"Mom, I know it must be a big deal if you are so serious. I am a man now, and nothing can defeat me. Tell me now!"

He deliberately showed a playful look, not wanting to make the atmosphere look so dignified.

Because he has guessed the next matter, he will never let his mother have the final say, and he will not break up with Leng Yuanyuan.

Mom will definitely force him, and he will never compromise, so he doesn't want to make the atmosphere so dignified.

"Let me tell you one thing, I don't want to mention that thing at the beginning.

I don't know if that child is yours, you know which child I'm talking about, right? "

Li Qiuxiang really didn't want to mention this matter, but he had to mention it, and now he had to talk about it.

"I know that Leng Yuanyuan is pregnant with that child, she told me all about it, and I went to the hospital to prove that the child is indeed mine.

It was true that you misunderstood him at the beginning. I think our family is very sorry for her. After all, Yuanyuan suffered so much in our family, and we didn't do anything.

Instead, she suffered so much, and even killed me and her child. This matter is indeed that we are sorry for others. "

Chen Junkai expressed his true inner thoughts, he didn't mean to speak for Leng Yuanyuan.

Instead, he spoke his mind, which is indeed too much, he knows what he has done in the past.

He felt ashamed of himself, how could he treat a girl like this, and she was such a beautiful and kind girl.

Even if he can't do that to Wang Yanrong now, why was he so vicious in the past?

"I also know about this matter. I was at fault. I was deceived by lard at the time, and I was just thinking that way.

In fact, I also admit that the child is indeed a child of our family. I figured it out after the fact, and I didn't understand it at the time.

She has a deep affection for you, and it is absolutely impossible for her to have anything to do with others. That child must be yours, but I can't feel angry.

I don't like her either. She forced her to marry you, so I was angry, and I did such a foolish thing. I actually regretted it in my heart. "

Li Qiuxiang first stated her position.

"Yeah, I understand when you say it, Mom, we didn't blame you, I was actually the one who made the most mistakes.

I didn't protect her well. I didn't have her in my heart at the time, so I did such a thing. I regret it now.

But it's useless to regret it. I think that I will make up for her in the future, and other things are not important to me. "

Chen Junkai said with some emotion.

"Yes, if compensation is possible, I would also like to compensate her, but son, we can't make fun of our descendants.

You can't marry her. If I had been a little selfish before, I don't think she would treat me well when she came in. After all, I did that to her.

But I am now for the good of our family, you must carefully consider what your mother said, you cannot marry that woman, you know? "Li Qiuxiang said earnestly.

"Why?" Chen Junkai didn't quite understand.

"Because the child was too big, her uterus was injured when the labor was induced. The doctor told me clearly that she would not conceive a child in the future.
After she marries you, she will not give you children, so you will not have children in the future. If you get married and have no children, what is the point of your marriage?

I think you should carefully consider this issue. We are sorry for her, but we can compensate her financially or in other ways.

You are in love with her and you can be with her, but you must never marry her, she cannot have children, what use do we have her for?
There is only a boy like you in our family. If she can't have children, will this be a disaster for our family? "

Li Qiuxiang spoke slowly.

She was presenting the facts and reasoning, and she believed that her son would figure it out.

After all, this is a major event in the family. Now that her son has become so kind and treats that woman so well, she also knows that her son loves her very much now.

It is impossible for him to do such a thing foolishly without considering the situation at home.

"Mom, what did you say? You mean that you took her to have an abortion, and then her uterus was injured and she wouldn't be pregnant?"

Chen Junkai asked this question on purpose.

He just wanted to let his mother know that the culprit of this matter was his mother, and she was responsible for it. Why would she say such a thing?

Li Qiuxiang is a little regretful, or a little guilty, but she can't make a retreat because of this:
"This matter is indeed my fault, I said that I can make up for it in various ways.

But you must not marry her, this is something that will affect future generations of our family! "

Chen Junkai sighed: "It's okay for mom, I don't dislike her, I feel very happy with her.

I haven't thought about having children either. After all, we are still so young, what kind of children should we have?
Besides, if she wanted a child, didn't her brother's family have one?Is her sister-in-law going to give birth soon?If you like to bring them, their family has a good relationship with ours.

You can bring that child back to play often. After you get used to it, that child can also call you grandma, right? "

"You silly child, how can other people's children compare with my own? Can other people's children be my own grandchildren? Can they be your own flesh and blood?
Besides, everyone around my age has become a grandma, but now I don't have one. I feel ashamed when people ask me, and I don't know what to say. "

Li Qiuxiang frowned and said.

"What's there to be ashamed of, I'm not married yet, why are you so anxious?" Chen Junkai said with a smile.

Telling my mom that I don't have masculinity seems like a bad option.

If it is not necessary, don't say it.

Li Qiuxiang sighed: "Then you should marry a wife. I don't necessarily want you to marry Wang Yanrong. Except Leng Yuanyuan, anyone else will do."

"Mom, why do you have such a big opinion on Yuanyuan? Even if there was a festival between you before, it was our family's fault. You can't blame her."

Chen Junkai really wanted to have a good theory with his mother.

"I just don't agree!" Li Qiuxiang looked elsewhere:

"I don't want to talk about this in detail, but I have already expressed my attitude. I am your mother, and I hope you respect me!"

"Indeed, you are my mother, and I should respect you, but shouldn't you also respect my choice?"

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