The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 942 Only success is not allowed to fail

Lin Shengsheng said coquettishly, deliberately seductively:
"Husband, are we going to bed now?"


Leng Gongchen's voice did not fluctuate, as if he hadn't noticed Lin Shengsheng's deliberate seduction at all.

He paused, and then asked: "You, is there anything else?"


Lin Shengsheng answered in frustration.

She didn't know if Leng Gongchen was too dull, or if she wasn't charming enough!

She doubted herself a little.

But today she was very tired, and it was very late. After she calmed down, she soon fell into a dream.

In the haze, Lin Shengsheng seemed to hear the sound of pots and pans, and she opened her eyes with difficulty.

Only then did she realize that it was already bright, and she turned her head to look at the alarm clock by the bedside. It was already past her usual time to wake up.

Lin Shengsheng subconsciously looked at her side, and her side was already empty, and Leng Gongchen was gone.

"You're awake, hurry up and have breakfast!"

Just when Lin Shengsheng was in a hurry and wanted to find Leng Gongchen, his extremely gentle voice sounded in his ear.

She quickly raised her head, it's not Leng Gongchen who she was looking for just now, standing at the door of the room and looking at herself with a smile!
Lin Shengsheng followed Leng Gongchen downstairs and had breakfast.

After that, she hurriedly packed up and rushed to the company.

Because of Leng Gongchen's illness, she had already missed a lot of work.

Now that Leng Gongchen has been discharged from the hospital, her work cannot be delayed any longer.

Lin Shengsheng had just arrived at the office when her secretary Chen Hong walked in swiftly.

"What's the matter?" Lin Shengsheng sat on the high-end custom-made leather chair behind him, circling aimlessly.

"Boss Lin, I have sent someone to find the doctor you need." Chen Hong said hesitantly.

Lin Shengsheng's pupils widened, filled with tiny rays of light, which made her eyebrows look beautiful.

Before, she asked Chen Hong to send someone to find a professor who is very famous in cardiology surgery.

The ability of this professor is one of the best in the country, and most importantly, he can also cure a situation like Leng Gongchen.

Had the professor been found, the things they were worried about might not have happened.

"Boss Lin..." Chen Hong hesitated beside him.

The professor has been found, but things don't seem to be easy to handle.

"What do you want to say, say it?" Lin Shengsheng turned his gaze to Chen Hong.

"The professor has reached the legal retirement age, and is currently living in Y City, spending the rest of his time slowly.

I heard people say that this professor has a very weird temper, and he is not easy to get close to. I am afraid that he will not eat oil and salt, and he will not eat soft and hard things. I am afraid it will take a while..."

Chen Hong said worriedly.

Lin Shengsheng took Chen Hong's words into his heart, and secretly made up his mind that no matter what means he used, he would definitely invite this professor over.

"Since the person has been found, the other problems are not serious." Lin Shengsheng said solemnly:
"Help me book the earliest ticket to City Y now!"

"Yes." Chen Hong hurriedly replied, and immediately started to prepare.

Lin Shengsheng stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, admiring the scenery that he had seen many times.

This opportunity is very rare, only success is allowed, no failure is allowed!

But how to tell Leng Gongchen about this matter?

She must not let him give up on himself!
after an hour.

When Lin Shengsheng got on the plane, she couldn't express her mood. In the end, she still felt that she should not tell Leng Gongchen, and finally turned off the phone.

When the plane landed, Lin Shengsheng got off the plane.

City Y is a seaside city with a very pleasant climate in four seasons. It is a city suitable for the elderly, and it is rich in seafood resources.

At the same time, this place is also a famous scenic spot, many people came here specially for tourism, Lin Shengsheng could only walk in the direction of the crowd.

After walking for a certain distance, they finally got a taxi. After getting on the bus and reporting the address, Lin Shengsheng silently looked at the scenery that kept receding outside.

This city is really beautiful, whether it is the urban layout planning or the basic entertainment facilities of the city, it has everything that one expects to find.

It was so beautiful that it resembled an oil painting from the last century, and Lin Shengsheng admired it silently in her heart.

If you have time in the future, you must bring Leng Gongchen here for a stroll.

After arriving at the address, the driver stopped the car.

Lin Shengsheng saw that the place where he parked was the entrance of an alley, so he reached for his wallet.

I touched and found that I couldn't find it!

She probably rushed over in such a hurry that she may have forgotten her wallet, but she still has a mobile phone.

The driver looked at her without moving, thinking that she was relying on him, thinking that she was going to take a Bawang car:

"Miss, seeing that you are well dressed, you shouldn't lose the fare, right?"

Lin Shengsheng's face turned pale instantly!
Not only is the wallet missing, but the phone is also missing!
She recalled the crowded scene just now, and she realized that it must have been stolen.

She was a little uncomfortable, her face turned red and she said, "I'm really sorry, my mobile phone was stolen."

She turned the whole body up and down, and found that there was not a single grain.

Never expected that she would be so unlucky.

"I'm really sorry, I'm not from here, and I have no relatives here, why don't I mortgage my necklace to you."

Lin Shengsheng really had no choice but to take off the necklace that accompanied her since she was a child.

If someone who knew her saw it, she would definitely feel extremely sorry.

This necklace is worth a lot of money, but it's only worth a little bit of fare, so it's not worth it at all.

"Forget it." The driver has also been dragged for a long time. Seeing that this woman doesn't have any money on her, it can only be like this.

The driver had never seen this kind of high-end necklace, so he naturally didn't know that this necklace was worth a lot.

"Give it to me." The driver reached out to grab the necklace. Lin Shengsheng was really reluctant to give up the necklace.

I struggled in my heart for a long time, and in the end, I let go.


This alley has the feeling of ink painting, it is a school of ink painting, white walls and black tiles, a school of tranquility, which made her feel quiet.

Lin Shengsheng looked at the note in his hand, and walked towards the address on it.

11 number.

She finally found Professor Li's address.

Lin Shengsheng tidied up her clothes, raised her hand without hesitation and knocked on the antique vermilion door.

"Dong dong dong!" There was a dull knock on the door.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, there was no sound from inside the door, it was really quiet.

Lin Shengsheng was surprised, isn't this family here?

She was about to knock again, just about to knock.

At this time, the door opened a little bit, and a silver-haired grandfather only showed one eye, his actions were full of distrust and caution:
"Who are you? Why are you knocking?"

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