Wang Yanrong was indeed very angry, but in fact the anger was just a cover-up. She was very scared and guilty.

After all, she did that thing, no matter how much she denied it, she couldn't deny it.

"Okay, you didn't do that thing again, what are you afraid of? Come with me!"

Ms. Wang dragged her daughter away. She was full of anger now and just wanted to make this matter clear.

Mother Wang didn't know the truth of the matter. Now that her daughter was dumped, she felt so sad and sad.

This man is still bringing a daughter to their house to insult her. She absolutely cannot tolerate this matter!

Therefore, she must make this matter clear, and then teach this scumbag a lesson.

Regardless of how they agreed before, anyway, he had already decided that he would be with his daughter, and he got back together with his ex-wife.

Such a man is definitely a scumbag, and she will never let him go.

She has seen it on TV before, how to deal with scumbags.

This time, she must let this scumbag be smashed to pieces, ruined, and never have the chance to hurt her daughter again.

But Wang Yanrong didn't know what to do. This matter cannot be denied.

But it's useless to say anything now, the person has already arrived and there is no way to avoid it, so we can only solve it quickly.

Hurry up to deny this matter, and it will be fine after it's over, she thinks it should be like this.

So she calmed down for a while, and she was not so flustered, and came down with her mother.

Chen Junkai and Leng Yuanyuan saw Wang Yanrong coming down, they didn't speak, they just looked at her.

Wang Yanrong walked over and sat down opposite them, then looked at them indifferently and said:
"What's the matter? It's not enough for the two of you to show your affection in front of me, and you even came to our house. What does this mean?
And to disturb my parents, do you really want to let people live a good life?Now that you two have decided to make up, I've decided to let it go.

Let the two of you stay together, why are you still running over to disturb my family?

I don't understand what you mean by doing this. What's the point of doing such a thing for you? "

Leng Yuanyuan smiled and said, "Wang Yanrong, don't you know what you did?

Tell me this now, does it make sense to you?Do you think you look alike?Don't you think there is something wrong with you? "

"Miss Leng, I haven't seen you for several days, do you think it's polite for you to speak to me like this?

But I don't know you either, I just know Chen Junkai, don't you think it's impolite for you to talk to me like this?

Or, do you feel that you are not a good thing at all?So you don't have to be polite.

You should have opened your mouth like this, are you so unqualified, do you just want to pretend to be a young lady to crush people to death? "

Wang Yanrong wanted to steal the show, so he said a lot in one breath, but the words were incoherent.

"Miss Wang, do you know what you are talking about? You said you haven't seen me for several days, if I remember correctly.

You should have seen us this afternoon, or you have seen us where I didn't see you. You can't deny this, right? "

Leng Yuanyuan looked at her coldly.

This woman clearly has a guilty conscience, otherwise she wouldn't be able to say so much incoherent nonsense, and it's useless to say it.

"What are you talking about? I have been at home today. When did I go out? Even if I go out, it has nothing to do with you?
Have I met you, and does it matter to you?Am I bothering you?What's wrong with this?

I want to know, what on earth do you mean by coming to our house?What exactly do you want to express? "Wang Yanrong said with a frown.

"Okay, don't pretend, let's talk about it!" Leng Yuanyuan looked at her coldly:
"This afternoon, when the two of us were playing in the playground, did you run into the playground wearing the overalls of the playground staff?

On the roller coaster, I moved my hands and feet in that position, trying to get me thrown out when the roller coaster was driving, and then fell seriously injured or died? "

"What nonsense are you talking about! Do you know that you are responsible for saying such things, if you wrong me, I will sue you for defamation.

Do you think saying that means anything to you?What's the use of you always wronging others like this?I have already said that I must let go.

I will not pester this man anymore, and I have already promised you that I will not continue like this, and I am already enlightening myself.

Why do you still want to drag such a thing on me? I never thought about such a thing, and I never thought about dealing with you.

Can you please stop doing this to me?Did you do something yourself and then blame it on me?ridiculous!
Let me tell you, I didn't go to the playground today. I slept at home all afternoon. If you don't believe me, you can ask my mother! "

Wang Yanrong pointed to her mother and said.

Although Ms. Wang knew her daughter was lying, she must be helping her daughter at this time, so she said:
"That's right, my daughter has been at home all day, so don't talk about this kind of thing on my daughter here, it's absolutely impossible for my daughter to do it.

When you came here just now, I have already said that my daughter will never do such a thing, so you should stop pretending here.

If there is nothing else, you can leave. I have already said that my daughter cannot be like this, and you insist on asking me to call her down.

Now that she has come down, this is the result you want. If I were you, I would have fled away with my tail between my legs, so why would I have the nerve to continue sitting in this place. "

"Why am I embarrassed? I'm not unreasonable, and I haven't done anything shameful. Why am I embarrassed?
This Ms. Wang, if you said that you were sleeping at home this afternoon, then I would like to ask you, can you explain to me who the person appeared in this video?
Could it be that you have a twin sister or something, pretending to be you, and then ran to the amusement park? "

As Leng Yuanyuan said, she took out her mobile phone and took out the surveillance that she had investigated.

It was the surveillance where Wang Yanrong was talking to the staff in the surveillance.

Her face was photographed clearly, who else could it be?

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