This is an old-fashioned hot pot restaurant. When she was Song Yan, she used to eat here often.Later, after the economy developed, there were many hot pot restaurants, all kinds of trendy ones, but she always remained dedicated to the taste of this restaurant, but after going through various trials, she could no longer find anyone to accompany her to eat hot pot here , so I haven't been here for several years.

Su Xing's eyes jumped, and the expression inside seemed to be different from the past. "You can find whatever you like," he said.

Song Yan happily went into the hotpot restaurant.

She was really happy that night, because coming to his hometown reminded him of the happy life with his parents before, so he would eat more and drink a few sips of wine when he was happy.

On the way back, she said to Su Xing with flushed cheeks and drunkenness: "Mr. Su, how can you be considerate? I really like the meal tonight, thank you!"

Looking at her slightly blurred eyes, he frowned and ordered: "From now on, don't drink a sip of wine!"

This woman's drinking capacity is really small, but it's only half a glass of beer. Seeing that she is in a good mood today, he agreed to her drinking. Who knows that half a glass of beer will show signs of getting drunk again. It seems that a drop of alcohol can't stand stained.

"Yes, sir!" Song Yan saluted exaggeratedly, imitating the police officers in Hong Kong and Taiwan movies.

Her delicate expression and movements finally made Su Xing's brows relax, and he shook his head helplessly. Seeing his good mood, Song Yan's mood became even better.

That night, Song Yan had a good night's sleep and dreamed of his father and mother.The next day, she got up refreshed and went to work.

When it was almost noon, she received a call from Yu Yiming asking her to have lunch with her.

Song Yan went to the restaurant as promised, and saw Yu Yiming sitting there with frowning.

"What's the matter, is there something urgent?" She asked straight to the point after sitting down.

"It's about Suningyuan." Yu Yiming looked at her.


"I lost contact with her, the phone is not available, and she is not in the company."

"You... President Su didn't call you?" Song Yan tentatively asked, not knowing exactly what Su Xing told him.

"I did, but I don't believe what he said." Yu Yiming said in a deep voice.

"what did he say?"

"He said that Su Ningyuan was ill and went for treatment."

"Didn't he say what the disease was?"

Yu Yiming shook his head: "It's because he didn't make it clear that I feel very confused." He looked at her with inquiring eyes, "Luhan, you have an extraordinary relationship with Mr. Su, you were there that day, you know What happened to Suningyuan?"

Song Yan moved her lips but said nothing. She didn't know whether she should tell Yu Yiming the truth.

"It seems that you know it. Since Mr. Su didn't take any measures, he must have tacitly agreed that you can tell me." Yu Yiming is such a perceptive person, he immediately saw through what she was thinking.

When he said this, Song Yan also felt that it made sense. What kind of person Su Xing was, he would have expected that Yu Yiming would come to him. Measures, then agree with what she said?

Clearing her throat with a sip of water, she looked at Yu Yiming solemnly: "Then I'll tell you, but this is a matter of the Su family, and I don't think you will tell others."

Yu Yiming nodded, and Song Yan told about Suningyuan's split personality.

Yu Yiming was very surprised after hearing this: "I used to get along with her, and I didn't think there was anything wrong with her!"

"I didn't think it before, but since I established a relationship with Su Xing, something is wrong with her. I think she asked this question a long time ago, but it's not easy for me to ask more."

Seeing Yu Yiming's serious face, she looked at him probingly: "You... have you fallen in love with Suningyuan?"

Yu Yiming's face darkened slightly, and he didn't answer.

Song Yan suddenly felt a little heartbroken. Could it be that this man is doomed to be tortured in terms of love?

After a long time, he replied softly: "I haven't fallen in love yet, but I have already thought about trying to love her, but I didn't expect..."

Thinking of his deep affection for him, Song Yan was a little moved, and couldn't help but stroke his hand to comfort him: "Yiming, you are a good man, you will meet the best woman, and you will have a beautiful and happy life!"

He smiled and said, "I would like to borrow your good words."

His helpless smile made Song Yan feel uncomfortable.

In order to ease his mood, Song Yan deliberately brought the topic to interesting aspects, and Yu Yiming seemed to cooperate very well, and this lunch was quite enjoyable.

After dinner, Song Yan and Yu Yiming walked out of the hotel, ready to take his car back to Song Electronics.

Yu Yiming went to the parking lot to drive, while Song Yan was waiting at the entrance of the hotel, his eyes swept around the hotel boredly, and suddenly stopped somewhere.

It was the high-end restaurant opposite. Several young men in their early twenties came out of the restaurant and surrounded a girl.

The girl seemed to be drunk, and her gait was a bit abnormal. She was hugged by a man, but another man held her arm, and a man's hand was on her leg, as if eating tofu.

Seeing this scene, Song Yan couldn't bear it, and was thinking about whether to find a way to help the girl, when he saw a man coming out of the restaurant to catch up with them.

Seeing this man, Song Yan's heart skipped a beat, isn't this Su Xing's younger brother Su Tiancheng?

He walked into the group of people, and the men hugging the girl let go, and pushed the girl into Su Tiancheng's arms.

At this time, the girl turned her face, and Song Yan saw her immature face.

She was startled. This girl looked like she was only in her teens. Although her stature and body were almost adult, her immature face could clearly tell that she was still a girl.

Seeing Su Tiancheng hugging the girl tightly, Song Yan frowned deeply.This Su Tiancheng is really a cancer of the Su family!

She took out her mobile phone and dialed Su Xing to tell him what she saw. Su Xing said: "Don't mess with him, follow him from afar, see where he goes, and keep in touch with me at any time."

Su Tiancheng and his group got into a commercial vehicle and drove away slowly.

Song Yan was thinking about taking a taxi to follow him, when Yu Yiming drove the car over, she immediately got into the car and said to Yiming, "Yiming, sorry for the trouble, follow the commercial car in front."

Without a word, he started the car and followed, Yu Yiming didn't even ask why.

Song Yan stared at the car in front of her, clenched her fist slightly, and waited for the car to drive smoothly in the traffic before she explained the reason to Yu Yiming.

"If girls are under 14, they are committing a crime." Yu Yiming is a lawyer and is very familiar with the law.

Song Yan nodded: "So, if the situation is not good, we still have to stop it."

"I'll call the police." Yu Yiming said as he was about to make a call.

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