Lin Shengsheng was very sad. Fang Lingyue had never been so humble. She used to be so generous, confident and decent.

Unexpectedly, she became like this because of Leng Gongchen.

She was very entangled, and she couldn't agree to this matter.

At least not now.

She wants to get hers back.

Fang Lingyue pulled even tighter: "Shengsheng!"

"Ling Yue, I'm really sorry." Lin Shengsheng could only lower her head, "I've already promised that Leng Gongchen will stay in China for a year.

But don't worry, I won't have any feelings for him, and I won't rob you of men. To me, he is just Mengmeng's father, and he has absolutely no other feelings.

If it wasn't for the child, I wouldn't stay by his side. I really don't like him at all, and I wouldn't intervene between the two of you as a third party. "

Lin Shengsheng wanted to speak clearly at once.

But Fang Lingyue couldn't take it anymore, and almost collapsed: "Those agreements are not important at all, don't you feel sorry for me, Shengsheng?

Do you know how long I waited for the day he married me?But you came, my wedding was ruined, and now I can't even see him, but you live with him! "

Fang Lingyue burst into tears as she spoke, looking extremely tired.

"Shengsheng, I don't have any doubts about you at all. I know you won't like him," Fang Lingyue continued crying, "But now there are rumors everywhere that you are the person on Leng Gongchen's heart. I give up!

You should have seen it, he doesn't really like me at all, if a year has passed, I don't know if there is still a chance to get him back, I really have no choice Shengsheng, please, You just take Mengmeng away!Are we still as good as before? "

Lin Shengsheng lowered her head and remained silent.

"I know what job you like, and I can arrange it for you. If you don't like it, you can change it at any time.

And your grandfather, I can help you take care of her, I promise to respect him as my own grandfather, never let Lin Qianqian see him again, and never let anyone have a chance to hurt him, I still have savings, treat him There is no problem with illness, I will definitely be more filial to his old man than you! "

Fang Lingyue cried and begged.

Lin Shengsheng was speechless for a while, she didn't know what to say.

What Fang Lingyue said was really benevolent to her, after all, she didn't owe her anything.

But if she leaves now, it will involve too much, and Leng Gongchen, will he let her leave so easily?
What would happen if he escaped and was caught by him?
Lin Shengsheng really didn't dare to try it, she was afraid that Leng Gongchen would hide her son at that time, so that she would never see her again for the rest of her life, and whoever told her to speak first would not count.

Lin Shengsheng didn't dare to think about it, so she could only say with a face of shame: "Ling Yue, I'm really, really sorry, I can't do what you said, so just give me a year, okay? If Mengmeng doesn't follow me, I will leave too.

This year, I want to be with my grandfather and Mengmeng. Apart from them, I have no other relatives.I know that this will hurt you a lot, and I also know that it's all my fault. If you beat me and scold me, I don't blame you! "

She lowered her head, these are all she should bear.

But Fang Lingyue hugged her and cried bitterly: "Shengsheng, how can you blame you for these things? It's just fate. I blame myself for being worthless. I've been with him for so long, but I haven't been able to catch his heart. !"

"It's all my fault. You were supposed to get married. I really don't want Ling Yue..."

Lin Shengsheng couldn't help but started to cry too. She usually didn't cry very much, but at this moment, her tears were surging and she was crying very sadly. It was suppressed for too long.

"Shengsheng, don't be sad!"

Fang Lingyue wiped her tears for her: "I promise you, I agree with you to stay in China for one year, one year will pass soon, I can afford it. But I hope you can promise me one condition."

"Tell me, let alone one, ten are fine." Lin Shengsheng looked up at her.

Fang Lingyue doesn't blame her, it's really great.

"I just want you to promise me that you will never compete with me for Leng Gongchen, and you will never be with him, can you do it?
In this life, I will not be with any man except him. If he has another woman, I don't know how to live. "Fang Lingyue looked at Lin Shengsheng solemnly.

Lin Shengsheng looked into her eyes, and promised very seriously: "Don't worry, I will absolutely never have any relationship with him, everything is for Mengmeng."

"Shengsheng, you are so kind to me, thank you!" Fang Lingyue laughed through tears.

"Thank you, I'm sorry for you." Lin Shengsheng felt a little guilty.

Fang Lingyue leaned on her shoulder, her eyes were sinister, Lin Shengsheng, I hope you don't do anything out of line, and don't go back on your word.

Otherwise, I can't guarantee that you can leave alive.

Only a dead person never speaks for nothing.

After the two communicated for a while, Lin Shengsheng returned home relaxed.

When I went home and saw Lin Mengmeng alive and kicking, I was immediately relieved. It seemed that today's parent meeting was relatively successful.

The letter from the school arrived shortly thereafter.

Lin Shengsheng opened it and took a closer look, with a satisfied smile on her face. Compared with her peers, Mengmeng is still quite good, and she has never worried about her studies.

For two or three days in a row, Lin Mengmeng was arrogant and high-spirited.

It's still his daddy that is amazing, those kids who used to always show off their daddy to him, now they are all ashamed when they see him, and they dare not even speak.

The more he thought about it, the more proud he became.

But for a week or so, no children talked to him, and he suddenly became wilted.

Lin Shengsheng noticed that something was wrong with little Lin Mengmeng recently, he was listless every day, as if he was being bullied by others.

Although she knew that her son was great, she couldn't see that her son was unhappy and just ignore him.

I couldn't help calling my son to him: "Mengmeng, did you encounter any unhappy things at school recently?"

"I haven't," Lin Mengmeng lowered his head.

"Kids are not allowed to lie." Lin Shengsheng frowned, staring into his eyes.

Lin Mengmeng hung his head without saying a word, and refused to say anything.

Lin Shengsheng had a lot of patience, she took the trouble to reason with him, and kept asking.

The little guy finally let go. He was wronged in his heart and wanted to cry to Mommy.

But when he thought that he was a little man and had to solve things by himself, he didn't want to tell mommy.

But it has not been resolved after dragging on for these days, and he himself has no idea.

"The children don't talk to me." He lowered his head and whispered.

"What's the reason?" Lin Shengsheng couldn't help being surprised.

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