"Give it back to his mother, hasn't Lin Qianqian been clamoring for this child? Now let's return the child to her.

It's up to her to educate her when she goes back. I can't educate this child anymore. " Lin Shengsheng said a little disappointed.

"That's fine, but the outside media and the public think this is our child, even if they know that he was adopted by us.

It is also because we have been saying that he was born by you all these years, so they have always believed that this is my child.

I don't want the public to think that this matter is our fault, so if it is said that the child is returned to her, I want to hold a press conference.

In this way, the boundary between us and this child is clearly drawn, and what happens to this child or what he does in the future has nothing to do with us.

And let the public witness that there is nothing owed between us and Lin Qianqian. Do you think my idea is okay? "

Leng Gongchen looked at her and said.

Lin Shengsheng nodded: "I will ask him, if he really has that intention and wants to kill me, I will definitely not keep him.

Since I want to send him away, I won't be polite, I will definitely handle things clearly, and I won't make the same mistake again.

Don't worry about this, I will always be with you. "

"I know, since we got married, we have become very tacit understanding, you trust me and I trust you.

The two of us will definitely solve all the difficulties. The only thing I hope now is that you don't mind too much. After all, you have raised this child for a long time.

I know you have feelings for him, but this kid really doesn't deserve it, we're about to welcome a new little one, and I hope you cheer up. "

Leng Gongchen looked at Lin Shengsheng encouragingly.

Lin Shengsheng smiled at him: "Actually, you don't know what I'm thinking. When I adopted this child, I also felt very sorry for your family.

I also put him into our family's household registration. I feel that I have always been sorry to you, but because this child is obedient and cute.

I thought that he would definitely respect us in the future, so I didn't think much about it, but now that he has become like this, I can breathe a sigh of relief.

After kicking him out, I can face you all calmly, especially since your mother didn't agree at the beginning.

But in fact, these years, your parents love this child no less than me, and I feel sorry for your parents. "

"My parents don't think about these things. He just needs to think about us. My parents don't care about other things, so don't think about them."

Leng Gongchen comforted her.

"Shengsheng! How are you?" Said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Li Qingzhen and Leng Xuri hurried in from the outside at this time, with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm fine!" Lin Shengsheng said quickly.

"Why are you okay? We'll stay in the hospital if it's okay!" Li Qingzhen took her hand distressedly:
"Show me that you're okay? I'm so worried. I received a call from the nanny, so I came here in a hurry. "

"I'm fine, parents, don't worry." Lin Shengsheng said with a smile, and then looked at the door: "Where's Yuanyuan? Didn't she go out with you?"

"She was walking around in the mall and I couldn't find her.

I called her just now, she is on the way here, maybe the road is a bit congested, it will take a while to arrive. "

Li Qingzhen sat down beside the bed.

"You don't need to mobilize people like this, I'm fine at all, so don't worry, Mom, why are you calling your sister over?

I asked her not to let her come to see me, I just wanted to see you go out together, I was a little worried if I didn't see her. "

Lin Shengsheng quickly shook her hand.

"What are you talking about? My sister-in-law is in the hospital, can I be a sister-in-law and not come to see it? That's logically unreasonable, isn't it!" Li Qingzhen said with a smile.

Lin Shengsheng smiled and nodded.

"What did you do? How did you make it like this?" Li Qingzhen took her hand and asked distressedly.

Lin Shengsheng glanced at Leng Gongchen.

Leng Gongchen sighed: "It's Pingping, who made a fuss at home asking Shengsheng to bathe him, and then asked Shengsheng to go outside to get a bath towel.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he splashed water on the ground, and after Lin Shengsheng walked in, he slipped and fell, and passed out as a result.

Fortunately, the nanny found out early, otherwise I wouldn't know what happened today. "

"You mean flat?" Li Qingzhen was surprised: "How could that kid do such a thing? Did he do it on purpose? Why did he do it?"

"Mom, don't worry, you don't know yet, it's just a suspicion." Lin Shengsheng quickly comforted her, and then glanced at Leng Gongchen again:

"Mom is already worried enough, so don't scare her. I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with it. The doctor said it's okay.

When the time comes to rest well, there will definitely be no problems. Even if it is born now, the child will be healthy. Mom, don't worry about it. "

"How could it be? Now that the baby has only been born for more than 8 months, it must be placed in an incubator. How pitiful!" Li Qingzhen frowned:

"Actually, there are some things I have always thought about in my heart, but I have never told you. I am afraid that you will be unhappy. As for the child Pingping.

I have long discovered that there is something wrong with him. He always plays the same thing in front of his face but behind his back. "

"Mom, you have already discovered that there is something wrong with this child?"

Lin Shengsheng frowned, this was something she hadn't thought about, because Pingping always behaved very well and well-behaved in front of her.

Li Qingzhen nodded: "You two don't see him very much in the company, recently I have been with him at home every day.

You don't even know that when he is with us, he is very well-behaved and obedient.

But if he is alone with the nanny, he will make a fuss with the nanny, and then talk very impatiently.

I think this child behaves differently in front of us, he has a little scheming.

What you said today is very likely that he did it on purpose.

He is afraid that the child in your womb will be born, and you will not love him anymore, so there is a reason for him to do this, what do you think? "

Last time, Lin Shengsheng and Leng Gongchen didn't tell their family members about Pingping's attempt to administer abortion pills.

So, Li Qingzhen and the others didn't know about it, but after what happened today, she really couldn't explain it:

"Mom, do you really think so?"

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