Lucky pregnant warm wife sweet and beautiful

Chapter 138 Sudden Transformation

"One or two of you just want to use me, so you should give up on that, I won't do what you want!" Hao Zifei said as she stood up and was about to go out.

"What's the difference between you now and Song Yan back then!" Song Yan shouted behind her.

Hao Zifei paused and turned back to look at her with a ferocious expression: "What did you say?"

"You and Chen Jingbo forced Song Yan to death. Now it's your turn. Now Chen Jingbo and other women will also force you to death! This is retribution, and this is your retribution!" Song Yan said coldly.

Hao Zifei's body trembled: "What's your relationship with Song Yan? Do you know her?"

"That's right, I just know her, and I want to avenge her!" Song Yan walked over in two steps and grabbed Hao Zifei's arm, staring at her with wide eyes, "I want everyone who harmed her to get the punishment they deserved!" Punishment, including you!"

She looked straight into Hao Zifei's eyes, and saw her showing obvious fear.

"If you still want to live a stable life in the future, I advise you to tell everything you know!" Song Yan said slowly, with a certain deterrent force in his voice.

Hao Zifei didn't speak, just looked at her blankly.

She thought she would agree in the end, but who knew, she suddenly pushed her, trotted open the door of the guard room and ran out.

Song Yan almost fell down, and after she stabilized her center of gravity, she hurriedly chased after her, but she ran very fast. Just at this moment, a taxi came, and she waved to stop the taxi, got into the car, and left in a hurry.

Song Yan followed and ran two steps, seeing the taxi quickly disappearing from his sight, he was filled with unwillingness.She took such a big risk to help her tonight, thinking that she would wake up, but who knew she was still so stubborn.Let her run away now, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find her again.

She went back to the guard room, called an online taxi with her mobile phone, and waited for the online taxi to arrive.

The guard looked at her curiously: "What's the matter, you didn't call the police?" He said and moved closer to her, "Has something like that happened to you two women?"

Song Yan smiled and didn't answer.

The online car-hailing car arrived soon, and Song Yan sat in the back this time to prevent the driver from eating tofu like last time.

The car was walking along the road, but Song Yan suddenly saw a person walking slowly on the road outside the car.

She sat up straight and stared at the person outside. That person was Chen Jingbo. He was walking with a limp, as if he had been beaten.

The car passed by Chen Jingbo, Song Yan turned his head to stare at Chen Jingbo's figure that was getting further and further away, what's going on, and who hit him?Is it the guy who came here just now?
Who the hell would appear at a critical moment to lure Chen Jingbo away and even beat him up?Is it from Hao Zifei?Song Yan thought about Hao Zifei's performance before, and shook his head vigorously, it couldn't be her.

Who is that?
There were few cars on the road at night, and the doubts in Song Yan's heart hadn't dissipated before the car arrived at Shuxiang Garden Community.

Back home, she lied that she was working overtime, Shao Yujia had no doubts about it.Song Yan took a bath, lay down with his arms around Hao Hao who was already sound asleep, thought for a long time, and couldn't figure out what happened tonight, and finally fell asleep in a daze.

Going to work the next day, when it was almost noon, the phone rang suddenly. She glanced at the number, her expression was slightly different, and she connected immediately: "Hao Zifei, what can you do with me?"

"If you are free at noon, I want to meet you. Let's make an appointment." Hao Zifei's voice was a little low on the phone.

Song Yan immediately made an appointment with her, and hurried away with his bag after work.

They met in a coffee shop not too far from Song Yan's company. Hao Zifei's complexion looked much better than last night, but her cheeks were still a little swollen. These injuries would not disappear overnight.

"Why did you come to me all of a sudden?" Song Yan looked at her and asked.

Taking off the sunglasses, Hao Zifei sighed: "Because I still want to live a stable life in the future."

"Didn't you say you don't want to be used by me?"

According to what she knew about Hao Zifei, she ran away last night, so it is unlikely that she would change her mind and come to her today.

As Qin Luhan, she and Hao Zifei had a deep conflict before, and what Hao Zifei did to Song Yan before was too much, she is unlikely to repent.

Hao Zifei didn't answer, took out a mobile phone from her bag, and put it in front of Song Yan.

Song Yan sat up straight all of a sudden: "This is?"

"This is your mobile phone, the one that was trampled by Chen Jingbo."

Song Yan looked at her without speaking.

"Chen Jingbo thought I was lying to him, but in fact I found your phone that night, but I didn't give it to him. After all, this thing is now my last evidence. I must use this thing to fight for the best. in return." Hao Zifei said slowly.

"So, you've already got the best reward?" Song Yan stared at her sharply.

She pursed her lips: "Now I will return this phone to you, if you don't want it, I will take it back—"

Before she finished speaking, Song Yan immediately reached out to take the phone and put it in the bag.

"Since it is helping people, then I will help them to the end. I can go to the police station with you and explain the past clearly, including the death of Song Dingwen and his wife in a car accident."

Song Yan looked at her in surprise.

She laughed: "Why, you don't need my help?"

"Of course, if it's convenient, I hope we can go to the police station in the afternoon, what do you think?" Song Yan said while the iron was hot.


Song Yan stopped talking, and after a while, asked her: "I want to ask you, what made your attitude change so much?"

"This is not something you need to deal with. You just need to think about what we will do when you go to the police station."

Song Yan knew that it would be impossible to ask her any more questions, but she didn't care, anyway, as long as that scumbag Chen Jingbo could be brought to justice.

She called the waiter to order lunch, and treated Hao Zifei to lunch. During the period, the two of them had very little conversation, and sat down for a meeting after lunch. When it was time for work in the afternoon, Song Yan took Hao Zifei to the police station.

Hao Zifei was very cooperative and explained everything clearly, and even accepted the things that she might be accused of perjury.

This made Song Yan very puzzled. She didn't understand why Hao Zifei's attitude had changed so much after only one night.

Hao Zifei is very selfish, and she also said before that the evidence she possessed was used to obtain the greatest return. Now that she has pleaded guilty to perjury, it can be seen that she must have obtained the return, but she is How did you get it?

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