After Leng Yuanyuan hung up the phone, she looked at Chen Junkai with a smile.

Chen Junkai asked: "What did your sister-in-law say? Do you agree to go with me!"

Leng Yuanyuan smiled and said, "Do you think my sister-in-law agrees?"

"I think your sister-in-law is a very understanding person, and she is also very kind. She should be willing to help us!" Chen Junkai thought for a while and said.

"What? You still think my sister-in-law is very nice, do you still have thoughts about her?" Leng Yuanyuan deliberately pulled her face.

Chen Junkai quickly waved his hand: "Heaven and earth conscience, why would I have such thoughts, and she is about to have a second child now.

If I have such thoughts again, am I not a beast?Besides, there is your brother, how dare I have such thoughts! "

Leng Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing:

"Look at your stupidity, don't think about it, I'm joking with you, you think I really have that kind of thinking.

Besides, you have forgotten all the previous things now, and of course you have forgotten my sister-in-law, and you will not like her anymore.

My sister-in-law is really going to have a second child. If you like her any more, it's really what you call a beast! "

"I don't think that way either, I don't know what I thought before, anyway, now I think that since he is married.

I already have a child, how can I do something like destroy someone's family?
I really couldn't figure out what was in my head before, but after dying once, I felt more relaxed and my mind was clearer. "

Chen Junkai said with a little emotion.

"Yeah, I think you have changed a lot now than before, if it was before, you wouldn't be so easy to talk about.

You will definitely not give up easily, because you insisted on doing so many things before, and you even planted parasites on my nephew. "

Leng Yuanyuan shuddered when she said this.

"What! Did I do such a crazy thing? What kind of parasite? What's going on?" Chen Junkai couldn't understand even more.

"Hey, in order to tie my sister-in-law and my nephew by your side, you gave my nephew that parasitic snail." Leng Yuanyuan shook her head:

"You don't even know that my nephew had an operation at that time, and it was very pitiful, so my brother also hated you very much.

Because you did a lot of things that he couldn't forgive, you can understand.

I think if there is any obstacle between the two of us, it is not only from your parents, but also from my parents and my brother.

Because after all, you did a lot of wrong things at the beginning, and there is no way to deny it. "

"It's okay, it's actually nothing, you don't have to think like this, if I really did a lot of things that I'm sorry to them at the beginning, it's really wrong.

I am also willing to admit my mistakes, and I am willing to accept how they treat me, after all, this is what I am willing to bear. "

Chen Junkai shook his head: "Besides, I was really sorry for them back then, and I deserved to be treated like this."

"Don't say that." Leng Yuanyuan took his hand and said:

"It's not that you can be blamed for what happened at the beginning, besides, there are various reasons, my sister-in-law actually took advantage of you at that time.

Because she wants to avoid my brother, anyway, everyone is wrong about this matter, so no one is to blame, it has already passed, so don't mention it again. "

Leng Yuanyuan comforted him gently.

Chen Junkai was very moved: "Yuanyuan, you are such a rare good girl, thank you!"

"Why are you being so polite to me? I'm not an outsider, and besides, didn't we two have a relationship before?
I should be nice to you, who made me have you in my heart. Leng Yuanyuan said with a smile.

"It's almost time for lunch, why don't we go have lunch, and then I'll take you to my house?" Chen Junkai thought for a while and said.

"Okay, then what shall we have for lunch?" Leng Yuanyuan readily agreed.

"Let's go eat steak. I know that a steak restaurant has recently opened near here. The business is very good. I heard that the taste is very good. I want to take you to have a taste!"

Chen Junkai thought for a while.

"Okay, I also like steak, and some red wine is more romantic, I think it's very interesting, let's go, we are on a first date!"

Leng Yuanyuan smiled and stood up.

Chen Junkai also stood up and said, "So I've never taken you out for dinner before?"

"Are you kidding, you didn't even want to see me before, so how could you be willing to take me out for dinner?
You don't take me seriously at all, you want to treat me like a piece of air, the kind that gets angry when you see me, do you think you will take me to dinner! "

Leng Yuanyuan still felt a little sad when she thought of these things, but she still had a relaxed smile on her face.

She doesn't want the past to affect the current situation.

After all, they have now decided to start over.

"Well, it's my fault. I'll make it up to you later. I can go to eat whatever you want in the future. If you want to play there, I'll take you there.

I will definitely make up for my previous mistakes and let you live a particularly happy life! "

Chen Junkai walked over and took her hand, and the two walked out of the coffee shop together.

The steak shop was not far away, the two of them walked slowly past, and after walking in, they heard a pleasantly surprised voice.

Lin Shengsheng saw Chen Junkai and Leng Yuanyuan walking in from a distance: "Yuanyuan, are you here for lunch too?"

Leng Yuanyuan looked up and saw her brother and sister-in-law were sitting in the same place, waiting for the steak to be served.

"Brother and sister-in-law, what a coincidence, you guys are eating here too!" Leng Yuanyuan walked over quickly, then turned her head and waved to Chen Junkai:
"Come on, my brother and my sister-in-law are here."

Chen Junkai walked over and saw them a little ashamed and said: "I really didn't expect to meet you here today, I just wanted to have a good talk with you."

"What do you want to talk to us about?"

Leng Gongchen was still quite upset to see him, but out of politeness, he didn't pull his face, but spoke properly.

"It's nothing, I just want to say sorry to you, I don't know that I have done so many things to apologize to you before.

But you were still so kind to my parents later on, I really feel sorry for you.

I want to say thank you to you in person, and then apologize to you. "Chen Junkai's face was full of guilt.

Leng Gongchen stared at him for a while: "It seems that you are quite sincere?"

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