"It's okay, so what if we know? It's not like she hasn't been caught before, and we haven't done anything shameful anyway."

Leng Yuanyuan was a little indifferent, as soon as he caught it, he caught it.

Anyway, she has already practiced it now, and she also knows the purpose of her parents, but she will never change her mind.

"I hope mom won't find out." Lin Shengsheng prayed.

The two went downstairs together.

The nanny downstairs was cleaning in the living room, and seeing the two of them greeted quickly: "Young Madam, Miss."

"Where's my mother?" Leng Yuanyuan gestured for her to lower her voice.

The nanny nodded quickly: "Madam is resting in the room, do you want me to call for you?"

"No need!" Leng Yuanyuan shook her head quickly: "Don't disturb my mother. I'll go out for a while and I'll be back soon, you know?"

Nanny nodded.

Lin Shengsheng sent Leng Yuanyuan out, and wandered around the lawn behind the house for a while before returning.

Who knew that when the nanny saw them going out, she immediately went to the room to wake up Li Qiuxiang.

Li Qiuxiang told the nanny that when she saw Leng Yuanyuan going out, she must tell her, no matter what the situation was, she had to tell her first.

If she doesn't say anything, she will be fired, and this matter must be kept secret.

Of course the nanny had to do this in order to keep her job, Li Qingzhen was the mistress of the family after all.

The young lady is a filial person, it is impossible not to obey the old lady.

Therefore, only by listening to the old lady can her work be maintained, so the nanny can only do this.

After Li Qingzhen heard about this incident, she immediately got up and changed her clothes.

Then he got into the car and ordered the driver at home to drive to keep up with Leng Yuanyuan's car.

Leng Yuanyuan was unaware of all this, and drove happily to the park.

Originally, the two of them planned to have a good date, but they were afraid of being discovered, and there was not much time delay.

So they plan to meet in a nearby park, say a few words and then go home.

She parked the car in the parking lot of the park, and Li Qingzhen followed quietly.

"Jun Kai!" Leng Yuanyuan arrived at the place agreed by the two, and saw that Chen Junkai was already waiting there.

She hurried over happily and gave him a warm hug.

"I finally saw you, it's so hard to see you!"

Chen Junkai was filled with emotion, holding her with great treasure in his heart.

"I miss you too, but I can't help it, my mother stared too closely, so I ran out quietly.

We can only talk together for more than ten minutes, I have to go back, I really want this kind of life to end soon. "

Leng Yuanyuan leaned helplessly in his arms with an extremely satisfied expression.

"It will end soon, I'm already preparing." Chen Junkai whispered.

"I know it's coming soon. My brother and sister-in-law's wedding will be held in a few days. We'll leave after the wedding."

Leng Yuanyuan had already made up her mind to end this kind of life.

"Leng Yuanyuan!"

At this moment, a loud shout came from behind.

Leng Yuanyuan was startled and looked back, Li Qingzhen didn't know when she followed.

"Mom, why are you here!"

Even if Leng Yuanyuan didn't care anymore, she still felt a little unhappy, why did she stare so closely?

It hasn't been 2 minutes, and they haven't said a few words.

"How many times have I told you to stay away from this man, but you actually sneaked out while I was sleeping!"

Li Qingzhen was very angry.

"I wonder if you installed a tracker on me, how did you know I came out?" Leng Yuanyuan was a little speechless.

Li Qingzhen walked over and pulled her over:

"How many times have I told you that with any man, you are not allowed to be with this man, can you listen to me?

I warn you, if you sneak out to meet this man next time, don't blame me for being rude to you. "

Leng Yuanyuan wanted to talk again.

Li Qingzhen said forcefully: "Okay, you don't need to talk anymore, I will settle the score for you when I go back!"

As she spoke, she looked up at Chen Junkai: "How many times have I told you to stay away from my daughter, can you do it?

I don't agree with you, even if I die, I won't agree. Please stay away from my daughter. This is my request to you, okay? "

"Auntie, Yuanyuan and I really love each other, can you give me a chance, I promise I won't be like before!"

Chen Junkai said sincerely.

"Don't even think about it! Let me tell you, it was because I trusted you too much that this happened.

Now I absolutely don't want this to happen again!Neither you nor your family members, I will not trust.

Although my son and daughter-in-law are very kind to your parents, I still disagree with them from the bottom of my heart. I feel that they are very pitiful without their son.

If I knew that you were not dead at all, I would never agree with them treating your parents like that. "

Li Qingzhen spoke very firmly.

She would do anything for her daughter.

"If Auntie doesn't believe me, there's nothing I can do, but if you want us to forcibly separate, that's impossible.

We really love each other, as I have already said, I know everything about the past, and now I am starting to be a new person.

I hope my aunt can trust me and give me another chance. I don't mean to marry her now, at least see how I behave? "

Chen Junkai really worked hard to get her approval.

But no matter what he said, it was useless.

Li Qingzhen had a big prejudice against him from the bottom of her heart, thinking that even if he had improved now, it was because he hadn't fully remembered the past.

If he regained his memory, he would definitely be the same as before, so Li Qingzhen firmly disagreed.

It was impossible for her to watch her daughter jump into the fire pit for the second time.

"Okay, don't say any more, I believe that your parents, like me, don't want the two of you to be together.

So you all respect the wishes of the two parents and separate well.

There are many good boys and girls in the world, you can find them wherever you want, as long as you are not together. "

Li Qingzhen didn't want to say any more, she turned around and pulled Leng Yuanyuan away, and left like that.

Chen Junkai sighed.

He knew there would be certain obstacles, but he didn't expect the obstacles to be so strong, and Leng Yuanyuan's mother disliked him so much.

He scratched his hair with some headaches and sat on a park bench.

In fact, sometimes he really wants to restore his memory and think about those things in the past.

Want to know what heinous thing he did to make others hate him so much?

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