Lucky pregnant warm wife sweet and beautiful

Chapter 187 Be Good When You Meet Him

Song Yan turned around, and Haohao in his arms stretched out his arms familiarly, calling, "Uncle!"

Song Yan curled his lips, this Haohao is an absolute little spy, he hasn't done much yet, but he is very familiar with those two.

"Doctor Sun, do you know we've moved here?"

"Of course," Sun Fushang came over and took Hao Hao from Song Yan's hand naturally, and said with a smile, "I came with a mission."

"What task?" Song Yan was curious.

"A certain person can't get away from a meeting, so let me take you to dinner." Sun Fushang said with a smile.

"Oh, Dr. Sun, is this person you are talking about Mr. Su? Mr. Su is so careful, he even helped us think about the meal!" Shao Yujia said happily.

"Besides, he knew that you were very tired and had to pack your things when you arrived at your new home, so he ordered takeaway at our residence, and asked me to take you home to eat, so as to save you from going downstairs and walking around." Sun Fushang Answer with a smile.

Shao Yujia let out a soft "ah" and glanced at Song Yan, his eyes were full of satisfaction and relief.

Song Yan coughed twice, Sun Fushang carried Haohao in his arms and walked first: "Let's go."

The three brought Haohao and Sun Fushang into the house and saw a lot of takeaway boxes on the dining table. Shao Yujia hurriedly called the nanny to help put the food in plates and bowls, and they sat down to eat.

After dinner, Song Yan was about to carry Haohao back, who knew that Haohao ran to the sofa and hugged a sweater and shouted, "Dad's clothes!"

The child's observation skills are really keen, and he even remembered the clothes Su Xing was wearing!
Song Yan couldn't laugh or cry: "Haohao, put down the sweater, mom is going to take Haohao home."

"If you don't go home, Haohao will wait for Dad!" Haohao pursed his mouth and refused.

Song Yan wanted to hug him, but he relied on his body and refused to move, and the mother and son froze in place.

Sun Fushang laughed, came over and hugged Haohao, and said to Song Yan: "Okay, let Haohao stay here, you go up and clean up the house, you take the child upstairs, he will only make trouble."

"Oh, how can I do that? It's not good to throw the child to a big man like you!" Shao Yujia hurried over to hug Haohao.

Sun Fushang stepped aside and said with a smile: "Auntie, it's okay. You know that I am a pediatrician. Aren't I the best at coaxing children?"

When he said that, Shao Yujia laughed: "It's also..."

Thinking that they really need to clean up, Song Yan didn't insist anymore, left Haohao with Sun Fushang, and went upstairs with his mother and nanny to clean up.

After rushing around for a long time, waiting for the house to be tidied up, she only realized that it was almost ten o'clock when she looked at the time.

Let mother take a bath first, and she goes downstairs to pick up Haohao.

It was Sun Fushang who opened the door, and he smiled when he saw her: "Haohao is asleep."

"Huh? I haven't bathed him yet." Song Yan was a little annoyed.


"Huh? Did you wash him?"

Sun Fushang smiled and shook his head, beckoning to her: "Come and see."

He took Song Yan to the door of Su Xing's room, the door was ajar, and he motioned Song Yan to look in through the crack of the door.

Song Yan posted it, and saw Haohao sleeping in a "surrender" position on Su Xing's big bed, and Su Xing was reading a book leaning against him.

The room was quiet, this warm scene made Song Yan's mind jump out a few words: the years are quiet.

She turned her head to look at Sun Fushang, and Sun Fushang walked a little further away before saying to her softly: "Haohao is really clingy to Su Xing, and he won't look for me once he comes back. It was Su Xing who helped him take a bath, Coax him to sleep. It's amazing, as long as Su Xing is around, he will be very obedient, and he will fall asleep very quickly with almost no need to coax him."

Song Yan's heart moved slightly, but he didn't speak.

Sun Fushang chuckled when he thought of something: "If I didn't know that Haohao had done a paternity test, I probably thought that Su Xing was his biological father."

Song Yan suddenly looked up at him.

He waved his hand and smiled and said, "I'm just joking, maybe it's fate, Su Xing felt very little family affection when he was a child, and now suddenly there is such a little Douding pestering him, it may not be a bad thing."

Song Yan lowered his eyes and curled his lips and said, "It's not easy for him to want a child, it's better to have his own."

"It's easy to want a child, but it's not easy to find a mother for the child. Su Xing is a perfectionist. He is not the woman he loves in his heart. It is impossible for someone to give birth to a child for him."

Song Yan didn't answer, thinking to himself, he doesn't know what kind of woman can hold this man.

"You see for yourself, do you want to take Haohao back?" Sun Fushang said, "I still have some information to check, so I won't call you." After finishing speaking, he went into his room.

All of a sudden, Song Yan was left alone. She stood outside Su Xing's room door for a while before she finally mustered up the courage to knock on the door lightly, and a response came from the room soon: "Come in."

Song Yan walked in and looked at Su Xing quietly.

Su Xing probably also took a shower, and his hair was still a little wet and fluffy. He sat on the head of the bed and looked up at Song Yan, without saying a word.

The two stared at each other for a long time before Song Yan said, "You don't have to be like this."

"How?" He tilted his head and looked at her, as if he really didn't understand.

Song Yan sneered: "Su Xing, you are a smart person, so why play dumb. Don't you just want me to continue to perform the contract? I have to admit that you did it."

Moreover, his methods were very clever, neither forcing nor threatening, and using a seemingly gentle and considerate method, she finally found that even if she wanted to terminate the contract, she could not stop the development of the matter.He made every step of the way, making her besieged on all sides, and had to "disarm and surrender".

She walked to the bedside and bent down to hug Haohao into her arms: "Don't worry, I will cooperate with you in acting in the future, but that's all."

"Just this and that's all," he replied.

Song Yan felt a pain in his heart, and laughed at himself: "Yes, that's all you want." He wouldn't want anything more than that.

She turned and walked out, and when she reached the door, she heard Su Xing say, "Your treatment is generous, and I will try not to make you feel regretful."

"Then look forward to what President Su said." She looked back at him, smiled politely, and strode out.

Carrying Haohao home, Shao Yujia was overwhelmed with surprise: "Oh, I didn't expect that Dr. Sun is so powerful that he even put Haohao to sleep!"

Song Yan didn't want to mention Su Xing to her, so he simply didn't answer, and put Haohao on his bed properly: "Mom, you should go to bed too, it's getting late."

She went to take a shower, and after washing, she was about to brush her phone before going to bed. When she picked up her phone, she saw a message, which was sent by Tian Mimi.

"Luhan, you liar, why did you break up with Mr. Su? It's clearly a show of affection!"

Through the screen, Song Yan could feel Tian Mimi's teeth gnashing expression when she said this.

Seeing a link under these words, she opened it casually, and the link jumped to the mobile page of "Entertainment Back Garden".

The headline on the page was a photo, and a few large characters caught Song Yan's eyes: The head of the Su family, the girl of true destiny, appeared.

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