After walking for a while, Lin Shengsheng's feet hurt so much that she took off her shoes and held them in her hands.

There was no image of the whole person, and now she didn't have the mind to pay attention to her image.

"Sheng Sheng!"

Someone behind Lin Shengsheng suddenly called her, and then a series of car horns sounded.

When she turned her head, she saw a somewhat familiar car. This should be Chen Junkai's car?

The car stopped, the window was rolled down, and a head stuck out from inside, it was Chen Junkai.

"Student, senior!" Lin Shengsheng was a little surprised.

"Shengsheng, is it really you?" Chen Junkai frowned and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why are you walking barefoot on the road?"

"No, it's nothing!" Lin Shengsheng lowered her head, looking guilty, "I, I just came out to relax."

No matter whether Chen Junkai believed her reason or not, she would not talk about what happened just now anyway.

Chen Junkai still looked at Lin Shengsheng with a frown, but suddenly he got out of the car and pushed Lin Shengsheng onto the car.

"Where are you going? I'll take you there!"

As Chen Junkai said, he also got into the car, and before Lin Shengsheng could react, he started the car.

The car started, Lin Shengsheng did not answer Chen Junkai's words, but looked behind the car involuntarily.

The trees on both sides of the road receded gradually, and the villa not far away was getting smaller and smaller, until she was completely invisible...

However, Lin Shengsheng never saw the person she wanted to see.

Leng Gongchen obviously watched her run out of the villa, he must know that there is no car here and she can't go anywhere, but he didn't chase her out either!

What is Leng Gongchen trying to do?Do you want to break away from her completely?
Lin Shengsheng bit her lower lip involuntarily, as if the sadness in her heart was about to overflow.

Lin Shengsheng, who was immersed in her emotions, didn't pay attention to Chen Junkai who was beside her at all, and didn't even ask why he appeared here in time.

While driving, Chen Junkai was paying attention to Lin Shengsheng. He could clearly see Lin Shengsheng's expression in the rearview mirror.

He knew that something must have happened to Lin Shengsheng, but she obviously didn't want to talk about it, so he wouldn't ask either.

Chen Junkai remembered what Leng Gongchen had said to him, and it was certainly not a coincidence that he appeared by Lin Shengsheng's side in time.

He was specially called by Leng Gongchen to pick up Lin Shengsheng!
He couldn't believe that one day Leng Gongchen would ask him to pick up Lin Shengsheng!

Chen Junkai glanced at Lin Shengsheng again.

"Shengsheng, where do you want to go?" Chen Junkai asked this question again.

Lin Shengsheng turned around, as if he was stopped by this question.

Yes, where is she going?
Besides Leng Gongchen's side, where else could she go?

"Let's go to Linshan Villa!"

When asked this question, Lin Shengsheng was confused at first, and then this place appeared in his mind, which is another villa of Leng Gongchen.

"it is good!"

Chen Junkai agreed, and soon the car drove to the Linshan Villa.

The car stopped, Lin Shengsheng wanted to get out of the car and leave, but was stopped by Chen Junkai:

"Shengsheng, don't leave yet, I still have something to tell you."

Along the way, Chen Junkai had hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to tell Lin Shengsheng, but unexpectedly, Lin Shengsheng didn't give him this chance.

"Senior, let's talk about it another day if you have anything to do. I'm really tired today and I want to rest early!"

Lin Shengsheng was indeed very tired, not only physically, but also mentally. She really didn't have the energy to say anything to Chen Junkai.

"Well, okay, then I'll talk about it another day!"

Looking at Lin Shengsheng's tired expression, Chen Junkai also knew that today might not be a good opportunity, so he didn't force her.

Chen Junkai watched her back gradually disappear into the villa with complicated eyes...

Back to this place that can be regarded as home, Lin Shengsheng didn't let herself think too much, she went directly into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator.

She picked out the dishes that Leng Gongchen liked to eat, and planned to cook a delicious meal by herself, and apologize to Leng Gongchen.

After calming down, Lin Shengsheng felt that she might have been too excited just now, and Leng Gongchen is not in good health, so she should let him go.

So she decided that this time she would first apologize to Leng Gongchen.

Lin Shengsheng thought about it, and suddenly relaxed. She even thought of what expression Leng Gongchen would have after being coaxed by her.

Thinking of Leng Gongchen's surprised expression, Lin Shengsheng couldn't help being happy.

The sky had already darkened, and the exquisite dining table was filled with rich and tempting food.

However, in front of such a table of appetizing meals, Lin Shengsheng was sitting alone.

The smile on her face has long since frozen, just like the food on the table that has cooled down!
She had sent a message to Leng Gongchen a long time ago, but until late at night, not only did she not see him, she didn't even receive a single message from him!

Lin Shengsheng called him several times, but no one answered each time.

At first, Lin Shengsheng was still very angry, thinking that Leng Gongchen deliberately refused to answer her phone because of anger.

But after calling many times but no one answered, Lin Shengsheng began to worry again.

Something will happen to Leng Gongchen, right?
Lin Shengsheng didn't dare to think about it, but she couldn't control herself.

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became, afraid that Leng Gongchen might have a car accident, or suddenly fell ill and went to the hospital?
Ever since she had this speculation, Lin Shengsheng couldn't sit still anymore.

Since Leng Gongchen couldn't get through on the phone, she called someone else.

She first checked whether there was a car accident nearby, and after getting a negative answer, she called the major hospitals.

Asked if a person named Leng Gongchen was hospitalized tonight, the answer was still no.

After getting a negative answer, Lin Shengsheng was very happy, but immediately, she became worried again.

There is no Leng Gongchen in these places, but there is no news about him, so what happened to him?

Could it be that he was kidnapped?

Lin Shengsheng was terrified. It was already early in the morning, but she still had no news of Leng Gongchen. How could she be at ease?

At this moment, the sound of a car sounded outside the villa.

Lin Shengsheng rushed out to greet her, and saw the driver help the drunk Leng Gongchen out of the car.

She could smell the stinky smell of alcohol on Leng Gongchen's body from a long distance away.

Lin Shengsheng hurriedly took Leng Gongchen from the driver's hand, who was stumbling around and couldn't even stand upright.

Lin Shengsheng, who was angry and furious, finally couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled at the driver:
"The young master is not in good health, don't you know? How can you take him to drink?"

Is Leng Gongchen ready to give up on himself, or is there something else hidden?

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