"It's not pretty if you lose your teeth, I think you look pretty good if you don't cover your teeth.

I feel that if you lose your teeth, it will definitely be very ugly, so be careful! " Leng Yuanyuan said, turned and left.

However, what she heard just now touched her heart. When her brother and sister-in-law held their first wedding, they were messed up because of her.

So the second time I was afraid of well ropes for ten years, so I didn't hold a wedding.

But thinking about it now, she was sorry for her elder brother and sister-in-law. This wedding still needs to be supplemented by sister-in-law, otherwise sister-in-law will suffer too much in her life.

She walked out while thinking, planning to go back and propose this matter, and organize a wedding for her brother and sister-in-law.

Chen Junkai had been waiting outside, and when he saw her coming out, he hurried up.

Seeing that her complexion was not good, he asked with great concern: "What's the matter with you, did your sister treat you well? Did you say anything nasty?"

"No, don't think about it, don't you see that I am doing well, I just said a few words.

I just talked about what happened at that time, so my face is not very good-looking.In fact, I have forgotten the previous things, and I will not think of those things again.

I don't want to care about those, but if you want me to forgive them, I really can't do it, at least I can't do it now, can you forgive me? "

Leng Yuanyuan looked at him sincerely.

"I know that what happened back then hurt you too much. If I were you, I might never pay attention to such a man in my life.

But you have forgiven me now, and you have come home with me, and are willing to accept my family.

I'm already grateful to you, and I don't expect you to forgive them, just say that you don't think about it anymore.

If the two of us can be together, you are willing to be with me, and I am willing to live outside with you, not with them.

I won't let you see them, I know that the knot in your heart will never go away in a lifetime.

I don't expect you to forgive them either, they did go too far.

No matter how bad I was at the time, I didn't intend to hurt you, but they actually killed my child, and I really couldn't forgive them in my heart.

It's just that they are my relatives, I have no choice but to accept them, so what should I do?

They gave me life, they are my father and mother, and if I take revenge on them, I will have no parents.

Moreover, there is no need to be so fussy about my relatives. I have woken up since I died once.

Although I have forgotten all these things, I seem to have realized everything, and I don't think about those hateful things at all, I just want to live every day in the future. "

Chen Junkai looked at Leng Yuanyuan in front of him sincerely.

Leng Yuanyuan nodded: "I understand what you mean, in fact, if the child was born properly back then.

He should be a healthy and lively child. He should be able to call Mom and Dad by now, and he can run and dance.

But it's a pity that he has been killed by his grandma and aunt. I hope that if the two of us are together in the future.

We're moving out and I don't want to live with them.

But I don't actually doubt them, and I don't mean I don't accept them, I just don't want to think about the past.

Especially after the two of us are together, I really can't think of those things in the past.

If I think about it, my heart will be pierced, if I have hatred in my heart, maybe I will not be standing here now. "

"I understand what you mean, I won't make you sad again, and I won't make you sad again, don't worry!" Chen Junkai patted her on the shoulder in relief.

"Okay, I see, I'm going back, you should rest early!" Leng Yuanyuan said and walked out.

"I'll take you away. How can I rest assured that you go back alone at such a late hour? I'll drive you back, and then I'll drive back. That's all right."

Chen Junkai would not let this girl go home alone, and he had already decided to take care of this daughter for the rest of his life, so why would he let her go alone?

"Okay, then I'll trouble you." Leng Yuanyuan smiled.

"Why are you being so polite to me? Although we haven't fully confirmed our relationship yet, we are getting better now, aren't we?
At least we're still friends, how about I take you home for a while?Do you need to be so polite? "Chen Junkai laughed.

"Okay, I see, let's go." Leng Yuanyuan smiled and nodded.

And Chen Xueying looked at the back of the two of them walking away hand in hand, with a gloomy expression on her face.

She didn't find out anything, but seemed to speak her own heart.

Leng Yuanyuan has become so powerful now, and she can see what's going on in her heart. It seems that if she wants to catch up with Leng Gongchen, she doesn't need some extraordinary means.

However, what to do with this matter still needs to be discussed in the long run.

After all, they are not easy to deal with now, and Lin Shengsheng has established a firm foothold, and even the second child is about to be born.

Thinking about it, this second child should not have been born. After all, the first child was her shame, and it was born by force, so it should be laughed at.

But this second child was aboveboard. Even if the two didn't have a wedding, they still got a marriage certificate.

Moreover, there was also a very failed wedding. Although it failed, it can't be said that it hadn't been done. Thinking about it this way, she was even more unconvinced.

Lin Shengsheng is just the daughter of a ruined company, can he compare with her?

Their family's company is so prosperous, even if it can't compare with Leng's Group, it is still one of the top big companies.

What kind of thing is Lin Shengsheng, why should she marry such an outstanding man?
She really got angrier the more she thought about it.

She turned around and closed the door, then lay on the bed, racking her brains to figure out how to deal with it, how to separate the two of them.

After Leng Yuanyuan returned home, the family was having dinner, and it wasn't too late for their family to eat, it was just that Chen Junkai's family ate too early.

"Sister is back?" Lin Shengsheng was very surprised to see her: "Have you eaten yet? Sit down and eat well."

"I've already eaten, I'm not hungry, I'll go upstairs, sister-in-law, you will come upstairs to find me after dinner, can I talk to you?" Leng Yuanyuan said with a smile.

"Of course." Lin Shengsheng smiled and nodded.

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