Lin Shengsheng looked at the backs of those two people leaving, slightly puzzled.

Obviously they haven't met before, today is the first time they meet, but they are so familiar, as if they have forgotten each other.

Just when she was lost in thought, Leng Gongchen walked over from behind and asked softly, "What are you looking at?"

Lin Shengsheng looked at Leng Gongchen hesitantly, hesitated for a while and finally did not ask, but shook his head slowly and said:
"Nothing to see."

Leng Gongchen didn't ask further: "Then let's go in."

Leng Gongchen held Lin Shengsheng's hand, and the scene of their conversation kept recurring in her mind while she was on the road.

Judging from the tone and content of the conversation, it looked a bit like an old friend, but she didn't understand a lot of the content.

"Be careful where you step and watch the road." Seeing that Lin Shengsheng was walking in a daze and almost fell, Leng Gongchen reminded helplessly.

Lin Shengsheng glanced at Leng Gongchen embarrassedly, and found that the other person's expression was as usual, his eyes were gentle, no different from the past.

When the two passed by Dr. Li's office, they found that the door had been closed, so Leng Gongchen and Lin Shengsheng had to stand at the door and wait.

Lin Shengsheng had nothing to say: "I don't seem to have heard you talk about your mother's affairs."

Leng Gongchen's face was still calm, without showing any other emotions, and his tone was flat: "There is nothing to say."

Lin Shengsheng's plan to take the opportunity to open up the topic was shattered, so he had to change the subject and say:
"You said what they were talking about when they went in, will they... talk about things related to your body?"

Although she didn't show any abnormality, Lin Shengsheng always felt that Leng Gongchen was hiding something from her, and her curiosity hooked her heart like a hook.

But she also knew that she couldn't get anything out of her roundabout inquiries, so she had to open the skylight and speak bluntly:
"Do you really have nothing else to tell me? It's been so long."

Lin Shengsheng stared at the closed office door, the curiosity in her heart was like a kitten's paw:
"Gong Chen, why have I never heard that you have grandparents?"

Seeing that Lin Shengsheng was about to get angry, Leng Gongchen stepped forward helplessly, with a doting tone:
"Okay, don't think about it, it's really nothing.

If you really want to know what they are talking about, we can ask directly when it comes out in a while.

Don't worry, my body is fine and everything will be fine. "

That's what he said, but he lowered his eyes, looking down, and didn't meet Lin Shengsheng's gaze.

Leng Gongchen gently rubbed her head with his hand, this intimate gesture made her blush a little, and for a moment she forgot to continue asking.

Leng Gongchen held her waist with one hand, pressed her head with the other, and pressed her to his chest.

His strong and powerful heart beat rhythmically and evenly, Lin Shengsheng felt that his nervous mood gradually calmed down, and his whole body relaxed

After an unknown amount of time, the door of the office finally opened.

Lin Shengsheng suddenly became energetic, stood up to greet them with bright eyes, and looked at the two expectantly.

Uncle Li and Professor Li couldn't help laughing when they saw the two of them leaning so closely together.

Uncle Li slapped his forehead, and said with some annoyance:

"You two young people should wait in a hurry, it's all my fault that I was so excited when I saw Lao Li coming!"

"Grandpa, Uncle Li," Leng Gongchen also stood up and walked around.

"You, Uncle Li, and I are going to have a drink and get together, so you don't have to bother us, go do whatever you want!"

Professor Li said with a smile.

"Then let's go first." Leng Gongchen nodded at the two of them, and led Lin Shengsheng out of the hospital.

Back home, she remembered what happened in the hospital today.

Lin Shengsheng got into the kitchen and started cooking, while Leng Gongchen helped.

While chopping vegetables, she was still thinking about what happened today.

She couldn't help but secretly glanced at Leng Gongchen, Uncle Li and Grandpa had such a good relationship.

Then grandpa must also know how Leng Gongchen is in health, and he will definitely not stand by and watch.

If she had known that she shouldn't have rushed there, it would be too embarrassing.

"Shengsheng, be careful not to cut your hands!"

Leng Gongchen, who had just finished washing the dishes and turned around to put them in a basket beside him, saw that Lin Shengsheng was almost cut by a sharp kitchen knife, and reminded him anxiously.

Lin Shengsheng was awakened by Leng Gongchen's voice, and immediately felt a tingling pain in her finger. She looked down and saw that her finger was torn and blood flowed from it.

Leng Gongchen hurriedly pulled her out of the kitchen and helped her treat the wound on her hand.

After pasting the Band-Aid, Leng Gongchen said helplessly:

"I think something is wrong with you today. Are you too tired recently? Go to the room and rest. Let me cook this meal."

After saying the last sentence, Leng Gongchen seemed a little eager to try.

How dare Lin Shengsheng let Leng Gongchen cook, she was afraid of burning the kitchen down.

"No, I'll just do it myself. I was just thinking about something."

While explaining, Lin Shengsheng pushed Leng Gongchen outside, without giving the other party a chance to react, and shut him out.

After rubbing his face, Lin Shengsheng shook his head, trying hard to get rid of those messy thoughts.

She told herself in her heart, don't always think about what is there and what is not, just like what Leng Gongchen said, everything will be fine.

But that being said, when it's time to be in a trance, it's still a trance.

Lin Shengsheng was taken aback by the burning oil pan. Seeing that the fire in the oil pan was about to burn, it was getting bigger and bigger.

Lin Shengsheng subconsciously took a step back.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly wet the rag and covered the oil pan, and the fire in the oil pan was immediately extinguished.

But the movement was still too loud, so after waiting outside for Leng Gongchen to hear it, he quickly opened the door and barged in.

"What happened?" Leng Gongchen looked anxious and worried.

Lin Shengsheng shook her head and wanted to hide it, but it was so obvious, how could Leng Gongchen not see it?
She gasped first, and then there was a loud "Kang Dang"!
She took a few steps back, looked at the kitchen knife at her feet with lingering fear, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you injured?" Leng Gongchen stepped forward and looked her up and down.

"No injury." Lin Shengsheng said with some embarrassment.

"Check it out for me." Leng Gongchen was full of distrust: "I will trust you if there is no wound."

"I'm really fine." Lin Shengsheng couldn't hide anymore, and Leng Gongchen was right in front of her, so she couldn't hide anymore.

Leng Gongchen stepped forward and grabbed her hand. The blood on her hand had dried up, and no fresh blood came out.

Her hands are very white, the pores are almost invisible, and the blood stains on her hands look very shocking!
She had never been so hurt!

"Could it be that you said that you didn't get hurt and that it's all right?"

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