"Of course I can persevere, and I will never give up, don't worry!" Leng Yuanyuan said lightly.

"Why are you so obsessed? We did this for your own good. You are a good girl, and your family is so good.

Why do you have to hold on to a tree?After all, there are still men who are better than Chen Junkai, and this is just a choice for you.

But for my daughter, he is the whole of her life. Can you think about others and stop being so selfish? "

Mother Wang asked aggressively.

"It's so funny, it's very important to your daughter, but not to me? He is also the whole of my life!

I also tell you that I can't live without him, and it is absolutely impossible for me to agree with you.

If you want to use this method, or want to use some means to achieve your goals, if you want me to compromise.

Let me tell you that is absolutely impossible, I am not what I used to be!I'm not so easy to bully anymore, I think you can give up!
If there is nothing else, I'm leaving. I don't have time to chat with you here. I'm very busy. "

Leng Yuanyuan said that she was about to leave.

"I haven't finished what I said, why are you leaving? If you really want to be with my son, you should show some sincerity.

At least you shouldn't have such an attitude towards me. I think your attitude is very problematic.

If I agree with you to marry into our family, are you going to treat me with this attitude all the time? "

Li Qiuxiang finally spoke again at this time. Originally, she didn't want to say these things, because Mama Wang said there was a way.

But after all, Mother Wang had no choice but to let this woman gain the upper hand. Of course, she couldn't stand it anymore.

So she wants to speak, but if she doesn't speak now, it seems a bit unreasonable.

She had to say this, but the situation was not as optimistic as she thought.

This mother Wang is simply an idiot, she only repeats a few words, and she can't say anything else. What's the use of talking nonsense?

You have to be ruthless with this woman, you should hit the nail on the head, and only when it comes to the vitals is it useful.

If it's just talking nonsense, then why should she come here? It's really funny.

"You have such an attitude towards me, what kind of attitude do you expect me to treat you? And I would like to ask you to consider my feelings.

You know what you are like to me, whether it was before or now, I think you know what you are like to me.

I don't need to remind you again, if you treat me like this, do you still expect me to treat you well?
I think you're just dreaming, and you're too double-standard.If you want me to be nice to you, you have to be nice to me first.

If you treat me badly, I will definitely not treat you well. After all, I am no longer the little girl who didn't understand anything.

I have grown up now, and I know a lot of things. There is no love or hate for no reason in the world. I didn't hate you before.

And I'm trying to be close to you, trying to respect you, to be with you, and to have a good time in your house.

But, you didn't give me that chance, and you did that to me.

Now that I can do it in front of you, it is very good to talk to you so calmly.

If it were someone with a bad temper, I believe he might not be as good as me, even if it was Wang Yanrong.

If she really went through what happened at the beginning, I believe she may not be able to calm down now. I think what I have done is good enough. "

Leng Yuanyuan said coldly.

"Now it's not that you think it's good, but that I think it's good. If you've always treated me like this, then do you have any respect for your elders?

If you have been disrespectful to me, why should I allow you to come to our house?Do you think that's what it means?
If I want to marry a daughter-in-law, of course I want to marry a daughter-in-law who respects me and gets along well with me. Do I want to marry a daughter-in-law who is against me?
Do you disrespect my daughter-in-law every day, and go back and piss me off? "Li Qiuxiang said eloquently.

"I used to be a very obedient and sensible daughter-in-law, and you made me into this.

We were just getting started and you already had so many opinions on me and were rude to me every day.

It means that we disagree with the relationship between the two of us, and of course I will not treat you well.

If you are fine, we two have something to discuss, and I don't need to target you like this.

You know who I am, I'm not a hard-hearted person.

In the long-term relationship, people say that people's hearts can be seen in time, as long as you treat me well, I will definitely treat you well.
But you are not nice to me, it is absolutely impossible for you to want me to be nice to you, as I have already said, I will not be as stupid as before.

So don't expect me to be as easy to deceive as I used to be. "Leng Yuanyuan stated what she thought in her heart, and that's what she thought in her heart.

She will never regress again, and she will never look like she used to, which was really stupid.

Although she still loves that man now, she will not throw herself into it foolishly.

What she needs now is the efforts of both parties, not going forward alone.

If Chen Junkai lets go now, she can let go too, why should she persist?She is not such a fool anymore.

She now knows that love needs two people to manage it, and it can't be obtained by one person's blind efforts.

So now she clearly knew what she wanted and what she should do, so he and she would not compromise on this woman, Li Qiuxiang.

"Since you want to be with my son, you should show some attitude, and you treat me with this attitude.

Do you still expect me to promise you to be with my son?Do you think I'll nod in agreement? "

Li Qiuxiang said in a condescending tone.

She doesn't believe that this woman doesn't believe in this evil, and wants to marry into her family. No matter what she says, she will be her mother-in-law in the future.

Doesn't this woman respect her at all?Don't you feel afraid of her at all?
She doesn't believe it!

She felt that everything about Leng Yuanyuan was just a disguise, but she was actually that coward from before!

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