"What's your attitude? What's wrong with me calling you a few times? Do you treat me like this? If you marry Junkai in the future, will you treat me with this attitude?"

Li Qiuxiang was very angry when she heard Leng Yuanyuan's tone, what's wrong with making more phone calls?As for this?
Just throwing face at others, what kind of young lady's temper is this, it's really hard to serve!
"It depends on my mood, after all, you know how you treated me before.

Even if I marry Jun Kai, I am not your daughter, and I have no obligation to treat you well, do I?
As long as your son treats you well, it doesn’t matter to you whether other people treat you well or not, as long as your son and your daughter treat you well, isn’t that all right?
I'm actually an insignificant person, and you don't have money to spend or nothing to use, do you?
Whether I treat you well or not is actually not important to you, otherwise you wouldn't have treated me like that back then. " Leng Yuanyuan said sarcastically.

"Well, I didn't call you to argue with you about these things.

I just want to tell you, I hope you will not tell my son about the meeting between the two of us this afternoon.

When the time comes, let my son see the two of us meeting, and we won't be able to talk anymore. I know that you don't want to meet me at all.

If you really don't want to meet me, you can tell my son about it, and I won't stop you.

However, I still hope to have a face-to-face chat with you, because this matter is not just useful if you avoid it.

I think you should still come to meet and talk carefully before deciding what our future relationship will be like. "

Li Qiuxiang talked a lot.

Leng Yuanyuan frowned and thought for a while, "I know you're using the aggressive method, don't you just want me to go out and meet you, and then talk to you?

I don't know what exactly you want to talk to me, or what other purpose you have, but I don't want to say anything more.

I think if you want to see me, I'm not afraid of you, so what can you do to me?Even if you can do anything to me, our bodyguards are not vegetarians.

So if you want to provoke me verbally, or if you want to say something to me that makes me sad or sad, this is actually nothing to me.

What have I not experienced?I have experienced so many things in the past, am I not still doing well?

I will only become stronger in the future, not weaker. It doesn't matter what you say to me. I don't care about those things too much. "

"Okay, I see, I didn't call you to hear how strong you are, I just hope you don't tell my son this information.

If you tell Junkai, it's not a good thing for you or me, it's a matter between the two of us.

I don't want you to bring in a third person, you know what I mean? "Li Qiuxiang asked sharply.

"I understand, don't tell me any more, I understand what you mean, in fact, I know all these things.

I don't want to say anything more to you, so be it, I hang up the phone, goodbye! "

Leng Yuanyuan hung up the phone coldly as she spoke. In fact, she really didn't want to meet this old woman if it wasn't necessary.

Because it is definitely not a good thing to meet her, but since she has already called.

If you refuse, it seems that you are afraid of this old woman.

And she is indeed like what the old woman said, if she wants to continue with Chen Junkai, then she must have some contact with this old woman.

This matter cannot be avoided, she must face it, and she also warned herself in her heart that this matter cannot be avoided if she wants to.

Therefore, she must face it seriously.

"Leng Yuanyuan, come on, you are the best, you haven't done anything shameful, and you have no excuse to fall into their hands.

Whatever that old woman says, don't be afraid of her, anyway, now you are the invincible Leng Yuanyuan! "

After Leng Yuanyuan said a few words to herself in the mirror, she went downstairs to have breakfast.

And Li Qiuxiang was already calling Mama Wang at this time.

When Mother Wang woke up early in the morning, her daughter had already squeezed into her bed, and Father Wang had already gone to work in the company, so the mother and daughter were nestled on the bed.

In fact, the daughter didn't say anything, she also knew that Wang Yanrong was waiting for Li Qiuxiang's call, and wanted to know when they would meet and how they would arrange it.

She actually doesn't know what to do now, she doesn't know if that woman will come to the appointment.

If she doesn't keep the appointment, then all the plans made yesterday will be forfeited, and she has to start thinking about other ways again, which is actually quite a headache for her.

At this moment the phone rang, both of them were stunned for a moment, then picked up the phone and saw that the calling number was Li Qiuxiang's.

Both of them couldn't help laughing, and then Wang Yanrong covered her mouth on purpose and turned to Mama Wang, beckoning her to answer the phone with her eyes.

Ms. Wang answered the phone and said very gently into the phone, "Hello, Qiuxiang, it's you, you woke up so early?"

"I've woken up a long time ago, so I don't look like you. Listening to your voice, are you still awake?

You are so comfortable, I have been busy with this matter all morning, I don't know how many phone calls.

That woman is very difficult to talk to, she talked a lot of nonsense to me on the phone, how can there be such a person.

Even if I had a grudge against her before, but she wants to ask you now, shouldn't she treat me better?

How can she treat me with this attitude? Doesn't she know that my attitude will affect my son's impression of her?

Really, when the time comes, I will tell my son that she treats me very badly, and I don't believe that my son doesn't care about me at all! "

Li Qiuxiang said very angrily.

"It may also be that Leng Yuanyuan has resentment towards you because of what happened at that time, so I said that your family cannot marry this woman into the family.

Because she has resentment in her heart, she will definitely not let go of the previous things, you see what I said, right, I will never talk nonsense.

Although I do this kind of thing for my daughter's benefit, it is also for your own benefit, you have to believe me! "Mother Wang said into the phone.

Li Qiuxiang said on the phone: "I know what you said is right, so because of what you said, I followed what you said and called to ask that woman out.

Otherwise, do you think I have nothing to do now, so I will go to ask that woman out?It's so difficult to date such a difficult person, I don't want to call her in my life. "

When Li Qiuxiang thought of Leng Yuanyuan's attitude towards her on the phone just now, she became furious.

She couldn't figure out how her son would like this kind of woman, but she wouldn't give in either.

bring it on!Aren't you, Leng Yuanyuan, very aggressive and tough?For the appointment in the afternoon, let's have a spark hit the earth!

Let's see who will win?

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