Leng Yuanyuan didn't quite understand what she meant.

"Fool, this is playing hard to get, how could you promise him to do these things all of a sudden?
Otherwise, his freshness and curiosity will disappear, so how can he keep his interest in you? "Lin Shengsheng said with a secret smile.

"Okay, sister-in-law, you are very powerful, the method you think of is quite good, and what you said is also very reasonable.

But where did you learn these methods, you didn't practice them on my brother, and then came to tell me, right? "

Leng Yuanyuan looked at her.

"How is it possible? Your brother and I really love each other, and between me and your brother, we love each other, so we don't need to use these methods.

As for you and Chen Junkai, I feel that in your current situation, you still need a little skill.

After all, there is a girl beside him now, which is quite a threat to you, right? " Lin Shengsheng analyzed and explained his own reasoning.

"Sister-in-law, you are right. I will use the method you said, and I will reply to him now!"

As Leng Yuanyuan spoke, she picked up her phone and started replying to messages.

"Hello, Chen Junkai, I'm Leng Yuanyuan, I have already introduced myself to you on the road today.

I'm working now and I don't have time to chat with you. If you need to chat with me, I can chat with you after get off work in the evening.

If you don't have time in the afternoon or evening, we can make an appointment tomorrow, and I can ask the company for a leave tomorrow.

Then go out and meet with you, let's have a good chat, do you think it's okay? "Leng Yuanyuan pressed send after typing these words.

The news was sent out quickly, and Leng Yuanyuan said happily: "Okay, it's sent."

"Wait, let's see how he responds." Lin Shengsheng also stared at her phone curiously, wondering what kind of reaction Chen Junkai would make.

I think he must be very curious now, what happened between him and this girl before.

Probably can't wait to know an answer, but right now this answer is just too much to ask for.

Of course he would take this girl to heart, that's what she wanted.

Lin Shengsheng always thought that it was not a good thing for her that Chen Junkai became like that before, and she had an inescapable responsibility for this matter.

Because she used Chen Junkai's sincerity to her countless times in the past, and asked Chen Junkai to do things for her.

But he didn't give him what he should have in return, but loved Leng Gongchen wholeheartedly.

Lin Shengsheng knew these things, it should be a blow to Chen Junkai.

That's why what happened later happened, and it also caused a very big change in his psychology.

And now that she has this opportunity to make up for it, of course she will try to make up for Chen Junkai.

And Leng Yuanyuan is also a very good girl. It turned out that when the two of them got married, she thought they were a good match.

But at the beginning they had no relationship, and it was also because she was in the middle.

It's hard for Chen Junkai to forget the past, this is a good start for them, and there is also a new opportunity.

She felt that she had to help this, and she had to keep the two of them together.

"He replied, sister-in-law, take a look!" Leng Yuanyuan pointed her phone at her.

"Okay, then work hard, pay attention to rest, let's meet tomorrow, what time do you think is suitable?" Chen Junkai replied with a message.

Before Lin Shengsheng could speak, the other party sent another message:
"By the way, I forgot, you don't have time to chat now, please message me back after you get off work at night.

I will wait patiently and will not urge you to work hard! "

"What a gentle and considerate man, Yuanyuan, you have a really good vision. In fact, I used to think that he was pretty good, and his character was quite decent.

If it weren't for the many things he encountered at the beginning, he wouldn't have become what he was before.

Now that he can start over, I'm really happy for him and for you guys too. "Lin Shengsheng said sincerely.

"I always thought he was pretty good, but he was hit by you before, so he became like that.

In fact, sister-in-law, you did something wrong before. If you said you didn't have him in your heart, you shouldn't let him help you.

You treat him as a friend again, don't want to be with him, and then use him again, of course he will be mentally twisted.

Fortunately, he has already forgotten all the past things, otherwise I have no way to win back his heart. "

Leng Yuanyuan was still a little disappointed when she said this.

"I already knew I was wrong," Lin Shengsheng took her hand and said sincerely:

"Actually, I felt sorry for him a long time ago, if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be like that.

Although most of the reasons are his own doing, but in fact I was still wrong, I did use him.

So I feel very guilty in my heart, so I will do my best to help him later, and now I will do my best to let the two of you be together.

As long as the two of you can be happy, I think everything is worth it. "

"Sister-in-law, is what you said true?" Leng Yuanyuan looked at her with a moved face:
"Do you really think so? I thought sister-in-law, you never thought so!"

"How could I not know what I did and what mistakes I made, I actually knew it in my heart, I just didn't say it sometimes, and I thought so at the time, I felt that I made mistakes.

So I have always wanted to help you and let you live a good life, but I didn't expect his mother to do such a thing. In fact, I also felt very sorry for you later. I missed you very much when you were abroad these few years. I just I'm sorry to find you, I'm afraid you're still blaming me. "

Lin Shengsheng took his hand and said sadly.

"Actually, I don't blame you for a long time. I broke up with my boyfriend when I was abroad, and now I am alone. Later, I feel very lonely alone. The faces of people outside are like people in our country. different.

Then I would feel very kind when I saw a fellow villager. At that time, I was very homesick, my parents, my brother and you.But I ran out out of anger, and I was embarrassed to come back.

If it wasn't because Chen Junkai lost his memory and came back this time, I don't think I would have the courage to come back. In fact, I also feel sorry for you, although it was part of your mistake at the time.

But most of the reasons are not on you, and I shouldn't blame you, but I put all the responsibilities on you, and I feel that I am sorry for you, so I am embarrassed. "Leng Yuanyuan lowered her head.

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