Leng Gongchen took the water, took two sips slowly: "That's right, she is just like this, she will get revenge."

"She must have calculated that my health is not good, and sent me these photos specially to stimulate me, make my body worse, and achieve her goal.

I think we might as well put on a show for her, and use our tricks to lure her out, then you can cooperate with me. "

Chen Junkai nodded: "It's all about tricks? This woman is so desperate, it's time to let her have a hard time planning, she really doesn't know how to live or die!"

The two men already had a rough plan in their hearts, and they smiled at each other for the sake of mutual understanding.

After talking for a long time, Chen Junkai said goodbye to Leng Gongchen.

If Lin Shengsheng didn't go out again, he should be in a hurry after waiting for so long.

Lin Shengsheng waited at the door the whole time, never leaving the door, staring at the door.

As soon as she saw Chen Junkai coming out, she walked up to him eagerly and grabbed his sleeve:
"How is Gong Chen? Is he in good health?"

Lin Shengsheng anxiously asked out the backlog of questions in her heart.

Leng Gongchen didn't want to see him at all, and he seemed unimportant to him.

He was chatting and laughing with Chen Junkai inside, but he turned a cold face to himself. After all, he was his lover, but he was treated like this, which was really chilling.

She stood for a long time without moving, and now her legs were numb, and she couldn't stand up anymore. She couldn't support her legs, so she sat down on the chair directly.

"I don't know what I did wrong, why Leng Gongchen doesn't like me, why does he treat me like this!"

Lin Shengsheng couldn't figure it out, and he didn't want to understand it, his heart was in a mess.

Chen Junkai explained:

"No, someone has been trying to kill him, has been plotting against him, and has been sowing discord between us, and deliberately returned pictures to anger him."

"Really? I can explain it." Lin Shengsheng's eyes sparkled again: "I'll go find him, and I can explain it clearly."

Chen Junkai grabbed her in time:
"Don't be impulsive, you don't even know what he means, listen to me, he is trying to find out the bad guys behind his back now, don't startle the snake."

Lin Shengsheng's face turned pale all of a sudden: "Don't even think about it, this thing must have been done by a woman called Fang Lingyue."

Thinking of Fang Lingyue's disgusting behavior, she always hated herself for not ending her when she was weak.

She shouldn't have been so kind and spared her life. Thinking about it now, it was really blind.

"It's her. You shouldn't have spared her life in the first place, and now she's here to harm you."

Chen Junkai said with some sympathy.

Sympathize with Lin Shengsheng The two clearly love each other, but due to various reasons, they cannot meet each other.

"However, it's useless to regret now. I will continue to crush her to death."

Lin Shengsheng said sullenly, "What did she post that made you so angry?"

"It's the photo of me comforting you at the door of the emergency room. She purposely captured the angle to make it look like we are very close.

Then it was sent to Leng Gongchen's mobile phone with great care. You know, although there is nothing between us, Leng Gongchen is still a little angry. "

Chen Junkai said helplessly, shaking his head.

When Lin Shengsheng heard these words, she already understood that Leng Gongchen still cared about him, but he didn't show it.

She burst into tears all at once, as if the search had gained meaning these days.

"Gong Chen cares about himself, he will be jealous and angry, right?" She pressed Chen Junkai.

Chen Junkai didn't answer directly, and pulled her to a blind spot where the camera couldn't capture, and said in a low voice:

"You can ask Leng Gongchen about this, but I can't give you a definite answer.

But now we should be under surveillance.We have to put on a show for them. "

"Leng Gongchen has already made an agreement with me, and he pretends that he hasn't found out yet.

You and I continue to be very close together, so that we will not startle the snake, and we will find Fang Lingyue out. "

"If Fang Lingyue dares to hurt Leng Gongchen, she will die a terrible death. I will do whatever it takes to make her regret her birth."

It was the first time for Lin Shengsheng to show such a vicious expression.

She carefully looked around and found no suspicious person, so she opened the door and tiptoed into Leng Gongchen's ward, fearing to disturb his rest.

It's not easy for Chen Junkai to go in, so he acts as a light bulb and simply stays outside to watch out for them.

Leng Gongchen had known for a long time that someone would come in, and was not surprised to see that it was Lin Shengsheng.

He was even very excited, and wanted to rush forward, hug her tightly, and want to rub her into his arms and melt into his own flesh and blood.

But he had to calm down, he kept reminding himself that this was just a dream!

"Are you in good health?" Lin Shengsheng asked cautiously.

She walked over, neatly arranged the flowers on the bedside table, poured him a cup of hot water, and put it on the bedside to cool.

"Listen to me first, don't get angry, those photos are fake, I didn't have any intimate behavior with anyone other than you.

You can rest assured that you don't have to worry about me.I will not have any other relationship with others, you remember, I only belong to you. "

"I only have you in my heart. During the days when you left, I thought of finding you day and night!
Wherever you are, I will spend the rest of my life finding you! "

Lin Shengsheng didn't give Leng Gongchen a chance to interrupt her at all, she spoke quickly and firmly.

Leng Gongchen always wanted to interrupt, but couldn't find a chance.He also wanted to give her a definite answer, but he couldn't!
"Stop talking, I'm tired of hearing these words." Leng Gongchen pretended not to care.

Lin Shengsheng was stunned. She thought that they reunited after a long absence, and that they were kissing and talking intimately together.

Reality shattered her!
Why did Leng Gongchen treat herself like this suddenly?There must be a reason, it must be so.

"Did something happen? You can tell me about something. I will listen. Don't be like this, okay?
Don't be so indifferent, if there is anything wrong with me, I will correct it.Don't be like this... I'm afraid. "

Lin Shengsheng put herself very low.

She walked over and held Leng Gongchen's hand to comfort him and express her affection.

Just touched her hand, Leng Gongchen mercilessly shook off her hand:

"Stop humiliating yourself, can't you see my actions? I don't like you anymore, you can go.

If you really love me, then let me go, don't enter my world again, don't disturb my peaceful life, please close the door when you go out. "

"What's wrong with you! Why did you suddenly change?" Lin Shengsheng asked hysterically.

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