It took a long time for Professor Li to say: "Gong Chen, I grew up watching him grow up.

He has always been exceptionally smart and outstanding in everything he does, which is really rare, and I never thought it would become like this.

Probably God was jealous of him, that's why he had this irreparable disease, what a pity.I can't bear that child, I want to spend more time with him. "

"Then is this disease so important that it can't be treated, even you can't be treated?" Lin Shengsheng couldn't accept it:

"You are an authority in this area, recognized throughout the country, how...why!"

Lin Shengsheng's tone was already crying, she really couldn't lose Leng Gongchen.

Speaking of this, she suddenly realized that Professor Li was still here, and she lost her composure, so she picked up the coffee and took a sip.

"I'm sorry, grandpa, I mentioned your sadness." She said in a low voice.

"It's okay, we're used to it, it's been so long, I know you care about him, why don't we!"

Professor Li couldn't help but get agitated as he spoke, but he was already depressed, without the seriousness he had before.

Now he is an ordinary old man who cares about his grandson:
"His current body has no cure. But don't worry, as long as there is one ten thousandth hope, we can all fight for it, let's work hard together!"

"Then...Gong Chen, does he know his condition?" Lin Shengsheng asked with some uncertainty, "Does he know?"

When I asked, I realized that my voice was already speechless.

Her face was wet, tears were streaming down her face, she didn't want to lose him, they were finally together.

She is so scared!
"You know, he has been very smart since he was a child, and this matter can't be hidden from him at all..."

Professor Li still couldn't help sighing, looked at Lin Shengsheng and shook his head.

"I understand, Grandpa, don't be too sad, I will save him, no matter what way!"

Although she is very sad now, but in front of Professor Li, she comforted her:

"Grandpa, don't worry too much, I will do my best, and I will definitely save him!"

"Yes, we all believe that Gong Chen will be fine."

Professor Li nodded firmly, and echoed Lin Shengsheng. They didn't want to give up.

Professor Li couldn't hide the sadness in his eyes.

In the face of these irreparable margins, all comfort and persistence seem meaningless.

After drinking coffee and walking out of the coffee shop, Lin Shengsheng felt that the sun was shining brightly on people, bringing hope to countless people.

However, the sun was on her body, but she couldn't feel the warmth.

The bitter cold that came from the deepest part of her heart continuously rose from her heart, and she couldn't feel the warmth of the sun anymore.

Lin Shengsheng went home directly, she didn't have the mind to stay outside, she wanted to go home quickly and see Leng Gongchen.

Leng Gongchen leaned on the sofa casually flipping through a magazine.

Seeing Lin Shengsheng coming back, he put down the magazine in his hand: "Why did you come back so early today? Do you miss me too much?"

"The company is not too busy, so I'll be back."

Lin Shengsheng put down the things she brought to Leng Gongchen, and changed into slippers at the entrance.

She ran to Leng Gongchen, lay in his arms, and breathed a sigh of relief.

I feel extremely comforted, as long as he is still there.

"Aren't you too tired? Then take a break." Leng Gongchen patted her on the back with distressed eyes.

"Well, I'm a little tired."

Lin Shengsheng changed into a more comfortable position in his arms, lazily pressed against his chest, listening to his breathing.

"Let me give you a massage."

Leng Gongchen's slender fingers gently landed on her temples, gently rubbing them for her.

She didn't speak during the period, creating a relaxing space for her.

Lin Shengsheng sighed comfortably, her face was slightly hot.

They were too close, and it was a little hot. There seemed to be a pool of clear water in their eyes, and their eyes were particularly penetrating.

"Honey, I'll make what we have for dinner tonight." Leng Gongchen said in a good-tempered manner, feeling sorry for her who was so tired.

Lin Shengsheng opened his eyes instantly when he heard the food, and sat up: "Honey, I want to eat steak and drink red wine, is it okay?"

For so many days at Professor Li's house, I have been eating very light food, and I have never had the opportunity to eat this kind of food that only young couples eat.

I really miss being with Leng Gongchen, no matter what I eat, I feel very happy.

"Okay, then you have a good rest, I'll make it in a while." Leng Gongchen packed up and went to the kitchen to make steak.

"Husband, dear~ I am really happy to have you, I am very lucky, because I met you."

Lin Shengsheng uttered these sweet words one after another.

"I love you too, I will always be here." Leng Gongchen turned around and looked at her affectionately, his eyes were full of love.

Lin Shengsheng obediently lay on the sofa and played with her mobile phone for a while, then obediently went to the sofa to prepare to eat.

Today's dinner table is perfect for steak.

A bouquet of brightly colored and budding roses was placed on the dining table, with dew on them, and the scent of roses all around.

The steak was fried very tender and looked very tempting, making Lin Shengsheng's mouth water.

In order to create an atmosphere, Lin Shengsheng turned off the lights, lit candles, and poured strong red wine.

Looking at the person you love opposite, you can see the starlight when you look up, it's so perfect, the person you love the most is by your side.

Leng Gongchen looked at the delicate beauty on the opposite side, the beauty was picturesque, she was like a delicate flower shining in the water.

He suddenly remembered a sentence, which suits her very much:
"I have to meet my only soul mate in the vast crowd, and I am lucky to have it."

Looking at the quiet woman in front of her, her eyebrows and eyes are picturesque, exquisitely like a woman in a classical oil painting.

He looked at her obsessively, with her in his heart.

"Gong Chen?" Lin Shengsheng couldn't help laughing at his blank look.

Leng Gongchen's heart softened into a pool of water:

"The steaks are all ready, let's eat, you haven't eaten anything all this time, are you tired from work?"

"Okay, okay, let's eat together." Lin Shengsheng happily agreed.

"Well, let's eat together then."

Leng Gongchen smiled, since he chose to be together, he must take good care of her, accompany her well, and do everything he wants to do with her.

Until the end of his life, he will not leave.

He suddenly thought of a place: "Honey, I will take you to a place tomorrow!"

The weather on the second day was not so good, with dark clouds and a cool wind blowing, bringing a little bit of coolness.

Halfway up the mountain, it was still a bit cold, because the wind was a bit strong in the mountain.

Leng Gongchen gently led Lin Shengsheng forward, afraid that she would twist her feet, and carefully protected her.

In front of you is a relatively long, winding path paved with cobblestones...

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