Lin Shengsheng struggled and moved her shoulders. She felt very uncomfortable being tied up in one position for such a long time.

Based on the conversation between these two people, she quickly found their motives.

These two people are for money, and someone promised to give them a lot of money so that they can kidnap her?
"Boss, if that person really dares to trick us into not coming, we can earn a lot of money by selling this beautiful woman!"

The skinny man continued after eating the chicken leg.

"Stupid, how much is a woman worth!"

The elder brother slapped the younger brother on the head: "Do you know how much a villa is worth!"

He said and held up a finger.

"100 million?" The younger brother guessed with great interest.

"Idiot, at least 1000 million!" The eldest brother slapped him again.

The little boy looked dazed, as if stunned.

Lin Shengsheng suddenly thought of a possibility, a villa?
Is it the villa that Dad bought for Lin Qianqian before?

Could it be that Lin Qianqian has put all her eggs in one basket and wants to transfer the villa to them for the purpose of kidnapping or killing herself?
Lin Qianqian is really good at calculating. A month ago, she pretended to make trouble at the wedding scene, and stayed put during the confinement period, thinking that her plan failed and hid.

Unexpectedly, they wanted to take advantage of their carelessness and make a surprise attack!

"I know who you are talking about, Lin Qianqian, right?" Lin Shengsheng said suddenly.

The elder brother raised his eyes and squinted at her: "Shut up, bitch, it's not your turn to talk here!"

Lin Shengsheng tried her best to restrain her fear, and looked at him pretending to be calm: "Even if I die, I still want to be a sensible ghost."

"You can't blame us. If you want to blame it, you can blame your bad luck. We don't want to treat you like this." The elder brother dropped the wine bottle in his hand.

Lin Shengsheng was both sad and heartbroken, but also had a glimmer of hope, Leng Gongchen would definitely come to rescue her!
"Then did she say when she will be here?" Lin Shengsheng asked again.

The elder brother was very impatient: "Damn, where is there so much nonsense, figure out that you are being kidnapped now, shut up for me."

"I'm just..." Lin Shengsheng wanted to get himself a chance to negotiate.

The elder brother had completely lost his patience, stood up and slapped her face directly.

Women are cheap, you think everyone will pamper her if she has a good face?
Being arrogant in front of him is simply looking for a fight.

Lin Shengsheng was dizzy from the slap in the face, and his face was tense with pain.

She didn't know whether it was because of the pain in her face or the pain in her heart, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

She felt that sometimes she was really stupid. The facts were already in front of her, but she wanted to seek a so-called definite answer.

Desperadoes and the like are beyond her control.

A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and Lin Shengsheng's heart was beating thumpingly.

This man looked vicious and cruel, with murderous intent in his eyes. If she continued to speak, she might really be killed.

She suddenly missed Leng Gongchen very much, especially him, that man always appeared in front of her in critical times, like a god.

Gong Chen, where are you?
Can you save me this time?


Leng's Group President's Office.

Leng Gongchen stared at the computer screen intently, analyzed the woman on the screen, and finally had a conversation with the man, and the subsequent screen could not be found.

He frowned tightly, and zoomed in to the maximum, but the clarity was not enough to see the man's face clearly.

He tapped on the table lightly with some irritability, and after a while, he made up his mind.

Tapping the keyboard lightly with his slender fingers, he directly hacked into the image restoration system of the local Ministry of Public Security.

Put the fuzzy photo of the man in the system and restore it, and see the man's clear appearance.

Leng Gongchen frowned and stared at the man on the screen, worried.

This man should be the last person Lin Shengsheng saw before he disappeared, and he might get some clues from him.

The man was quickly tied up in the office.

He didn't know what happened, and looked at Leng Gongchen who looked like a king in horror, and Wang Kang who looked serious.

He just wanted to buy a cold drink, so he was directly tied up and brought to this office.

If he didn't know exactly that he joined the Leng Group, he might have thought that he was kidnapped by some underworld.

"Who are you, you tied me here to..."

Seeing the cold expression of the man in front of him, his expression of not being close to strangers, he trembled with fright: "What did you ask me to do..."

"Do you know her?" Wang Kang put a photo in front of him.

The man took a look at the photo, and couldn't help but let out a soft "Huh". He has indeed seen this woman before, isn't she the kind-hearted woman who acts bravely?
"You've seen her!" Leng Gongchen clenched his fists instantly, he was rarely so nervous.

"I saw her in the street today when an old lady was lying on the road.

She kindly went to help the old lady, as if she was going to see a doctor or buy medicine, I don't know," the man answered honestly.

Leng Gongchen quickly caught the point of his words, which was an old lady.

"I want to know what that old lady looks like?" Leng Gongchen almost stood up.

The man looked at the two people in front of him warily.

Logically speaking, a high-end office like Leng's Group should be full of status and status, but he still doesn't understand.

"I want to know what your purpose is..." Although he was very scared, he was a person with a sense of justice, so he finally bit the bullet and asked.

Leng Gongchen didn't want to talk nonsense, and directly clarified the main points:
"The woman you saw is my wife. She disappeared after seeing you today."

The young man stared wide-eyed in fright, and quickly realized the seriousness of the situation, struggling to say:
"You guys let go of me, I have a video on my phone!"

Wang Kang quickly untied the rope on him.

He took out his mobile phone and started to play the video. He is a photographer, and he will take pictures when he sees interesting people or things.

I met Lin Shengsheng today, and even though I advised her not to help the old lady, she still helped the old lady very kindly.

Suddenly, Wang Kang became excited, "Master, this is the old lady, she is the one who sold Young Madam's mobile phone to the second-hand mobile phone shop!"


Villa in the south of the city.

Lin Qianqian walked back and forth in the living room uneasily, frowning tightly, showing that she was anxious, and her mobile phone rang again and again.

As long as I think about transferring the villa, I have to live in a bad place like a village in the city.

You can only squeeze the bus to travel, and you can only eat simple food every day, maybe you still can’t get enough...

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