The blond-haired and blue-eyed nurse came in just now, she seemed to have checked Leng Gongchen, and nodded her head, indicating that there was nothing wrong.

Lin Shengsheng still spoke worriedly, "Is this all right?"

The nurse frowned, and said aloud:

"After the heart transplant, regardless of the sequelae, if there is any rejection later, remember to press the call bell to call us immediately."

Lin Shengsheng nodded immediately, and watched the nurse go out.

But in my heart I was afraid for a while.

There is always a sense of foreboding.

She couldn't help lying down in front of the bed, holding Leng Gongchen's hand, secretly praying in her heart that nothing would happen again.

The sky outside the window changed several times, so Lin Shengsheng stayed by the hospital bed for several days.

He eats and sleeps in sync with Leng Gongchen, but within a few days, his face has almost lost weight.

Looking at the two of them, Chen Junkai was also extremely anxious.

"It's been a few days, and you haven't had a proper meal."

Chen Junkai walked into the ward with the pork rib soup bought outside, put it in front of Lin Shengsheng, and said, "Eat something."

Although he was worried about Leng Gongchen, he was also worried that Lin Shengsheng would be exhausted sooner or later if he continued like this.

Lin Shengsheng shook her head lightly, how could she be able to eat in such a situation?

"I won't eat, you can eat. I have a hunch that he should wake up soon." She murmured.

The next moment, Chen Junkai greeted her and exclaimed:

"Come here, he just, he just made a movement!"

"Really?" Lin Shengsheng couldn't help but tremble.

"Really, I should be right!" Chen Junkai affirmed.

He just saw Leng Gongchen's fingers move slightly, but it couldn't escape his eyes.

Lin Shengsheng was almost unable to stand still, and she was so excited that she hurriedly said, "Go, call the doctor, call the doctor!"

Chen Junkai also thought of it, and immediately walked out of the ward.

As the sound of his footsteps disappeared at the door, Leng Gongchen on the bed slowly opened his eyes.

Lin Shengsheng had been watching him all the time, suppressing the surprise in his heart at this moment.

She approached slowly, almost afraid of scaring him, and said softly:

"Gong Chen, is there something wrong with you? Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?"

The voice that came out was so hoarse that she almost cried.

Reunited after a long absence, but I am so embarrassed.

Leng Gongchen looked at her without blinking.

It's just that there is a trace of doubt in his eyes.

This woman, he does not know.

However, his mind was blank, and if he wanted to think about something, the pain was unbearable.

Lin Shengsheng moved closer, and continued to ask questions endlessly.

"Me, what's wrong with me?" She heard him ask in doubt, instead of answering, his voice was weaker than ever.

Chen Junkai walked in with Jax.

Jakes took a step forward, and after doing a comprehensive inspection for him, he slowly pursed his lips and said:
"The surgery appears to have been successful and he's in great shape and is making a great recovery."

Lin Shengsheng didn't hold Panasonic in one breath.

Hearing Leng Gongchen frowned, he tried to get up while holding his hands, and asked, "You guys, do you know me?"

Chen Junkai only felt a "click" in his heart, could it be...

He looked at Leng Gongchen and said, "Don't you remember?"

Leng Gongchen shook his head and said, "My head hurts, I can't remember anything."

Lin Shengsheng stepped forward, almost looking into his eyes and said:

"See clearly, I'm Lin Shengsheng, your wife, don't you remember?"

"What about me? Who am I?" Leng Gongchen seemed to only care about this, and Lin Shengsheng's heart was completely chilled.

"You are Leng Gongchen." She said in a trembling voice.

He forgot her.

She closed her eyes, tears streaming down her dry skin.

Leng Gongchen had a splitting headache when he thought about it, Junmei frowned, and said a little annoyed:

"You left me alone, I don't like being disturbed."

Jakes was obviously also very helpless, and only said: "Let's go out and let the patient have a good rest."

After all, he took a few people and prepared to go out.

Leng Gongchen stopped him again: "Doctor."

Jacks turned around.

"My current physical condition, can you explain to me in detail?"

Jakes is obviously not surprised by such a situation, and said flatly:

"It's like this, Mr. Leng, there is no problem with your body function, but here."

He raised his finger and pointed to his head.

"Maybe you lost part of your memory, that's why you forget yourself, Miss Lin and the others."

After hearing this, Leng Gongchen was taken aback for a moment, then raised his hand and pressed his head again.

"Mr. Leng, your current body can't stand the stimulation. If you can't remember it, then stop thinking about it for now." Jakes suggested.

Leng Gongchen nodded and said, "Thank you doctor, I want to be alone for a while."

His mind is now blank, and his whole body is like a blank sheet of paper.

He thought of the woman just now, and when he thought of her face, his heart felt empty, as if he had lost something.

There is an inexplicable familiarity, who is it?
Jacks sighed and walked out of the ward.

"Doctor, he, he really..."

Lin Shengsheng burst into tears, grabbed Jax's hand, and asked in a trembling voice.

Jacks nodded helplessly.

Heart transplantation is a complicated and large-scale operation. If you just lose part of your memory, it is already considered very good.

He comforted in a deep voice: "Such sequelae are actually a very good result. It may only be temporary, and maybe it will recover after a while."

Lin Shengsheng recalled Leng Gongchen's unfamiliar attitude towards her just now, and felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart, which was extremely painful.

She begged: "Doctor, help him, help him get his memory back, I can't bear his attitude..."

Jax shook his head and said slowly:
"The situation of losing memory is the most unstable. There are good and bad. If I want to get my memory back for a while, I have no choice."

Means, can only resign to fate?
Lin Shengsheng froze in place, and slowly let go of Jax's hand.

The whole person is like a puppet with a broken string.

Chen Junkai couldn't see it, walked over, suppressed the pain in his heart and said: "It's lucky that he survived, let's take our time."

"Now, I don't know what to do." Lin Shengsheng was almost desperate.

"There will be a way. The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge." Chen Junkai forced a smile, and said with some discomfort:
"It's still the same sentence, you have to take care of your body before he can restore his memory."

Lin Shengsheng shook his head, and looked at the man inside through the window of the ward door.

After watching for a while, I didn't see him looking back tacitly.

"I'll go and be quiet first, you help me take care of him." She lifted her foot and walked away, her back was lonely...

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