When the staff member thought about it, he could still get [-] for nothing, even if the other half couldn't get it, that would be considered pretty good.

As long as it was a counter-offer, he didn't care so much, and immediately nodded and said:
"Okay, just follow the method you said, miss. After you get the clothes and finish the business smoothly, you can transfer the money to me on WeChat. Is that okay?"

"No problem." Wang Yanrong readily agreed, added WeChat, and transferred him [-].

Then the staff told her the address of the warehouse in detail, and then told her to enter through the north door.

Because the administrator usually sits at the south gate, which is the farthest from the north gate.

The other two doors are also available. If you go in the wrong direction, you can enter through any other door as long as it is not the south door.

Then secretly take the clothes away, the warehouse guards will not know.

Because that person just sits there playing with his phone all day long, so he doesn't have time to pay attention to those things.

Besides, those clothes are not worth much, and no one has stolen them, and no one will find that there will be a missing set of clothes inside.

Wang Yanrong was very satisfied with the result, and felt that the 3 yuan spent was really worth it.

So she said hello to the staff member and left directly, and soon she came back wearing work clothes.

The staff member was right, as expected, no one was watching that place at all.

She randomly found a fitting room inside, changed her clothes, and then hid her own clothes.

Then she came out wearing work clothes. She looks more delicately dressed now, but she is wearing work clothes.

If you don't look carefully, you will also mistake it for the staff of this playground.

When she came back, she saw that Chen Junkai and the others were still queuing up to buy tickets, she couldn't help smiling, and then she walked to the door of the staff member.

The staff member was still checking the tickets, Wang Yanrong walked over and said, "How is the situation on your side?"

The staff member looked up at her and was taken aback for a moment before realizing it, not feeling a little surprised.

This woman really looks like that in this suit, she is indeed a smart person, then nodded and said:

"It's okay here, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, the leader above asked me to go in and inspect it, so I'll go in and have a look, and I'll come out later, okay?"

"Okay, let's go!" The staff member nodded and agreed.

He didn't expect this woman to be so fast, and she pretended to be a decent person. She was really a very smart person.

And being so rich, this woman is really not simple, he thought secretly in his heart.

After Wang Yanrong entered, she began to look at the tickets on the big screen, and waited for half an hour before seeing the tickets for Chen Junkai and Leng Yuanyuan.

From that ticket, she could see where they were, and she immediately had an idea.

When those people lined up to come in, she went in and took the chair next to Chen Junkai's chair.

That is, the chair that Leng Yuanyuan was sitting on moved her hands and feet, loosening the screws on it.

If the roller coaster drives too hard at that time, it is very likely that people will be thrown out of it, and it will depend on her luck to live or die.

Wang Yanrong thought, with a sinister smile on his face.

She also walked towards the staff there, pretending to be overhauling the machine, and walked over pretendingly, holding a wrench in her hand.

Then I adjusted the slightly smaller chair that the girl was sitting on, and loosened the screws inside.

Then I patted it, pretending that it was overhauled, and then stood aside to watch.

Not long after, Chen Junkai and Leng Yuanyuan walked in from the outside while talking and laughing.

After checking the tickets for the staff, he was directed to the designated location.

"Wow, I've only seen this roller coaster on TV, I've never been on it before, I'm so scared.

Because I feel that my heart will definitely lift up and then fall down. I think this is terrible.

I was really a little too excited today. I played too many items. I played all the items that I had never played since I was a child.

My mother said that I have been timid since I was a child, and this time I was finally bold. " Leng Yuanyuan patted her heart and said.

Chen Junkai said with a smile: "It's nothing to be afraid of, don't worry, these chairs are very solid, you just need to sit here obediently.

If you are really scared, you can hold my hand. If you really can't stand it, you can say it out loud, and I will ask the staff to stop, okay? "

"With you here, I'm not afraid, you are so kind to me now!" Leng Yuanyuan snuggled sweetly by his arm.

"Isn't that what it should be, I hope you are happy, I hope you like it.

If you really like the environment here and like to go out to play, I will take you out as long as you are free in the future, as long as you are happy. "

Chen Junkai looked at her affectionately.

"Okay, thank you." Leng Yuanyuan blushed and nodded.

The two sat down on the chairs, and Wang Yanrong was not far away, looking at the two of them coldly.

Wait a minute to see how this bitch Leng Yuanyuan can still laugh, and wait to see how Chen Junkai cries!

If this woman dies, what else does he have to think about, why don't he stay with him obediently?

The staff put on their seat belts for them.

The other passengers also got on the roller coaster one after another. Seeing that the car was about to be full, they started driving.

Wang Yanrong had a cruel smile on her face, waiting helplessly to see how Yuanyuan would feel when she flew down from above.

At this moment, Leng Yuanyuan suddenly felt something was wrong, because she touched a loose screw, then frowned and said to Chen Junkai:
"Do you think the situation here is really safe? Or do you think there are really no problems with the facilities here?
No matter how I touched a screw, it was loose. Will there be any danger then? "

Chen Junkai frowned and said: "How is it possible, they have to overhaul every piece of this equipment, and then tighten the loose screws.

Is it that the screw you said is useless, you can touch other screws to see if the same situation exists? "

Leng Yuanyuan reached out to touch other places, and then said:

"Why are all my chairs like this? It seems that all the screws have been loosened. Do you feel that way on your side?
Could it be that they deliberately made the screws like this in order to create thrills? "

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