"I don't have any specific ideas yet. I will contact you when I need you. You should be by Su Xing's side and be his girlfriend first." Su Xiaochang laughed twice and hung up the phone.

Song Yan's mood suddenly became heavy, as if a boulder had been pressed on his heart, it was difficult to breathe.

There was no other way to do this deal with Su Xiaochang at the beginning, but now that she thinks that she is going to deceive and betray Su Xing, she feels 1 uncomfortable and unhappy in her heart, and she even dares not face him.

Fortunately, Su Xing didn't come to her for the next few days, she was relieved but also a little hopeful and disappointed.

She was very frustrated with her complicated and strange mood, and she had to admit that her affection for Su Xing had surpassed that of ordinary friends.

She told herself that this extraordinary emotion was probably due to the contract signed between them. After all, if the transaction was successful, she could go abroad to study in her dream university.

A week passed, and there was no news of Su Xing, as if he had disappeared from the earth.

Song Yan almost called him, but he held back after thinking about it. He just regarded him as the object of the transaction, and he once said that he didn't want to disturb her life if he had nothing to do, so why should he rush over? ?

Before getting off work on Friday afternoon, Tian Mimi came over to her and said, "Luhan, shall we go to the movies tonight? The blockbuster movie just came out, I need someone to watch it with me."

"You can find someone else, I want to go home with Haohao." Song Yan replied without interest.

Tian Mimi stared at her for a while, then squeezed her eyes and asked, "Speaking of which, it seems that you haven't had a date this week. Has President Su disappeared?"

Didn't he just disappear, but Song Yan said: "He's very busy, he can't spend time with me, he's on a business trip."

Now that she is pretending to be together in front of her colleagues, she still has to pretend.

Tian Mimi understood and smiled: "No wonder, I don't think you have much energy this week. It turns out that your heart flew away with someone!"

Song Yan's face turned red immediately, and he spat at her: "Why are you so lacking in energy? I don't know how energetic I am!"

"Come on, everyone can see that you look out of your mind!" Tian Mimi said with a smile.

Song Yan's heart skipped a beat, lost his mind?It turns out that the various disappointments in my heart these past few days have manifested as being out of my mind?Why is this so?Could it be—

She shook her head vigorously, no, absolutely not, she would not fall in love with that person!
When he got home from get off work, Song Yan smelled a sweet smell.

She couldn't help being curious, so she went to the kitchen to look, and saw Haohao was tiptoeing on the kitchen table to get food on the plate.

"Haohao, you little greedy cat, what are you eating?" She smiled and hugged Haohao.

"Meat meat, fragrant and delicious!" Hao Hao pointed to the sauce-red meat on the plate with his little finger.

Song Yan took a deep breath, and said "um", probably a little hungry, and felt that the meat tasted really good, without using chopsticks, he directly tore a piece of meat with his hands and put it into Haohao's small mouth, and then followed I ate a piece.

This meat has a strange smell in the mouth, and after eating it is full of fragrance, and I want to eat another piece.

Song Yan ate three yuan in one go, and he didn't feel greasy. Haohao also ate until his mouth was full of oil, and kept shouting: "Eat meat, eat meat!"

Shao Yujia came in and said with a smile: "Look at you mother and son, you look like rats stealing oil!"

Song Yan giggled, "Who made mom's stewed meat so delicious?"

Speaking of this, Shao Yujia showed a proud expression: "I recently got an exclusive recipe for stewed meat. The stewed meat is fragrant but not greasy. After eating, the aftertaste can linger for three days. Do you think this meat is delicious?"

Song Yan nodded seriously: "It's really delicious, fragrant but not greasy."

"Yeah, huh? So—"

Shao Yujia said as he opened the lid of a large pot next to him: "Dangdangdang, look, I have marinated such a big pot!"

Song Yan's eyes widened: "Although the meat is delicious, none of us can eat it!"

"It's not for you!" Shao Yujia rolled his eyes, "I made some for your friends, I'll cut them up later, pack them separately, and send them to your friends."

"my friend……"

"Yeah, send it to Lawyer Qin first, he is close, and then you make another trip and send it to Dr. Sun, he helped you a lot when we lived in Taoyuan Meishu, and He seems to like the food I cook, so you can send him some." Shao Yujia said and began to cut meat and pack it.

Go find Sun Fushang... Su Xing lives with him...

Thinking of this, her heart thumped wildly, if she went to deliver the meat, wouldn't she be able to see him!
After dinner, she went into the house to change clothes.

After changing into brightly colored clothes and putting on light makeup, she suddenly woke up. What's the matter, because she was going to see him, so she dressed up specially?

No, no, no, she didn't dress up to meet him, absolutely not, it's a courtesy to go out and put on makeup!She said to herself in her heart.

Shao Yujia had already packed the meat in a crisper for her. Before leaving, Song Yan called Sun Fushang and learned that he was off work, so he set off with the crisper.

Four or ten minutes later, she stood at the door of the apartment building where Sun Fushang and the others lived. For some reason, she suddenly became nervous, took a deep breath to calm her heartbeat, and then rang the doorbell.

After going upstairs, Sun Fushang stood at the door waiting for him, and said with a smile: "I have to trouble you to send it, I am too embarrassed."

Song Yan smiled: "What's the trouble, I haven't seen you for a long time, I just came to see you for a while."

"Welcome, welcome." Sun Fushang welcomed her into the room.

Song Yan stretched out his head and glanced.

Sun Fushang smiled: "Why, who are you looking at?"

Song Yan blushed slightly and didn't answer.

"He's not in Haicheng. He's on a business trip. He's been away for almost a week. He'll be back tomorrow." Sun Fushang said with a half-smile.

It was really a business trip, and Song Yan suddenly felt better. He must be very busy and have no time to contact her.

"Oh, President Su is on a business trip, where did he go?" She pretended not to care about it and asked casually.

"Beicheng, it seems to be because of what his grandfather said this time." Sun Fushang replied, but he didn't hide it.

Song Yan said "Oh", his heart skipped a beat. Sun Fushang even knew that Su Xing was going to fight for the project, so...

She looked at him with a guilty conscience, and met his smiling eyes, "I heard that Su Xing's grandfather has a good impression of you? Then congratulations."

Song Yan coughed twice, not knowing what to say, but he really did.

He smiled: "Who is Su Xing? Everyone knows that he has trouble. Now he has a girlfriend who is approved by Mr. Su. This matter has been spread in the circle for a long time."

Song Yan thought to himself, it seems that she really wasn't in that circle, and she didn't hear any rumors.

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