"After arriving in Japan, relying on my own ability, I got to where I am now step by step.

I have become the woman who is the boss of the largest underground organization in Japan. With these, I can hold you in my hands. "

Fang Lingyue raised the corners of her mouth and smiled softly.

These things have passed, and now she should enjoy the perfect life now, and the balance of fate has begun to tilt towards her.

"You don't know how much I paid for this position? You don't even know how I got here for so long?
I sent people to monitor your movements and spy on your lives, just to avenge myself today! "

Fang Lingyue looked at Lin Shengsheng with scarlet eyes, and the eyes seemed to emit the light of death, as if she was going to devour her alive in the next second.

Lin Shengsheng sighed softly, Fang Lingyue has experienced so much, she still won't wake up.

She continues to do these insane things, and even orders so many people to deal with her.

"I asked Leng Gongchen to give you a chance to live, and his subordinates also kindly let you go.

You also met the fishermen who rescued you, isn't that luck enough?You don't even know how to cherish..."


As soon as Lin Shengsheng finished speaking, Fang Lingyue slapped her across the face.

She rolled out a mouthful of blood from her stomach, passed directly through her mouth, and sprayed it to the ground like a dazzling flower.

There was a burst of pain, despair and fear in my heart.

Fang Lingyue's hatred has been engraved in her bones, she will not let it go easily, Lin Shengsheng is ready to die.

She looked up at the blue sky and white clouds, the clear sunlight shone on her body, making her warm.

Occasionally, seagulls flew over the sea, and she seemed to be relieved at this moment. She let go of all love and hatred:
"Gong Chen, I thought I would die, but I didn't expect that I would die before you.

If... In my next life, I will desperately find you, and we will still be together! "

She was extremely peaceful in her heart, without complaining or fear, she thought, people are mortal.

Fang Lingyue looked at her expression, and the mockery on her face became stronger:
"For such a long time, I have suffered and suffered, and I should have raised ten times and a hundred times on you!

But I am also a person who knows how to repay you, because you begged Leng Gongchen to spare my life at the beginning.

I will let you die more happily, which can be regarded as repaying the original kindness. "

Fang Lingyue had dealt with her long enough, and she was a little tired, so she waved her hand casually.

The people behind him immediately understood and prepared for the next move.

"Throw her into the sea and feed the fish, I'm tired."

Fang Lingyue lost her patience after talking about it, and leaned comfortably on the sofa cushions, not looking at her anymore.

Lin Shengsheng's whole body trembled suddenly, seeing the people in black walking over expressionlessly, a feeling of despair crept into her heart.

This time, she really couldn't escape.

The men in black didn't even care about the ropes tied to her body, and quickly threw the cross behind her into the sea.

The moment Lin Shengsheng fell into the sea, she didn't feel much, she only felt the salty sea water rushing from all directions.

She couldn't breathe fresh air, and the moment she entered the water, she closed her eyes and didn't even struggle.

"Gong Chen, I'm sorry, we... It seems that we won't see each other for the last time, you have to remember, I love you."

Lin Shengsheng kept repeating this sentence in her heart, and her consciousness gradually drifted away until the last trace of consciousness was about to disappear.

At this moment, she was suddenly hugged by someone!
"Is it you? Gong Chen, is it a dream? Or... I'm already dead..."

Lin Shengsheng opened her eyes instinctively, and she saw Chen Junkai wearing a diving suit and hugging her.

Although Lin Shengsheng was a little disappointed that it wasn't Leng Gongchen, at least she was saved.

Chen Junkai took her to swim to a small island not far away.

When she poked her head out of the water, Lin Shengsheng felt like she was alive after a catastrophe. She greedily breathed in the air.

At that moment just now, she thought she was going to die, but luckily Chen Junkai came.

Fang Lingyue was about to turn around and go back, but she happened to see this scene when she turned her head, and she became angry from embarrassment.

"How do you all do things? Such a big living person has sneaked into our territory, and you don't even know? He even rescued him!"

Fang Lingyue was furious, and the man in black was terrified, he lowered his head and dared not speak.

For this kind of thing, Yamamoto bears the main responsibility. He knows that he offended the boss's woman.

He hurriedly thought of a remedy, took out a pistol from his waist, and aimed it in Lin Shengsheng's direction.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a big wave hit, Fang Lingyue was unprepared and fell to the ground, she glared at Yamamoto angrily.

Fang Lingyue finally stood up, ready to be furious and reprimand the group of people, when the ship shook again without warning:

"Give me an explanation! What's going on!"

Yamamoto was even more flustered, Fang Lingyue's good deed had been ruined, but there was another problem getting off the boat, and his life was about to be lost.

The younger brother in the lower cabin suddenly ran to the deck of the house:
"Boss, hurry up and get off the boat. The bottom of the boat has been leaked for some reason. When I found it, it couldn't be repaired. It's going to flood!"

Fang Lingyue understood that Chen Junkai not only rescued Fang Lingyue, but also left behind and made the boat leak.

She gave Yamamoto a hard kick: "A group of useless things can't be seen by people, and neither can ships!"

"Where's the lifeboat? Come quickly."

Shan Ben quickly escorted Fang Lingyue into the rescue boat. When they settled down and looked back, the big boat had sunk more than half.

Lin Shengsheng and Chen Junkai had long since disappeared.

Fang Lingyue stomped excitedly:

"Lin Shengsheng, as long as you don't leave Japan, I'm still able to catch you back. I want to watch you sink into the sea with my own eyes, and you will never recover!"

The lifesaving boat shook because of Fang Lingyue's actions, she was too frightened to move, and lay down on the side of the boat.

Chen Junkai quickly took Lin Shengsheng ashore, and the two of them sat down against the big tree.

Only now did Lin Shengsheng have time to catch his breath.

"Fortunately, I have you... today... thank you." Lin Shengsheng smiled at Chen Junkai with the smile of the rest of his life.

Chen Junkai ignored her, he was very angry:
"Lin Shengsheng, you are too courageous! You actually ran to Ren's branch all by yourself! Don't you know that they have been following you!

If I hadn't come in time, if you were a second later, you would not be in this world! "

Lin Shengsheng felt a little guilty, she wanted to find Leng Gongchen so much, that's why she rushed here desperately.

Who would have thought that the person behind the blade would be Fang Lingyue, and she had climbed to such a high position now.

"I didn't know it would be like this..." Lin Shengsheng felt aggrieved, she knew that this time she caused a lot of trouble:
"But brother, how did you find me?"

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