At this time, she already had an idea in her heart, since she couldn't take Haohao away in a short time, she should find a way to protect Haohao, and if she wanted to protect Haohao, she had to make friends with Chen Jingbo first.

She still knows Chen Jingbo's character, he likes to be "big and tall" in front of women, and he likes women who show weakness to him, so she simply magnifies Qin Luhan's misfortune in front of him.

Chen Jingbo showed sympathy: "Then you have to work hard."

"I'm used to it." Song Yan smiled wryly, lowering his eyelids.

She felt that Chen Jingbo turned his head to look at herself, deliberately lifted the hair on his cheeks, and turned to look at him: "Mr. Chen, I hit your assistant before, I hope you don't blame me, there is nothing you can do. If people bully you, if you don't know how to resist, you won't be able to survive..."

Chen Jingbo looked at her again in surprise, she looked at him deliberately, her eyes were full of grievances and hope.

Song Yan knew that she must be very good-looking at this time, God treated her kindly, allowing her to have such a good face after rebirth, it can be regarded as making up for the shortcomings of her previous life.

In her previous life, she had a good family and grew up in a honeypot. The love of her parents created her cheerful and positive personality, but the only thing that made her regret was that she was not beautiful enough.

She always thinks that her eyes are not big enough, her nose is not high enough, although her figure is thin and tall, she is still a bit "airport". He developed a good impression of her, and later treated her like a close friend, but he didn't want to be hurt so badly by this woman in the end!

Thinking of Hao Zifei, Song Yan gritted his teeth secretly, the feeling of revenge in his heart was unprecedentedly inflated. Didn't she partner with a scumbag to harm her? The feeling of being abandoned by a scumbag!

Sure enough, Chen Jingbo looked away as if electrocuted, and said in an unnatural tone: "Oh, I understand, that matter was originally done by my assistant wrongly, and you are right to resist based on reason."

Song Yan lowered his eyelids and said quietly: "I was not like this before..."

Chen Jingbo glanced at her secretly, saw that she was about to raise her eyes, and hurriedly pretended to be serious and looked at the road ahead while driving.

Song Yan had a panoramic view of his subtle movements, and smiled coldly in his heart.Sure enough, a scumbag is a scumbag, so how can there be any smells?

The car was driving on the street at night, and after a brief silence in the car, it arrived at Shu Xin Mental Hospital.

Chen Jingbo parked the car on the side of the road, Song Yan thanked him and went to open the door, before walking away, she suddenly turned to look at him: "Mr. Chen..." He hesitated to speak.

"Tell me." Chen Jingbo smiled at her gently, "Is there anything I can do to help, just ask."

"Can you... can you go in with me? I... I'm a little scared... I'm afraid that the doctor will tell me bad news..." Song Yan looked down at his toes, with his arms wrapped around his chest, it seemed a little cold .

Chen Jingbo replied with a smile: "Okay, wait for me to get off, and I will park the car."

He parked the car in the parking space on the side of the road, then got down and walked into the gate of Shuxin Psychiatric Hospital side by side with Song Yan.

This hospital specializes in treating mental patients, and it is also a private hospital. However, compared with Sacred Heart Hospital, it is not one or two grades worse in terms of scale and equipment. The wards here are very old, and the services here are just average. Fortunately, the doctor's technical level is not bad.

Song Yan took Chen Jingbo to the first aid room of the emergency department familiarly. When she saw the nurse outside the first aid room, her heart suddenly beat violently.

This feeling is really bad, it reminds her of the feeling when she went to the hospital to collect her parents' body a year ago.There was an inexplicable chill in her body, and she hugged her arms tightly.

Her shoulders sank, and the warmth of her palms came through her clothes. Her body froze for a moment, then softened again, and she turned her head to look at Chen Jingbo.

Chen Jingbo smiled very warmly, and comforted her softly: "Don't worry, your mother will be fine."

Song Yan lowered his eyes to hide the disgust in his eyes, and replied in a muffled voice, "Thank you."

Chen Jingbo is the best at pretending to be gentle. If she hadn't suffered enough from him, she would really think that he is a considerate man!

He didn't let go of his hand, so Song Yan had no choice but to pretend to ask the nurse and took two steps to get rid of his hand: "How is my mother, Shao Yujia?"

"It's out of danger, and it hasn't come out yet, just wait a moment." The nurse replied.

Song Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and said inwardly, "Qin Luhan, don't worry, your mother is fine, and I will take good care of her in the future."

A nurse came over, and Song Yan's name immediately popped up in his mind, and he went up to him and asked, "Nurse Chen, what's the matter with my mother? Why did she cut her wrists and commit suicide? Isn't there no such thing in the ward?" Something dangerous?"

Nurse Chen was Shao Yujia's bed nurse, and because Qin Luhan often went to see her mother, she became acquainted with Nurse Chen.

Nurse Chen looked a little complicated, probably because she was afraid that she would be held responsible for her poor nursing care, and she frowned and replied, "Yes, there have never been such things in the ward, but this time, I don't know where your mother got the eyebrow trimmer from." Yes, while we were not paying attention, she actually committed suicide by cutting her wrist with an eyebrow trimmer!"

After she finished speaking, she added: "The head nurse has already checked it. The eyebrow trimming knife does not belong to the nurse in our ward. It seems that your mother got it somewhere."

"If she doesn't go out, where will she get it?" Song Yan was surprised.

In her memory, Qin Luhan's mother, Shao Yujia, stayed in her room all day and rarely went out. If she didn't go out, how could she get the eyebrow trimmer?

"We're also surprised." Nurse Chen relaxed a little, seeing that Song Yan didn't seem to be asking for guilt.

Song Yan asked again: "How is my mother's health recently?"

She remembered that Qin Luhan went to see Shao Yujia before committing suicide. At that time, Shao Yujia looked normal, and she couldn't tell that she was a bipolar disorder patient at all.

"For more than a month, your mother's condition has been quite stable, and she has never had an illness. We are still thinking, if it can continue, can she be discharged from the hospital and live with her relatives? Who would have thought that this would happen suddenly?" Nurse Chen frowned, obviously puzzled.

Song Yan thought for a while and asked her, "Nurse Chen, did anyone visit my mother before she committed suicide today?"

Nurse Chen tilted her head and recalled, "Yes, it's your aunt."

"My aunt?" Song Yan was surprised, Shao Yujia has no sisters, where did she get her aunt?
Suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she gestured: "Is it a woman in her 40s, with heavy makeup and fashionable clothes?"

Nurse Chen nodded: "Yes, yes."

Song Yan immediately took out his mobile phone and searched in Moments for a long time before finding a photo and pointing to one of them to Nurse Chen: "Is it her?"

"Yes, that's her." Nurse Chen nodded.

Song Yan's face darkened slightly, and the fingertips holding the phone turned white.It really was her, that damned woman!

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