yan nodded, and he smiled: "He not only knows how to cook, but also cooks deliciously. You are lucky today, not everyone has the opportunity to eat the meals made by Mr. Su. I am like him. After a long time, I only ate twice in total.”

He said with a slightly different expression: "Did something happen to him today?"

Song Yan remained silent. Why didn't bad things affect Su Xing's mood, and he still had to cook?And she followed Su Xing, and he didn't blame her!

"Forget it, don't worry about it, anyway, you can eat if you have something to eat, and you can seize the opportunity once." Seeing that she was silent, Sun Fushang waved his hand and said.

Song Yan laughed: "Looking at you like this, it seems that he is some top chef."

This sentence was just a joke, but half an hour later, when Song Yan sat at the dining table and tasted the sumptuous Chinese and Western dishes, he felt that what he said was not a joke but a fact.

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