Lin Shengsheng knew in her heart that even if she took her grandfather abroad, she would not be able to hire such a top doctor.

But thinking of Fang Lingyue, she immediately put an end to her thoughts.

Leng Gongchen is the man of her best friend Fang Lingyue, how could she keep him as her own idea?

It's impossible for her and Leng Gongchen. After a year, she may have to leave.

But this idea is like an addiction. Since the first time it appeared, it has appeared in her mind from time to time.

Even if you don't want to think about it, you can't help but think about it.

Maybe this is what the ancients said, just lower your brows and turn your heart on?

She came back to her senses a little helplessly, looked at the computer in front of her, she was obviously looking up information about her grandfather's condition, why did she start to be dazed again?

"Mummy, this is a notice from the teacher." Lin Mengmeng handed her a piece of paper: "The teacher said that a parent-teacher meeting will be held."

"A parent-teacher meeting?" Lin Shengsheng took the notice curiously, and looked at it carefully: "Going tomorrow? I see. I will ask for leave tomorrow."

Lin Mengmeng's big eyes turned and turned, what should I do, how can I find a way to stop Mommy and Daddy from going.

If you say it directly, Mommy will definitely be unhappy.

The little guy scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, and was accidentally spotted by his mother, so he couldn't help but smile, to cover up his embarrassment and guilt.

"What do you want to tell Mommy?" Zhizi Mo Ruomu, what's wrong with this little guy, can it escape her eyes?

"That..." Lin Mengmeng thought for a while and decided to say straight: "I want accompany me to the parent-teacher meeting!"

As he spoke, he nestled obediently into Mummy's arms.

"What do you mean? You don't want to let Mommy go? Do you dislike Mommy?"

Lin Shengsheng saw through the little guy's thoughts at a glance.

"How come, my mommy is so beautiful, and everyone envies me for having such a beautiful mommy!" Lin Mengmeng immediately started flattering: "I just want daddy to go to a parent-teacher meeting because I never held a parent-teacher meeting for me." .”

Daddy is handsome and majestic. If the children see how awesome his daddy is, it would be such an honor, and they would definitely be envious of him.

Usually when children chat together, they like to talk about who their daddy is and how amazing they are.

Lin Mengmeng never said that what he was waiting for was to scare their jaws off during the parent-teacher meeting.

Let them know whose daddy is the most powerful.

Lin Shengsheng knew that the little guy was comparing himself with others, but it was understandable, because children liked to compare themselves to their daddy and mommy, and daddy and mommy were their pride.

She wouldn't blame the child for this.

But she still refused: "Mommy can't agree to this request."

She has her own considerations. After the one-year agreement, she will definitely leave.

Mengmeng can no longer rely on Leng Gongchen like this, otherwise she is afraid that the child will choose Leng Gongchen, and she doesn't know how she will survive.

"Why!" Lin Mengmeng was unwilling.

"I said no, it's not possible, there is no reason!"

Lin Shengsheng was firm.

"Mummy, you are so unreasonable, I won't listen to you, I want daddy to hold a parent-teacher meeting for me! I want daddy to go!"

Lin Mengmeng's temper also came up.

Lin Shengsheng could only sigh, and patiently found an excuse: "Your father is so busy, he doesn't even have time to rest every day, and he doesn't even care about eating, do you still have the heart to make trouble for him?

If you are constantly exhausted, your daddy's body will not be able to bear it, do you understand? "

Regarding the theory that Leng Gongchen is busy, Lin Shengsheng had popularized it to his son a long time ago.

But now, Lin Mengmeng is completely immune, so he doesn't eat this kind of thing at all.

"Who said that no matter how busy Daddy is, he will find time to hold a parent-teacher meeting for me. Besides, Daddy is not as busy as you said. He works until midnight at most, and he has to eat every meal on time. It's Mommy, what you said is too exaggerated!"

Lin Mengmeng argued hard.

"Do you want to listen to Mommy or not!" Lin Shengsheng scowled, trying to scare him.

"I'm not afraid of you. If you can't give a reasonable reason, it's just unreasonable!" Lin Mengmeng became even more angry.

"I've already said that your dad is too busy. If you must let your dad go, then I will call your teacher and say that we don't have time, and no one goes to the parent-teacher meeting."

With a dark face, Lin Shengsheng finally became an unreasonable parent.

"You're a bad mommy!"

Lin Mengmeng was so angry that he squatted in the corner of the wall, leaning against the wall with tears in his eyes, no matter how much Lin Shengsheng reasoned and persuaded, he seemed pale and powerless.

He just squatted there motionless.

Lin Shengsheng knew that she was too eager, and the child's self-esteem was hurt by her, and she also realized her mistake.

"Mengmeng, Mommy won't harm you. When you grow up, you will understand Mommy's painstaking efforts."

Lin Shengsheng felt very sad.

Lin Mengmeng looked like this, as if a voice was warning her all the time, this child is not yours alone, don't try to occupy it.

As for snatching the child from Leng Gongchen, she doesn't have the slightest chance of winning.

If Mengmeng lost the last reliance on her, then she would have nothing.

But she couldn't explain it to the child, because the child didn't want the two of them to be separated, so she could only wait for the child to grow up, and then explain to him slowly.

She hopes that the child can choose to be with her after the one-year appointment.

"What happened?" Leng Gongchen found that the atmosphere in the room was not right as soon as he entered the door.

As soon as Lin Mengmeng saw that Daddy was back, he immediately found a backer, pushed Mommy away, rushed over to hug Leng Gongchen, and said in a childish voice:

"Daddy, the teacher announced that there will be a parent-teacher meeting tomorrow, can you go with me?"

Leng Gongchen came back, Lin Shengsheng couldn't hold on any longer.

In fact, she also knows her son, he is quite obedient, but he is also very assertive, which is indeed very similar to Leng Gongchen.

In fact, she has been teaching her son to take a step back, but the child still develops this kind of character, and the congenital genes may not be changed.

Leng Gongchen looked at Lin Shengsheng puzzled. He didn't understand the parent-teacher meeting. How could the two of them make such a fuss?
"I am, I'm a bit too busy." Lin Shengsheng really felt a little embarrassed.

The excuses he made for Leng Gongchen just now fell on him in the blink of an eye.

Lin Mengmeng's eyes lit up all of a sudden. He thought Mommy would continue to object, but he didn't expect Mommy to agree.

"Mummy, you are so kind!" Lin Mengmeng winked at her as he said.

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