Song Yan frowned slightly and looked at her: "You are?"

The woman brushed the long hair of the shawl and replied: "Miss Qin, you seem to have forgotten something, right? Let our fifth master wait, your face is not small!"

After she said this, Song Yan patted his forehead: "I'm sorry, I worked overtime and forgot about this matter. I'm really sorry."

"It's useless to explain it to me, you'd better talk to our fifth master." The woman moved away, and a luxurious top-end Mercedes appeared in Song Yan's sight.

Turning to look at Tian Mimi who was stunned, she said, "You go first, I have something to do."

Although Tian Mimi didn't ask any further questions, she stared at the big Ben several times before turning and leaving.

Waiting for Tian Mimi to walk towards the subway, Song Yan quickly walked to the side of the car, the woman opened the door of the rear seat, Song Yan saw Su Xiaochang sitting on the back seat of the car, holding a tall red wine glass in his hand , was leisurely shaking the red wine inside.

"I'm sorry, Fifth Master, I was busy working overtime and forgot to make an appointment with you." She said and went to pick up the bag.

"Come in and talk about it." Su Xiaochang called out in a deep voice, and pulled her into the car, "How can such an important thing be taken out on the street?"

After he finished speaking, he asked the driver to drive and waited for the car to start before he reached out to her: "Give it to me."

Song Yan thought it was funny. Is there a big difference between driving a car and parked on the side of the road?He was also a little too careful.

Opening the bag, she handed the thing wrapped in the striped blue handkerchief to his hand. She felt a little reluctant for a moment, and didn't take her hand back.

Su Xiaochang laughed and held her hand: "Sister, if you really don't want to part with it, you can stay with brother, so you can see the stack of food stamps anytime, right?"

Song Yan's face darkened, and he immediately pulled his hand out.

He opened the handkerchief, stared at the food stamp carefully, and said with a smile: "Well, yes, yes, you are a woman who keeps promises, I like it."

"Since this is the case, our transaction is considered complete, please stop the fifth master and let me go." Song Yan said seriously.

As soon as the words were finished, the phone rang suddenly. She connected and heard Lin Xuehui's voice: "Miss Su came to get something for Lawyer Yu. I asked around and said she was transferred to Sacred Heart Hospital."

Song Yan put away his mobile phone and said to Su Xiaochang, "Fifth Master, stop the car, I'm going somewhere."

"Where is it, brother, I'll take you there." Su Xiaochang was in a great mood.

Song Yan simply stopped being polite to him and asked the driver to go to Sacred Heart Hospital.

The car drove for about 10 minutes and arrived at the Sacred Heart Hospital. When Song Yan got out of the car, Su Xiaochang said to her: "Sister, although our deal is over, if you have any difficulties in the future, you can still come to my brother! As long as Do what you can, brother will help you!"

Hearing his greasy voice made Song Yan feel sick for a while, and immediately got out of the car after a few perfunctory words.

She went straight to the brain surgery ward of Sacred Heart Hospital and asked the nurse, "Hello, which bed is the patient Yu Yiming in?"

The nurse looked at her vigilantly: "You belong to the patient..."

"I am his friend."

"Then don't you know how many beds he lives in?"

"I only found out from other friends that he was hospitalized. I came to see him in a hurry, and I didn't bother to ask about the beds. Nurse, can you tell me please? I'm usually too busy at work, so I'm free now Come to see a friend, I don’t want to disturb him, I just take one look at him and leave.”

The nurse hesitated and said nothing, Song Yan said again: "Well, I am a good friend with Dr. Sun Fushang from your pediatric department, and our character is definitely guaranteed. Please be accommodating, please?" He put his hands together to express his request .

Hearing Sun Fushang's name, the young nurse's eyes flickered, and she said, "Oh, well, you can go in and have a look before you come out. You must not disturb the patient's rest. I did it for Dr. Sun's sake." I let you in!" The last sentence was slightly accentuated.

Why didn't Song Yan understand, so he smiled and said, "Yeah, I'll tell Sun Fushang that the lady in the brain surgery department is very gentle and kind, and she's a very nice person."

Hearing this, the nurse showed a shy expression, waved her hand and said, "Oh, there's no need to let him know about this little thing..."

Song Yan was amused, it wasn't Sun Fushang, she probably wouldn't give her this convenience, why didn't she want Sun Fushang to know?I thought so, but there was a serious look on my face, "Yeah, I just mentioned it casually, I won't say much."

"Okay, go quickly, bed 78." The nurse said to her with a satisfied expression.

Song Yan immediately turned around and walked quickly to the room with the 78th bed.

This is the innermost room in the ward, a deluxe room for one person.

Song Yan pushed the door lightly and went in. He saw the nurse sleeping on the accompanying bed next to the hospital bed, and an ECG monitor was placed on the table between the hospital bed and the accompanying bed, with stable patterns beating on it.

Putting his eyes on those patterns for a while, he found that the data seemed to be relatively stable. Song Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned his eyes to Yiming's face.

Several tubes were inserted into Yu Yiming's body, and his head was wrapped with a gauze net, and he was sleeping quietly with his eyes closed.

Looking at his pale face, Song Yan's nose turned sour, and his eyes turned red. Is this Yu Yiming the same person as the high-spirited Yu Yiming before?It's her fault, he shouldn't be put in danger for his own affairs.

Seeing Yu Yiming's hands protruding from the quilt, she walked gently to the bed and covered his hands with the quilt.

At this moment, the ECG monitor suddenly beeped, and Song Yan saw that the number on it indicating the heartbeat had been soaring. Then, Yu Yiming's body suddenly straightened up and twitched!
"Ah! Yiming, what are you doing Yiming!" Song Yan exclaimed in shock, at a loss for what to do.

The twitching Yu Yiming closed his eyes tightly, unconscious.

The nurse next to him woke up, ignoring the strange woman in front of him, and rang the bedside bell. After a while, the nurse came. Seeing Yu Yiming's situation, he immediately called the doctor on duty.

After the doctor came, Song Yan and other "idlers" like the nurse had to wait outside the ward.

The nurse looked at her vigilantly and asked, "Who are you? Why did you come to our ward in the middle of the night! What did you do to my patient?"

"I didn't do anything. I was a friend of Lawyer Yu who came to see him. I didn't expect that something would happen to him suddenly. I really didn't do anything!" Song Yan quickly explained.

The nurse looked at her suspiciously: "Will you see the patient at night?"

"I'm too busy with work, so I came here after work."

"I want to tell the patient's family." The nurse took out the phone and dialed, "Miss Su, there is something wrong with Mr. Yu, please come to the hospital quickly..."

The two waited outside the ward for about ten minutes. When the doctor came out, Song Yan immediately went up to him and asked, "Doctor, how is the patient?"

"The patient is suffering from epilepsy." The doctor said, rubbing his temples, "but it has stabilized now, so there shouldn't be any major problems."

"Didn't you say the operation was a success? How could epilepsy occur?" Song Yan asked anxiously.

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