The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 945 The Most Important Person in Life

How could Grandma Li believe that what Lin Shengsheng said was all right?

She grabbed her hand again and wouldn't let her take it back.

I carefully looked at the wound on the palm of my hand, some places were broken, so how could it be all right?

Grandma Li looked a little distressed.

Lin Shengsheng knew, what was her little injury?

In just a few days, her wound will heal.

She thinks it's nothing, but Grandma Li doesn't think it's nothing, so she just got angry with Professor Li:

"Smelly old man, what do you think, how can you let a delicate and tender girl do farm work?"

"Nowadays young people lack exercise, don't I also want to exercise this little girl?"

"You..." Seeing that Professor Li did not admit his mistake, Grandma Li slapped the table, looking very angry.

"Don't be angry, can't I change her to an easier job tomorrow?"

"Hmph, count you acquainted."

Grandma Li is still very satisfied with Professor Li's timely correction of his mistakes.

Then, she turned her head to Lin Shengsheng with a pleasant face and said, "Come on, little girl, let's have dinner."

"Well, grandma, I listen to you."

Lin Shengsheng nodded excitedly, looking at Grandma Li with sparkling eyes, full of admiration.

She didn't even expect that Professor Li was a strict wife, and she had caught this handle, so she was afraid that he would not agree?

Thinking of this, Lin Shengsheng, who was in a relaxed mood, secretly made a face at Professor Li.

Professor Li only glanced at Lin Shengsheng, but said nothing.

Next, the three of them finished their dinner in a warm atmosphere.

After dinner, Lin Shengsheng went back to the guest room

There is a yard downstairs, and you can see the scenery in the yard when you open the windows.

Lin Shengsheng stood by the window, looked into the distance, and secretly apologized to Professor Li and his wife in his heart.

She really can't stay here for too long!
In the middle of the night, when Grandma Li was passing by the stairs, she happened to hear faint weeping.

Only Lin Shengsheng lives upstairs, is she crying?

Grandma Li followed the voice upstairs and walked to the door of Lin Shengsheng's room.

Her door was ajar, and it opened with a push.

Grandma Li stood at the door and saw Lin Shengsheng leaning against the window, crying very sadly.

"What happened? Why are you crying so sad?" Grandma Li walked over and asked with concern.

But seeing Grandma Li, Lin Shengsheng cried even harder.

Although Lin Shengsheng deliberately wanted Grandma Li to see this scene, but when she really started crying, she really couldn't control herself.

Trapped here, with no news from Leng Gongchen at all, her fears and worries all exploded at once.

"What happened? You tell grandma, it won't be so sad when you say it."

Although they haven't been together for a few days, she likes this little girl Lin Shengsheng very much, and thinks she is lovable and cute.

"Grandma, you are so kind, just like my dear grandma!"

Her grandma passed away early, and her memory is also blurred.

But at this moment, Grandma Li, who comforted her, gradually merged with the image of grandma in her memory.

"You treat me as your own grandma, tell grandma everything!"

Always called grandma, grandma, she gradually regarded Lin Shengsheng as her own granddaughter.


Seeing how Grandma Li really loved her, she was a little speechless.

She lowered her head, not even daring to look at Grandma Li's loving eyes.

"Are you worried about someone?" Grandma Li saw that Lin Shengsheng was silent, so she first expressed her guess, "I can see that you care about him a lot."

"Grandma, I, we really need Professor Li's help..."

"Then let him help." Grandma Li said very readily.


Although Professor Li didn't say he wouldn't help, he didn't want to leave here...

"It's okay, he's there, I'll help you talk about it. You said he is so old, why is he still so brainless?"

Grandma Li said she was disgusted, but the meaning of showing off inside and outside the words should not be too obvious.

"Great, Grandma Li, thank you so much!"

Lin Shengsheng was so excited that she almost jumped up, she just felt that happiness came so suddenly.

"If you thank grandma, I will come and see grandma more in the future!"

"Yeah, grandma, I will definitely come here often in the future!"

"Okay, hurry up and wipe your face, you're almost turning into a little cat!"

As Grandma Li said, she took out a handkerchief and wiped away Lin Shengsheng's tears.

Lin Shengsheng took the handkerchief and wiped away her tears. Her current mood was as if a boulder had been lifted from her heart.

After Grandma Li left, Lin Shengsheng held the handkerchief in her hand and looked at the night outside the window, feeling that there was hope for the future.

The next morning, Lin Shengsheng was the first to wake up, and she went to work in the fields early.

Under her care, the surrounding fields became very neat and orderly.

"Morning, Grandpa Li."

Lin Shengsheng smiled and greeted Professor Li who also came to work.

"Has the grass been removed?" Professor Li came over and asked.

Lin Shengsheng raised her head and smiled back: "It's all good!"

"Is the ground overturned?"

Professor Li wandered around the field, looking at the crops in the field as if checking Lin Shengsheng's work.

"It's all turned over!"

Professor Li nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good! You can rest now!"

"Okay." Lin Shengsheng replied in surprise.

She walked to the side and sat down to rest on the spot.

Lin Shengsheng took out the handkerchief that Grandma Li gave her yesterday from her pocket, and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Professor Li saw the handkerchief in Lin Shengsheng's hand, and his eyes froze immediately!

The look on his face seemed to be recalling something...

Lin Shengsheng saw that this handkerchief should have a special meaning to Professor Li, and she regretted it a bit. It seemed that she shouldn't have taken out this handkerchief in front of Professor Li on purpose.

"Where did you get this handkerchief?" Professor Li asked, staring at the handkerchief.

Lin Shengsheng raised the handkerchief in his hand, "You mean this?"

She said nervously, "Grandma Li gave this to me last night."

Professor Li was silent for a moment, and then smiled, as if the sad look just now was an illusion of Lin Shengsheng.

"She really likes you, and this is all for you?"

"This handkerchief..."

Lin Shengsheng wanted to ask, but she was afraid of asking someone's heartache.

Professor Li ignored Lin Shengsheng's hesitation and asked directly:
"Who did you want me to heal before? Who is the person you want to save?"

"It's my lover, the most important person in my life, and he's still waiting for me at home."

Lin Shengsheng lowered his head to hide the worry in his eyes.

"Go back and book two tickets."

"Ah?" Lin Shengsheng was stunned, wondering what Professor Li meant by this?

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