The next moment, Leng Gongchen grabbed her.

Lin Shengsheng had expected it a long time ago, and turned around, but her expression was still not good.

Leng Gongchen sighed and said, "This is something you should know, and I promise not to keep it from you."

Only then did Lin Shengsheng look at him seriously, waiting for his next words.

"Do you still remember the car accident your parents encountered in country G? It was the one caused by Karen."

"Of course I remember. My father narrowly escaped death in the end."

"Actually, I have been investigating recently. It is true that Karen was responsible for the car accident, but the real cause of your mother's death was not because of him."

Times have changed, but it's still embarrassing.

For some reason, Leng Gongchen's eyes concealed apology.

Lin Shengsheng seemed to have a premonition, and subconsciously resisted: "Please speak clearly, I didn't quite understand."

She frowned, her pupils shrinking slightly.

"The person directly responsible for your mother's death should be another couple." Leng Gongchen closed his eyes, obviously having difficulty viewing this matter calmly.

Lin Shengsheng felt his head pounding, he clenched his hands and asked, "Who else?"

Her legs softened and she sat back down, her face pale.

Many years of old things were brought up again, but she was still heartbroken.

She lowered her eyes slightly, her eyes were already wet.

Leng Gongchen couldn't help holding her hand, and said with distressed eyes: "I'm sorry, I apologize to you on their behalf, and I also apologize to your parents."

Lin Shengsheng asked in surprise, "Who are you apologizing for? Why are you apologizing?"

Leng Gongchen met her doubtful eyes and didn't speak for a while.

Lin Shengsheng grasped his hand tightly: "Say it quickly, don't hide it from me anymore!"

"For my grandparents." Leng Gongchen then said;
"After being hit by Karen's car that year, your parents didn't die on the spot. Coincidentally, my grandparents happened to be traveling in country C, and they happened to be on that road.

It was actually a series of car accidents. Your father narrowly escaped death and climbed out of the car window first, but your mother was..."

Lin Shengsheng murmured: "My mother failed to come out, but your grandparents..."

He was hit a second time and died instantly.

"Yes." Leng Gongchen closed his eyes uncomfortably.

"What about your grandparents?"

"They were seriously injured and sent to the hospital. They had been feeling guilty all the time. They died one after another after the car accident."

Hearing this, Lin Shengsheng felt his heart stagnate, as if a corner was empty.

The feeling gradually subsided, and she took a deep breath before asking, "So, it was because of this that you pushed me away?"

Leng Gongchen's eyes were heavy, and he nodded.

"Really?" Lin Shengsheng finally came to a realization, grabbed his sleeves with trembling hands and said, "I admit, I'm very sad to hear this news."

"What makes me even more sad now is that you actually left alone because of this matter, regardless of our feelings.

Let me bear all this, and keep saying that it is for my own good. "

"Why do you?" Lin Shengsheng said, the tears on his face couldn't help but flow down.

Leng Gongchen was very surprised when he heard her words, and asked softly: "Don't you hate my grandparents?"

If it wasn't for his grandparents, she wouldn't have lost her own mother.

"If you want to vent your anger and torture me, it's up to you." He met her eyes with a serious tone.

"Why should I hate your grandparents?" Lin Shengsheng raised her hand to wipe away her tears and said:

"The serial car accident is a man-made conspiracy, isn't it? Your grandparents didn't do it on purpose, even..."

She paused, feeling sad.

"At least my father narrowly escaped death, but your grandparents did not escape death in the end either."

"If at that time they hadn't traveled abroad, they hadn't driven their own cars."

Leng Gongchen was not comforted, and said in a heavy voice, "Your mother won't be hit a second time and die on the spot."

Lin Shengsheng shook his head: "No, since my parents had already been hit once at that time, they had already fallen into their conspiracy.

Even if your grandparents were not there, there would be another car there, and there would be a second collision, not to mention would Karen let them go? "

She said shyly, "Let's stop talking about the past, shall we? Isn't it better for us to confess to each other and comfort each other?"

Even though she has a pimple in her heart, she believes that the time they spend together can heal it.

Leng Gongchen met her relieved expression, and caught a hint of distress from her firm eyes.

Lin Shengsheng felt uncomfortable when he thought that this man was hiding such a big secret from him.

She couldn't help but comforted her and said, "Those were all accidents, and I won't retaliate. So, don't push me away anymore. "

Leng Gongchen watched her eyes darken, and raised his hand to embrace her in his arms.

"Thank you, Shengsheng. I will never hide anything from you again. We will face any difficulties together. I promise you."

Lin Shengsheng nestled in his arms and nodded.

"You should be in a bad mood right now, should you take a rest?" Leng Gongchen reached out and patted her on the head.

Lying in his arms for a while, Lin Shengsheng followed Leng Gongchen out of the box.

Hasegawa and Chen Junkai were still standing outside the corridor, their expressions were very complicated.

Lin Shengsheng took a step forward, lowered her eyes apologetically and said:

"I'm really sorry, the previous things were all misunderstandings, all the bad things were done by Fang Lingyue, and it has nothing to do with Hasegawa."

Fortunately, Hasegawa is not an unreasonable person, let alone he has been the boss for so long.

Comparing the situation just now with the intelligence of his subordinates, he quickly came to a conclusion.

The next moment, he half-bent down and said in Japanese etiquette:

"I also apologize to you on behalf of my people, for what happened before, and also for what happened to Fang Lingyue."

After all, Fang Lingyue was also one of his subordinates before.

The so-called Aiwujiwu, he has a very good impression of Leng Gongchen, and even has a very good attitude towards Lin Shengsheng.

Lin Shengsheng followed suit and said solemnly, "We don't have to be so polite, I don't blame you."

As she spoke, she hugged Leng Gongchen's arm, and said affectionately:

"What's more, I have resolved many misunderstandings with him, so there is really no need to care about such things."

Hasegawa nodded slightly, with a hint of envy in his eyes and said:

"I really didn't expect, Leng Gongchen, you kid is really lucky to have such a woman to accompany you.

Thank you this time, if you need anything in the future, just come to me.

No matter what it is, I will do my best to help, we are already friends. "

As he said that, a trace of reluctance and sadness slipped across Hasegawa's eyes.

According to reports from his subordinates, Leng Gongchen doesn't seem to live long, does he?
what a pity!

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