"I didn't treat you with any attitude, Auntie, you misunderstood, you have been criticizing me, and you think my attitude is not good.

If you can accept my attitude, I'd like to talk to you, so what's the matter with you calling me today?

If there is nothing to do, I will hang up. I am really sleepy. I have really used my sleeping time to tell you these words.

But I don't know, what's the matter with you that you still refuse to say, is it so difficult to say?

If it is really difficult to speak, I advise you not to say it, I may not agree to you. "

Leng Yuanyuan said lightly into the phone.

"Actually, I have no other intention of looking for you, I just want to ask you out, the two of us find a place to sit down and have a good talk about the things between you.

After all, you also know that I did not agree with your marriage at the beginning, and I still do not agree now, so I hope to have a good talk with you.

If it can be negotiated, that is of course the best, if not, let's see later, that's what I mean anyway.

I'll tell you straight, I don't know if you're going to make the appointment, but I hope you will.

Because this matter is not something you can solve by escaping. Escaping will only delay it, but it will not completely solve the problem.

Even if you want to get a marriage certificate when you get married, you have to take the household registration book from me before you can get the marriage certificate.

Otherwise, you are cohabiting illegally, although cohabitation is nothing to the present society.

But if you want to get married, I think you still have to pass my level, let's come out and have a good chat.

If you satisfy me, I will not say that I must hold on to this matter, and I must not let you marry my son.

But if you don't even come out, it means that you have given up on your own, and you should think about it yourself. "

Li Qiuxiang spoke out all the thoughts in her heart into the phone.

She just wanted to use this method to get this woman out, which would be much easier, because she believed that Mother Wang must have a way to deal with this woman.

Leng Yuanyuan rang the corner of her mouth while holding the phone, showing a sneer, wondering what kind of trick this old woman was playing.

But she must go, and she will never show weakness to this old woman again, otherwise her life will definitely not be easy in the future.

"Okay, since Auntie wants to chat with me, then you can make an appointment with me, and you can be wherever you say.

But I have to wait until the afternoon. I don't have time in the morning. I'm going to bed now, and I won't get up until noon.

After I finish eating, it will be around 2 o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, let's make an appointment, or drink coffee, drink milk tea and so on.

Or find a relatively secluded place, Auntie, you can make an appointment, but I advise Auntie not to have any bad ideas.

When I go out, my brother always sends bodyguards to follow me. They will protect my safety and don't make everyone look ugly.

So you don't want to fight these ideas, I don't think it's necessary. "

Leng Yuanyuan still said these words first, she didn't expect any unnecessary misunderstanding to make Chen Junkai misunderstand.

Even if there was any conflict with his mother, she didn't want to affect the relationship between the two of them.

"Don't worry, I'm not as bad as you think, and I won't do such nasty things, which I don't bother to do.

When the time comes, we will meet and have a good talk. If the talk fails, I have other things to do. Anyway, I won't agree to your marriage so easily.

Because, I think this is a very thoughtless thing for you, and it is not a momentary impulse or previous apology that can maintain your marriage for the rest of your life. "

By the way, Li Qiuxiang said what was in her heart. She felt that a marriage was a major event for two families.

They just rely on the impulse of the moment, as well as the past events that Chen Junkai can't remember, and the guilt they have to maintain this relationship.

She felt that it would not last long and be stable.

"This is a matter between the two of us, so don't bother Auntie, but don't worry, I'm not a person who gives up easily.

I will never easily give up on someone who hasn't given up on me, so let's talk about what Auntie has today.

I will finish answering for you in the afternoon, so I don’t have to bother Auntie next time. I think this is better for us.

Because always seeing each other will also affect the relationship between us. Although we will not have too much friendship now, there will not be any deep hatred.

I have decided not to care about the past, and I believe that my aunt does not have any deep hatred for me.

After all, it was you who were sorry for me at the beginning, not I who was sorry for you, and I think it should be you who feel guilty, not me.

I don't think I've done anything in front of you, so you shouldn't have any resentment towards me, right? "

Leng Yuanyuan asked what was in her heart, which is what she has always wanted to ask.

After all, she didn't do anything wrong at the beginning, but was dealt with by them, and even her child was lost by them.

She didn't understand, why these people still treat her with this attitude, what did she do wrong?
Since she did nothing wrong, why did they still treat themselves so harshly?
She really doesn't understand what the brain circuits of these people look like, so she wants to ask clearly.

"Of course I understand what you mean, but what happened at the beginning was what happened at the beginning, what is happening now is what happened now, and it is no longer what happened at the beginning.

Don't mention the past, I know what you're thinking, you think I'm sorry for you.

But I will not admit this matter, because my son said he didn't touch you, but you were pregnant.

So I suspect that the child does not belong to our family, and I don't regret it until now, because I don't know whether the child belongs to our family or not. "

Li Qiuxiang said a lot in one breath, but she has no regrets.

"If you still have doubts about that child, I have kept all the specimens of that child in the hospital.

You can take Chen Junkai to the hospital, and then do a paternity test to see if the child belongs to your family! "

Leng Yuanyuan was extremely excited. She had been calm and calm during the call just now.

But when she mentioned that child, the child who was tortured to death before she was born, her anger was like a volcano erupting!
She is not reconciled!

She wants revenge!

She wanted those people to bury her children with her!

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