"What you said is out of the question, if there is a good product, I will naturally send it to you first.

It's up to you how much you want to pay, but if the price is too low, I can't sell it. "

When it came to the price, the man with the scar suddenly hardened his tone.

The woman showed a shrewd smile, Lin Shengsheng is indeed a good cash cow.

The opportunity is in front of her eyes, how could she let it slip away so easily?
"You are in a hurry, we have been cooperating for so long, why are you so anxious to negotiate the price." The woman complained coquettishly.

The two of them actually talked about her selling price right in front of Lin Shengsheng.

A few minutes later, the man with the scar seemed very satisfied, and several of his subordinates also nodded.

Lin Shengsheng sat slumped on the ground, and she looked around again, it was cold and damp, as if there was no more despicable word to describe this place.

She didn't know what expression she had now, she wanted to cry, but she still kept her last self-esteem and tried not to cry.

If she really stays in this place, she still doesn't know what will happen in the future, she still has to find Leng Gongchen.

"I beg you, as long as you let me go, I will give you any money!"

Lin Shengsheng begged desperately, as if she had tried her best.

She had no choice but to beg bitterly and expect these people to regain their conscience.

In a daze, she thought of Leng Gongchen again, thinking of countless times before, Leng Gongchen seemed to be able to stop the whole world, and suddenly jumped out to rescue her.

The man with the scar was very satisfied with the negotiation, and he didn't care about Lin Shengsheng: "You just stay here."

After speaking, he took the woman's shoulders and walked out of the room.

Lin Shengsheng was left alone in the room again. She sat on the ground alone, watching the increasingly dark sky outside through the window.

As if the hope in her heart was getting dimmer.

After a day of tossing, she hadn't eaten yet, and her stomach growled again.


The door was knocked open, and the men in black at the door were thrown in one by one!
The cold wind blowing in from outside the door woke Lin Shengsheng a lot.

She immediately stood up from the ground and looked out the door expectantly. It must be Leng Gongchen!
"Gong Chen, it's you who came, right! I'm here!"

Although Lin Shengsheng's voice was hoarse, she still couldn't help raising the volume when she sensed Leng Gongchen's arrival.

She didn't know what was going on outside, but just hearing the sound, she knew that the struggle outside was fierce.

The men in black outside the door were still being thrown in. Some of them passed out as soon as they fell to the ground, some were screaming in pain, and their injuries were serious.

Regardless of her fear, Lin Shengsheng struggled and ran towards the door, she desperately wanted to see Leng Gongchen.

When she rushed out full of expectations and saw the person fighting in the crowd, her full of hope suddenly turned into disappointment.

It was none other than Chen Junkai!
Lin Shengsheng didn't notice, her tone changed: "Why are you?"

Chen Junkai didn't have time to answer her, he just ordered his subordinates to clean up the men in black:

"Tie them up."

This group of people was still dealing with the scene, and Chen Junkai had already brought Lin Shengsheng out of the small dark room.

Seeing the moonlight outside, Chen Junkai breathed a sigh of relief:

"Shengsheng, why don't you do things through your brain? You ran here alone, among other things, how dangerous it is!

If I knew this was the case, I would never have told you the news! "

Chen Junkai's tone was a little angry, but he couldn't bear to blame her.

"If you don't tell me, I will look for it myself, and one day I will find it.

I want to stay with Leng Gongchen, I can't let him leave me, I want to be with him all the time! "

When mentioning Leng Gongchen, Lin Shengsheng seemed to be dazed.

Chen Junkai was helpless in the face of Lin Shengsheng like this, he would help her without reservation whatever she wanted to do.

But the current situation does not allow him to be so capricious. Although he has brought enough manpower, it is not in his own territory after all.

If someone really wanted to attack Lin Shengsheng, he definitely couldn't stop him.

"Lin Shengsheng, I think you know how dangerous things are today.

You can't protect yourself abroad without Leng Gongchen, so you come back to China immediately with me! "

For Lin Shengsheng's safety, Chen Junkai had no choice but to become serious at this moment.

He had no way to persuade Lin Shengsheng to stay, the only way now was to move out of Leng Gongchen and bring her back to the country.

Lin Shengsheng leaned his head against the car window, sighed deeply, feeling exhausted all over.

"I won't go back, I want to find Leng Gongchen!"

The few words Lin Shengsheng answered were brief but powerful.

She looked out the window dully, imagining that when she turned the next street corner, Leng Gongchen would appear in front of her eyes.

She had a strong premonition that Leng Gongchen was here, watching her from an unknown corner.

Chen Junkai had no choice, he sat in the co-pilot, turned around and persuaded Lin Shengsheng softly:
"Shengsheng, I know he's here, but why doesn't he show up, don't you understand? He doesn't want to see you at all, he's avoiding you."

Although it was cruel, it was true. Lin Shengsheng was usually smart, but when she met Leng Gongchen, she lost all her intelligence.

It's not that Lin Shengsheng doesn't understand these truths, it's just that she doesn't want to admit it.

Leng Gongchen really didn't want to see her, she was willing to lie to herself, Leng Gongchen was forced to hide from herself.

The light outside the window gradually blurred her eyes:

"So what if it is, so what if it's not? Even if he doesn't want to see me, I still want to find him. Finding him is my business and has nothing to do with him."

Lin Shengsheng was extremely determined, she didn't pay any attention to the expression on Chen Junkai's face, she looked out the window seriously, for fear of missing every figure who looked like Leng Gongchen.

Seeing her like this, Chen Junkai turned around, silently lit a cigarette, and stopped talking.

The car stopped in front of a European-style villa, and Lin Shengsheng and Chen Junkai got out of the car.

After Lin Shengsheng settled down, he sat on the sofa and took a short rest.

"Let's live here in the near future, the hotel is not safe anymore, this is a villa under the name of a friend of mine.

The security system is very good, and it is also very hidden, and no one will come in to disturb it. "

Chen Junkai watched Lin Shengsheng's expression while talking, he couldn't go back to the country, so he could only protect Lin Shengsheng in this way.

"I have asked someone to bring your luggage back from the hotel. It will arrive in a while. If you still need anything, call me anytime."

Chen Junkai was very thoughtful, and Lin Shengsheng didn't want to say anything more, so he just nodded to express his acquiescence.

"It's very quiet here. You'll be resting here for a while these few days. It's all for vacation and relaxation. After a few days, I'll settle down and I'll take you back to China."

Chen Junkai looked at Lin Shengsheng and continued.

The word "return to China" was like a small flame, which instantly ignited Lin Shengsheng's nerves!

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