Lucky pregnant warm wife sweet and beautiful

Chapter 110 Dance Together 1 Song

Why are you sorry?She was a little surprised by her own idea, but then explained to herself that it was for Tian Mimi, if Su Xing could not come, Tian Mimi would be disappointed.

Tian Mimi was really disappointed, and said softly, "Boss Su didn't come."

"Maybe come later?" Song Yan comforted her.

As soon as the words fell, she felt that everyone's eyes were turned in one direction, and she turned her head to look, and saw Su Xing walking in slowly.

"Boss Su is here!" Tian Mimi's excited voice sounded low.

She also seemed a little excited.

Immediately, a few senior executives walked over to greet Su Xing, and a circle of people quickly surrounded him. Tian Mimi stared at the figure not far away, and said in a low voice: "Look at him from a distance like this, I also feel very satisfied.”

Song Yan laughed and pulled her arm: "Okay, don't be a nympho, let's eat and help ourselves!"

The two went to various meals, and after a meeting, a few young men came over and said, "Hello, I heard that you are beauties from the design department, let's get to know each other. Even though we are in the same company, we don't even know each other yet." .”

Introducing themselves to each other, Song Yan learned that these men were indeed the management of the factory, most of them graduated from well-known universities, young, promising and full of vigor.

One of them is Jian Feiyang, who is extremely humorous and the most eye-catching among those few people.

After talking for a while, music suddenly sounded, and the lights on the stage in front of the cafeteria flickered.

Everyone was surprised. Chen Qiao clapped her hands and walked onto the stage and said, "Besides eating, you can also dance. Let's all dance!"

After the words fell, a hand suddenly stretched out in front of Song Yan. Song Yan looked up in surprise and saw Jian Feiyang's gentle smile: "Beauty, can you dance with me?"

Song Yan smiled and waved his hands: "I'm sorry, I'm not good at dancing tango."

In fact, she dances tango very well. When she was in high school, she had a tango song that made her famous in school for a while.But under the current circumstances, she didn't want to tease any man.She just wants to work hard so that she can lead a good life with her son in the future.

"It's good to dance tango as soon as you can hear this song. It shows that you know how to do it. Besides, it doesn't matter if you don't know how to do it. Dancing needs a man's leadership. You just need to follow my steps. Just fine." Jian Feiyang persevered.

Song Yan was about to refuse again, but was betrayed by Tian Mimi: "Go, go, don't be modest, I know you can dance."

When chatting normally, Song Yan accidentally said that he could dance tango.

The men next to him started booing, and if they refused again, it would be disrespectful to Jian Feiyang. Song Yan had no choice but to put his hand in Jian Feiyang's palm and went to the stage.

The lights on the stage were very bright, and she was so dazzled that she could see her surroundings clearly.

She saw many pairs of eyes looking at her off the stage, and one pair of eyes had a particularly sharp line of sight.Her heart jumped for no reason, as if she was angry, she raised her chin slightly, and put her hand on Jian Feiyang's.

She danced with Jian Feiyang. Jian Feiyang probably learned it before, and the movements were quite standard. In order to cooperate well with him, Song Yan had to concentrate all his attention.

I haven't danced for many years. Although it was a little rusty at the beginning, she felt her blood boil and put her whole heart into it.

At the end of the song, there was thunderous applause from below, Song Yan gasped and let Jian Feiyang take his hand off the stage.

Tian Mimi immediately brought the juice, clapped her hands and said, "Luhan, you are so versatile, you can dance such a difficult tango so well!"

Song Yan smiled, his eyes inadvertently crossed the crowd, and suddenly met someone's eyes.His eyes were very deep, and there seemed to be many things flowing in them.

Unconsciously, Song Yan wanted to explore the man's gaze, staring at him blankly.

It would feel wrong to look at it, and I looked away abruptly, my heart was beating wildly.Holding her chest, she said to herself: "What's wrong with me, I keep watching what he does?"

She hurriedly took a sip of fruit juice to calm herself down, and turned her back to the man's gaze.

Dance music was played one after another, people went up to dance one after another, and several men came to invite Song Yan, but Song Yan politely declined.

Then, a tango dance music was played, and Jian Feiyang came over and smiled slightly: "How about another song?"

Song Yan was about to refuse, when suddenly a tall figure came and stood between Jian Feiyang and Song Yan.

"I'm sorry, she agreed to dance this song with me before." The soft voice rang in his ears, making Song Yan's eyes widen in surprise.

She looked up at Su Xing and saw his pale face and deep eyes, and she didn't know what his purpose was for a moment.

Facing the fight for the big boss, what else could Jian Feiyang say, and replied with a smile: "That's it, let's have fun." Then he moved aside.

Su Xing held Song Yan's wrist and led her onto the stage.

Those who were eating and dancing all looked at the two of them together, just because Su Xing was so dazzling, everyone wanted to see what it would be like for the big boss to dance with this girl.

Song Yan was also a little dazed, Su Xing had always disliked her, how could he dance with her today, and his eyes felt a little unusual, as if... a little hot inside?

Tightening her hands, she saw the man's deep voice blowing in her ears: "Concentrate."

She came back to her senses suddenly, only then did she realize that the dance song being played now was exactly the song that she was famous for when she was in high school!How could it be such a coincidence?

Surprised, the man had already moved, and she had to cooperate immediately.

The footsteps and movements are almost subconscious, Song Yan dances, but his memory seems to return to the stage many years ago.In a trance, a piece of music was played, and there was another roaring applause from below.

Song Yan was taken off the stage by Su Xing in a daze, and he couldn't recover for a moment.

Tian Mimi stuffed a piece of watermelon into her mouth, and said in an excited voice: "Luhan, you are my idol! The dance between you and Mr. Su was perfect! Mr. Su's dance is so handsome, even better than Jian Feiyang!" How many times more handsome!"

As she spoke, she released the video of them dancing that she had taken, and Song Yan stared at it blankly, and then slowly came back to her senses.

She fixed her eyes on the slender figure in the video, and secretly smacked her lips. She had to say that he danced really well, and his movements were as standard as if he had competed in a competition.I didn't expect this man to do this...

"Luhan, can you teach me to dance tango?" Tian Mimi leaned over and said to her secretly.

She laughed and replied, "Okay."

Probably because she danced too hard, she sweated a little and felt a little stuffy in the room, so she went out of the restaurant and stood on the viewing platform outside the restaurant to watch the night view of Haicheng under the night.

The cool wind made her hair brush against her face, making it itchy. She stretched out her hand to brush her hair back, raised her head and took a deep breath.

Looking back on the past, she felt that everything was like a dream. Back then, Song Yan was considered a famous figure in the school. Although she was not particularly beautiful, she had a good personality and many talents. At that time, there were quite a few boys who pursued her.

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