Since Chen Junkai lost his memory, he has become very gentle and kind, and his heart is softer.

Wang Yanrong felt that if he said that, Chen Junkai would definitely not blame her, and would definitely pass and become friends, and then slowly plot.

If it was like this, and she didn't even have WeChat or a phone, she didn't know where to start.

So first of all, we must solve the crisis in communication first, and she feels that she will have other opportunities later.

So, she added Chen Junkai again and sent a message:
"Can I add you? I have something to tell you, I hope you can pass me.

Even if the two of us can't be a couple, we can still be friends. I apologize to you for what happened before! "

Chen Junkai was having breakfast when he saw his phone vibrate.

He thought it was Leng Yuanyuan who sent him a text message, a smile appeared on his face, and then he clicked on it, and it turned out that it was WeChat, but there was no message.

Then he saw that there was a new friend under WeChat, and this message was displayed. He clicked on it and saw that it was from Wang Yanrong.

And those words of apology were quite sincere, he hesitated for a moment, and then accepted the friend request.

He thought that the two families were family friends after all, and his parents were good friends. If he was too unfeeling, he had already deleted the number and WeChat.

If it is too much, the girl will let her parents cry, and then it will be passed on to his parents, and then she will talk nonsense again.

He thinks it's better not to make his parents angry, and it's okay to add a wechat, as long as he just ignores that woman.

So he still chose to pass WeChat. Now he is based on the principle that more things are worse than less things, so let's just mess around like this.

Anyway, he didn't have much interest in this girl.

Of course it would be the best if he could make this girl give up, so he felt that if he added her, he would ignore her.

Slowly the girl gave up, and maybe she would have another boyfriend. This is actually a good thing for this girl, and he doesn't want to delay others.

And Wang Yanrong couldn't help laughing when he saw that he had passed the friend request, and knew that this trick would work for this man, so she immediately sent another message.

"Brother Junkai, are you really so unfeeling? You deleted my phone number, and now my WeChat.

Even if the two of us can't be friends, I'm talking about boyfriend and girlfriend, we can still be ordinary friends, right?
You don't have to be so unfeeling, just hurt me so completely, no matter what, I have you in my heart, my parents and your parents have been friends for so many years.

Even if I did something wrong before, it is because I love you so much that I am like this! "

Wang Yanrong couldn't wait to explain.

Chen Junkai frowned and looked at the text message with some annoyance, and then replied a message:
"I passed your friend request just because my parents are good friends.

So I hope you can have a little self-respect, a little self-knowledge, and stop having those thoughts that you have nothing to gain.

I have a girlfriend now, and I don't want to have too many entanglements with you, so if you have nothing to do in the future, don't bother each other, anyway, we have friends.

Now if you want to know my current situation, just look at your circle of friends, and I can also look at your circle of friends, just be an ordinary friend, that's it. "

After he finished speaking, he didn't want to continue talking, because he felt that he had nothing to say to this woman.

"I apologize to you for what I did before, if you really mind what I did before, then I also care too much about you.

I know I can't do that just because of this excuse, because I say I care about you.

But I was too impulsive at the time and didn't think about it that much. I was just afraid that you would leave me.

But I know that it's like holding sand in your hand, the harder you push, the more the sand will leak.

I didn't figure out that reason at the time, I just did such a thing in a moment of urgency.

I'm not such a casual girl, I hope you can believe me. "Wang Yanrong started sending messages again, to clear her name.

Chen Junkai shook his head, and then replied: "Actually, what kind of girl you are is not important to me at all.

I think it's better for girls to be more self-important. If you behave like you, you are actually irresponsible to yourself.

How disappointed your parents would be if they found out, it's just because I'm not a scumbag, if I really am.

What do you think you can do with me after I did that to you and then made you angry again?

Even if your parents have been friends with my parents for many years, what can they do to me if I insult you?
At most, I will say that I will not go to jail even if I reprimand me a few words. After all, you are voluntary, and I am not forcing you to say what to do with you.

So I hope you will be more careful when dating other men in the future, don't be so impulsive, and think before doing anything.

This is a suggestion I give you because my parents have been friends with your parents for many years, and it does not mix my personal emotions.

Don't misunderstand what I mean to you. I really don't mean anything to you. Now I only have one person in my heart, that is Leng Yuanyuan.

If you still have other ideas, I don't think it's necessary for you, you can give up, in fact, I won't have any interest in you anymore.

The reason why I agreed to get along with you at the beginning was because of my parents' face.

And because my mother is always urging me to get married, I said that I don't want to disappoint her, so I will try to get in touch with you.

If you had a big misunderstanding because of my decision at the beginning, and you thought that I really wanted to date you.

I think I should also say sorry to you about this matter, and I shouldn't let you have such a misunderstanding.

I also hope that you will let me go and myself, there is no need to continue to be persistent. "

Chen Junkai thought for a while and sent out a long paragraph, he just wanted to talk about the trap.

This girl should stop being obsessed with obsession, and stop insisting on this matter.

In fact, it is meaningless. He doesn't want to delay others, and he doesn't want others to delay himself.

Because he knew that if this girl didn't give up, she might become an obstacle between him and Leng Yuanyuan's relationship.

"I understand what you mean." Wang Yanrong was so angry when she saw these words, but she didn't show it.

Chen Junkai, just wait with me!

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