"After all, you are a woman, and you haven't found a reliable man yet, I won't ask you for anything.

In this bank card, after the two of us are together, all the remaining money will be given to you. "

As Zhang Wenwu said, he took out a black bank card from his pocket and handed it to her.

Lin Qianqian looked at him blankly: "Zhang Wenwu, what you said is true, do you really want to divorce me?"

"Really, I am not good enough for you. For so long, I have been accommodating you, and I have been adoring you.

You also know that I came from a rural valley, and I didn't have much promise, and I won't have any future.

Even if you want the company back, I may not be able to help you, because I don't understand those at all.

I hope you will be happy and find a good man who belongs to you. If we are free this afternoon, we will go through the formalities, okay? "

Zhang Wenwu looked straight into her eyes.

In fact, after such a long time, he already felt very tired.

He didn't know what to do with himself, until he said the word divorce, he felt that he seemed much more relaxed.

Maybe leaving this woman is the best choice?
"Okay, okay!" Lin Qianqian was so angry that she laughed instead:
"Since you want to divorce me, then I will follow your heart. What's so great about getting a divorce? You think I can't find a better man than you!
Let me tell you, in this world, just grab a lot of men who are stronger than you, and I can follow whoever I want! "

"Of course it's up to you." Zhang Wenwu turned and left after speaking.

Lin Qianqian followed: "Don't go, since you have already made up your mind, let's go through the formalities!"

"Let's go then, go back and get the documents first, and I'll collect the things by the way.

Anyway, I don't have much stuff there, just a few clothes. "Zhang Wenwu reached out and stopped a taxi.

Lin Qianqian was a little reluctant, but now that she was on the verge of riding a tiger, she would not ask him, so she followed him into the taxi.

The two actually went back to get their documents and went through the divorce procedures.

After coming out, Zhang Wenwu walked away easily.

On the contrary, Lin Qianqian was a little confused, even a little unbelievable!

She didn't believe it would become like this, and she didn't know why, the two of them suddenly became like this?
She didn't know whether to cry or laugh, wandering alone in the street like a homeless wanderer.


Leng Gongchen opened the door.

The people behind followed into the house.

Leng Yuanyuan knew that her mother would definitely not let her go, so she wanted to sneak upstairs to hide from her mother as soon as she entered the house.

But Li Qingzhen stopped her: "Yuanyuan, stop!"

Leng Yuanyuan showed a forced smile and looked back at her:
"Mom, what do you need from me? I'm a little tired. I want to go up and have a rest.

If something happens, when I come down later, you can tell me again, okay? "

At least give mother a buffer time to let her calm down.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to stand the scolding.

"No! Come here, I'm going to tell you now, don't pretend to me, I know you want to escape!"

How could Li Qingzhen fail to see what was going on in this girl's heart?
Leng Gongchen and Lin Shengsheng looked at each other.

Leng Gongchen said, "Mom, talk to your sister in the living room, we're going upstairs!"

When mom gets angry later, she might even scold them, so it's better to hide as soon as possible.

"You two also sit here and listen carefully!" Li Qingzhen didn't let them go.

Leng Yuanyuan and that man have reached this point today, and the two of them also have a lot of credit.

This matter must be made clear today.

Lin Shengsheng smiled helplessly, and sat down on the sofa with Leng Gongchen.

Leng Yuanyuan was also a little reluctant, she came down the stairs, sat on the sofa in the living room and looked at Li Qingzhen:
"Okay mom, just say what you want, I'll listen."

At worst, she will be scolded. It's not like she hasn't been scolded before, so just listen.

"I'll call your dad. Our family has a family meeting. This matter must be handled properly, and you can no longer let your temper go."

After speaking, Li Qingzhen took out her mobile phone.

"It's not that serious, Mom, you can just talk about it directly. Besides, Dad will listen to you when he comes back, and he won't say anything."

Leng Yuanyuan felt that it was too embarrassing to do this.

"I said yes, anyway, your father is next door." Li Qingzhen dialed the phone after speaking.

Leng Xuri went to Lin Haishan's house next door to play chess with him, and came back soon after answering the phone:
"What's the matter? Is there something urgent to call me back in such a hurry?"

After he entered, he found that everyone in the family was sitting in the living room, as if they were waiting for him to do something.

He couldn't help but panicked: "What's wrong, why do you all have such serious expressions?"

Li Qingzhen then said: "Sit down, this is about your daughter, not about the company, so don't worry."

Leng Xuri was at a loss: "Isn't Yuanyuan all right? I think she is in a much better condition now than before, and she is already quite normal. What's wrong?"

"Sit down first, of course I will tell you in detail!" Li Qingzhen said with a frown.

Leng Xuri had no choice but to sit down.

"Today, our family will sit down and talk about it. I firmly disagree with Leng Yuanyuan and Chen Junkai. What about you?"

Li Qingzhen looked at Leng Xuri.

Leng Xuri paused for a moment and said, "I think in this matter, the child's own wishes should be taken into account.

Now that child has forgotten the past, I think Chen Junkai is still doing well.

Otherwise, don't be so decisive, let the two of them get along for a while, and come to our house when the time comes.

How do you feel about keeping them together if it suits you and keeping them apart if it doesn't suit you? "

His personality is relatively peaceful and not very violent, so his reaction is not like that of Li Qingzhen.

"What are you talking about? Haven't you learned the lesson about those things before?

How did that dead boy treat our daughter at that time?Don't you have any numbers in your heart? "

Li Qingzhen was a little angry.

Leng Xuri shook his head quickly and said, "I don't agree either, I'm on your side."

He actually didn't want to do this, but there was nothing he could do. If he didn't agree, Li Qingzhen would definitely try to make him agree.

He is old now and doesn't want to argue about these things, not to mention he never argued with her when he was young.

"What do you say?" Li Qingzhen looked at Leng Gongchen and Lin Shengsheng with piercing eyes.

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