Song Yan immediately rolled his eyes at him, you are the idiot, you are the idiot!
"I, Su Xing, never explain what I do, and I don't need others to know." I was secretly slandering, so I heard Su Xing add another sentence.

She raised her eyes to look at him in surprise, and saw that his face was full of aloofness, her heart throbbed for no reason.Obviously his behavior is called arbitrary, why does she think he is so domineering?
There was a few minutes of silence between the two, and then Song Yan got up and put the empty water glass in the kitchen.

After she came out, she said to Su Xing: "Boss Su, it's getting late, you should sleep for a while. I'll be on the sofa, just call me if you have anything to do."

Su Xing nodded, and she helped him to lie down. In order not to press the wound, he took the left side lying position. After lying down, his face was facing the sofa.

Song Yan sat down on the sofa, looked down at the phone, looked at it for a while, then quietly raised his eyelids to look at him, and saw that his eyes were closed, but his brows were frowning, as if he was not asleep.

She pretended not to see and continued to look at her phone. After a while, he suddenly turned over and lay flat on the bed.

Song Yan immediately whispered: "Boss Su, the doctor told you to sleep on your side."

"Can't sleep," he replied.

After thinking about it, Song Yan said, "Why don't I turn off the light?" After he finished speaking, he felt that he had made a mistake. He seemed to be afraid of the dark, so he hurriedly said, "I'll turn off the light."

"Closed." He replied.

Song Yan was startled, but got up and turned off the light in the room.After walking to the sofa in the dark and sitting down, she finally couldn't help but ask: "I remember you are afraid of the dark—"

"I'm not afraid of the dark." He interrupted her in a deep voice.

Song Yan stopped talking, thinking about it, even though he showed signs of being afraid of the dark in the elevator that time, when Su Xiaochang locked him in the room with him later, he really didn't look like he was afraid of the dark, maybe before Was it a coincidence that he was in the elevator because he just wasn't feeling well?

In order not to affect his sleep, Song Yan didn't dare to look at his phone, sat on the sofa for a while, felt sleepy, and simply curled up on the sofa and lay down.

Just when she was about to fall asleep in a daze, she suddenly heard Su Xing's voice: "Still can't sleep."

"Ah...then what should I do?" Song Yan was a little at a loss.

You still have to sleep by yourself, and no one else can replace you.

"Can you get a massage?" he asked.

"I... haven't massaged before, but you tell me how to do it, and I'll do it." Song Yan got off the sofa and walked to the bed.

"Rub your temples with both hands and gently massage your scalp," he says.

Song Yan started doing it clumsily, and was interrupted by a smack of his lips after a few clicks: "No, forget it."

Like a primary school student who failed in composition, Song Yan pouted in the dark: "I have never learned massage..."

"Can you sing?" he asked again.

"Yes, yes, but the singing is not very good—"

"Pull the radish and sing." Su Xing gave the order directly.

Song Yan was startled, and looked down at his face. In the darkness, the lines of his face were not clear, but his eyes seemed to be shining brightly.

"Don't you know how to sing?" Seeing that Song Yan didn't respond, his tone became a little impatient.

"Oh, I will." Song Yan finally came to his senses, humming the nursery rhyme "Pull the Radish" softly.

"Hmm..." He seemed to adjust his sleeping position very satisfied, "It's just a single song cycle."

Song Yan rolled his eyes in the dark, but he had to continue singing nursery rhymes, who made her owe him, he blocked the shot for her, and she felt like she owed him her life all at once.

After singing five or six times, his breathing gradually became long and steady. Song Yan stopped and listened quietly for a while, making sure that he had fallen asleep, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Gently walked back to the sofa and curled up to lie down, she also fell asleep in a daze, probably because she sang too much, after she fell asleep, she had a dream, dreaming that she was locked in the elevator with a boy In the house, it was pitch black, she was singing the nursery rhyme "Pull the Carrot", and as she sang, the elevator door opened.

The moment the elevator door opened, strong light came in. She squinted to look at the boy in front of her, and saw his sharp side face. Isn't this Su Xing?

She was shocked, and suddenly woke up from her sleep. She felt a light stabbing her face, and quickly covered it with her hands. After getting used to it, she realized that it was a nurse who came in to check on the patient's condition. shot through the door.

She sat up and went to look at Su Xing, and saw a ray of light hitting his side face, the sharp lines——

Suddenly a light flashed in my mind, and the two blurred images suddenly overlapped and became extraordinarily clear.

She stood up all of a sudden, Su Xing is...Su Xing is...he is the boy from back then!
She walked quickly to Su Xing's bed and looked down at his side face quietly. When the nurse left, she didn't close the door tightly, and a ray of light came out from the crack of the door, shining vaguely on his face.

That's right, it's him!

She always felt that she had seen Su Xing somewhere before, and she always had a familiar feeling in her heart, but she couldn't remember it, but now she remembered it, it was in the elevator a few years ago.

At that time, Su Xing was still a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old. Although his appearance was not much different from what he is now, there was a big difference in hairstyle and temperament.

Moreover, he was in the elevator first, and after she entered, she stood with her back to him, without carefully looking at his appearance.Later, there was a problem with the elevator and it was pitch black inside. She could only vaguely see the arc of his face. Only when they were rescued, when the elevator door opened, a light shone on his side face, did she take a closer look. .

It was probably that glance that left the deepest impression on her.But after all, it was just that one glance, so after such a long time, when she saw Su Xing, she always felt that he was a little familiar, but she couldn't remember it.

It was him, yes, it was him.The way the light shines on his side face now is exactly the same as it was back then, she can't make a mistake.Moreover, the last time he was in the elevator with a black light, he also seemed very uncomfortable, almost the same as he was a few years ago.

There is also the nursery rhyme "Pull the Carrot", they were rescued when she sang this nursery rhyme, so he was particularly impressed by this nursery rhyme, and he asked her to sing it when she couldn't sleep let's sing.

Song Yan was a little excited, she never expected that she and Su Xing had such an intersection.It turned out that even if I knew him a few years ago, I still share the same troubles and sorrows!

Thinking of this, she became a little closer to Su Xing in her heart.

As if she had gotten some kind of baby, she walked back to the sofa and curled up to sleep with joy in her arms.

The next day she got up early and saw Su Xing was still sleeping quietly, so she quietly went out to buy breakfast.

While waiting for takeaway millet porridge, she received a call from Su Xing: "Why, you slipped away while I was asleep?"

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