Just as Song Yan dragged his weak body back to the ward from the treatment room, Chen Jingbo and Hao Zifei came.

Seeing these two people, Song Yan suddenly felt nauseous, covered his mouth and retched, which was caused by the effect of chemotherapy drugs and the disgust in his heart.

Seeing Song Yan retching, Chen Jingbo raised his eyebrows, and deliberately moved Hao Zifei's hand around her waist to become more obvious.

Hao Zifei snorted coquettishly, and showed a provocative expression towards Song Yan: "Tsk tsk tsk, Song Yan, look at your face, why do you look like a ghost?"

Song Yan secretly gritted his teeth, ignored Hao Zifei's usual provocations, and only looked at Chen Jingbo with cold eyes: "You came to me, did you decide to sign the divorce agreement?"

Chen Jingbo grinned: "Sorry my wife, my attitude remains the same, I will not divorce you, no matter what, you are my wife!"

He called Song Yan "wife", but his hands went down from Hao Zifei's waist.

Hao Zifei blushed, pushed him lightly, and said coquettishly, "You bastard, this is a hospital, if you want to do that, we'll talk about it when we go back tonight."

Song Yan clenched his fist tightly and dug his nails into his palm.It wasn't the first time these two disgusting people performed in front of her, and she was used to it.

There was a mocking smile on her pale face, and she said lightly, "It's okay, I have a ready-made bed here, you can use it. If you don't like it, I can also make a video for you, and post it wherever you want!"

Hearing what she said, Hao Zifei broke free from Chen Jingbo suddenly, and rushed up to pull her hair, who knew that she would pull it off.

She threw away the hair in her hand, grabbed her collar again, and said viciously: "Song Yan, what are you pretending to be so lofty now! You are obviously my defeated opponent, and you still have to take out a pair of clothes!" Come here with an air of aloofness, who are you showing to!"

She came so fiercely that Song Yan felt that his neck was being strangled, and in a blink of an eye she was pulled in front of the mirror in the bathroom.

Hao Zifei pressed Song Yan on the sink, pinched her chin and forced her to raise her head and look into the mirror: "Look at yourself, you are missing a chest, your hair is about to fall out, and your face is pale. How can you still look like a woman. You are like this, what right do you have to mock me!"

Song Yan was forced to raise his eyes, and seeing himself pale and haggard in the mirror, his heart trembled.

She hadn't looked in the mirror since half of her breast was cut in cancer surgery. Now, after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, she has already become a haggard, lifeless woman.

But next to her pale face, Hao Zifei's ferocious face had a good complexion, ruddy complexion, and bright red lips, which was in great contrast with her.She was right, she was not a woman, but she became more and more charming!But who caused this ending?

Song Yan's heart suddenly felt furious, and he didn't know where the strength came from, and he pushed Hao Zifei to the side with a violent struggle.

She showed the most ferocious expression in her life to Hao Zifei, and shouted: "It's not your fault! You are simply devils!"

That's right, it was these two people who caused her to end up like this!
Less than a month after giving birth, she caught her husband Chen Jingbo and her best friend Hao Zifei in bed!
Before that, she never thought that her husband, Chen Jingbo, who was always gentle and considerate, would cheat on her, let alone that her gentle and kind best friend Hao Zifei, who had been close to her since college, would get together with her husband.

That day, she was undoubtedly hit by a bolt from the blue!After that, she was angry and sad, and went back to her natal home.

Chen Jingbo brought Hao Zifei to look for her, knelt in front of her and said that the two of them were just drunk and fascinated for a while, and Hao Zifei even more pointedly vowed that he would never insert himself into their marriage. Her friendship can be learned from heaven and earth.

However, these two people are talking nonsense!

After his parents died in a car accident, Chen Jingbo took control of his father's company, and his face was completely exposed.After the funeral, he took Hao Zifei home and made out in front of her, with the purpose of getting her divorced.

Song Yan really regretted it, regretted that she was so angry that she insisted on holding on and wanted to drag these two sluts to death, but it turned out that a cousin and a dog last forever, and she was the one who was hurt.

In the next year or so, due to the huge emotional damage, she almost suffered from depression, and later found out that she had cancer.

After finding out that she had cancer, Chen Jingbo uncharacteristically stopped mentioning the divorce. Even if Song Yan took the initiative to propose it, he was determined not to divorce, but he and Hao Zifei humiliated her more and more brazenly.

She knew why Chen Jingbo didn't get a divorce, because the divorce had to divide the property, if he didn't divorce, it would drag her to death, and he could still inherit her property as the legal heir.

Song Yan clenched his lips and smiled coldly in his heart. It was a dream to inherit her inheritance.She has already asked a lawyer to make a will, and will not leave a single cent of what she owns to these two sluts!
The past flowed through her mind like running water, leaving only the stench of the past year or two.

She suddenly had the idea to go all out, grabbed the small scissors placed by the sink and rushed towards Hao Zifei: "You two devils, you want me to die, don't you? I will die with you!"

Hao Zifei screamed and dodged, Song Yan rushed up and wanted to stab her again, but her body suddenly fell back, and then fell heavily on the ground, it was Chen Jingbo who rushed up and pulled her down from behind.

It was dark in front of her eyes, and then her chest was suffocated. Chen Jingbo's foot stepped on the incision on her left chest, and her body twitched involuntarily due to the excruciating pain.

"Song Yan, you are courting death!" He looked down at her with a grim expression.

Song Yan stared at him, extremely angry and hated, instead of screaming, she laughed softly.

"If I die, I won't let you go!" She said softly, as if she was whispering to her lover.

"Then first, you have to die first!" Hao Zifei said viciously.

She leaned down and said to Song Yan, "If you die, all your property will be ours, so you'd better die quickly!"

"You're dreaming, I'm not going to give away my property—"

"Give it to us? You have already found a lawyer to make a will, and all the property has been placed in Haohao's name, and before Haohao, no one can use it, right?" Hao Zifei laughed strangely, A streak of cruelty flashed across his eyes.

She put it close to Song Yan's ear, and said very softly, "But what if Hao Hao dies too? His only legal heir is Jing Bo."

Song Yan's eyes widened suddenly, and he said angrily, "Don't touch my son!"

"You're dead, can you still care about this?" Hao Zifei's sharp laughter came to her eardrums, causing her eardrums to hurt.

"Haohao is Chen Jingbo's son after all, if you do this, he won't—"

"He's not." Hao Zifei interrupted before she finished speaking.

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