"I won't tell my parents. I know that my aunt is doing it for my own good. In fact, my parents may have their own ideas in their hearts, so they didn't tell me!"

Lin Qianqian told Pingping that he was at a loss. He usually felt that his parents and grandparents were very kind to him.

Hearing my aunt say this seems to be the case. When the little sister is born, everyone must be around the little sister.

Who will come to see him then? Besides, my brother doesn't need someone to take care of him when he is so old, but he is still young and hasn't started school yet.

It won't work if no one takes care of him, but when the little sister comes out, who will take care of him?
"You are such a sensible and good boy, you know who treats you well and who treats you badly.

If you were not my own, I wouldn't tell you these things, and I wouldn't bother you.

I am mainly afraid that you will suffer in the future. You know my painstaking efforts. In fact, my aunt also knows that it is wrong to do so.

After all, the little sister is a life in your mother's stomach, but for you, my aunt is willing to go all out, no matter so much.

So you have to live up to it, and you have to listen to what your aunt says, you know! "

Lin Qianqian saw that Pingping seemed a little moved, and immediately continued to brainwash him.

"But I'm just a child, I don't know anything, how can I get rid of my little sister?

If the mother doesn't go to the hospital, the little sister will always be in her stomach, and nothing will happen until she is born safely.

Auntie, I have no other choice, or if my little sister comes out, just come out, just treat me as this fate, I have no choice! "

Pingping said and lowered his head.

"Don't be stupid, if you are so stupid, you will not have a good life in the future, you listen to me, I will help you, you know!"

This is what Lin Qianqian wanted, and what she wanted was for the child to have the attitude she has now.

"Auntie, what do you want me to do? Is there a way for you to get rid of my little sister instead of going to the hospital?
In this way, I am still the youngest child in the family, and they still love and spoil me the most, right? "

Pingping is also a little scared, maybe because he was abandoned when he was a child, he has always been afraid that he will be abandoned by others.

Especially his parents, he also wants to be close to his aunt now, and he is also afraid that his aunt will abandon him, so he has always felt insecure.

"That's right, Auntie has a solution. In fact, you don't have to go to the hospital. Just take a little medicine, and your little sister will die in your mother's stomach.

After getting sick, your mother will go to the hospital to take her out, and then there will be nothing for you.

Besides, you are just a child, even if you give your mother medicine, she will not do anything against you.

And my medicine is invisible, as long as you give her to take it, your parents will not find out that you did this. "

Lin Qianqian lowered her voice and whispered.

"Auntie, do you mean to ask me to drug my mother? To poison the little sister in her belly?"

Pingping is a child, so he doesn't speak so euphemistically, but speaks out straightforwardly.

"You're right, that's what I mean, but I'm not for myself, I'm for your future.

Do you understand my aunt's painstaking efforts?If you don't want to, Auntie won't force you! "

Lin Qianqian has been using hard-to-get tactics to deal with Pingping. She knows too well what this child is thinking and how much he lacks love.

Although, he grew up in a loving environment, but the experience and feeling of being abandoned as a child.

Even if he is not sensible yet, he still remembers a little bit. She has already seen the hesitation and fear in Pingping's heart.

"Auntie, can you let me think about it?" Pingping was a little confused.

Although it is said that after the little sister is born, the parents may not treat him well.

But his parents have always treated him very well, especially his mother treated him better than his elder brother. He really couldn't bear to treat his mother so cruelly.

But if the little sister is born and he has no place in the family, what should he do?

He seemed to have an instinct of self-preservation, saying in his heart that he must do this.

The little sister must be killed so that he can maintain his position in the family.

However, thinking of the kindness his parents had treated him, he couldn't bear it again.

"I know you are a good boy, but you are very hesitant and entangled in your heart, and you can't bear to treat your parents like that.

However, if you are soft-hearted to them, you are cruel to yourself.When the little sister comes out, you will be left alone.

You will become a lonely child, and they will not give you back to me, you will only grow up alone in their parents, you know?
That's the biggest psychological harm to you, you have to listen to me, Auntie won't hurt you! "Lin Qianqian kept on brainwashing the child.

Pingping was finally tempted: "Auntie, did you tell me that taking the medicine will only kill the little sister, and won't do any harm to the mother's body?
If it damages my mother's body, then I won't do it, because my mother is so kind to me, I really can't bear it.

And the little sister is gone, I want my mother to love me in the future, I don't want to kill my mother! "

"That medicine is just an abortion pill, it's for aborting the child, it has nothing to do with your mother, your mother may be physically harmed.

That's because the child is lost, even having a child will cause such harm, it has nothing to do with the medicine, it will not harm your mother, don't worry! "

Lin Qianqian simply started talking nonsense with her eyes open.

Since it is a medicine, it must have an impact on the body, and the child has been there for several months, and will be born in a few months.

If the child is taken alive in the hospital, it will be taken out.

It takes a long time to recover the body, and it is even impossible to have children in this life.

However, she would never tell Pingping about this, and if she told him, Pingping would definitely not do what she said.

Although Pingping is a bit like Karen, he is still young after all, and he was raised in front of those two people since he was a child.

He has feelings for those two people, and it is impossible for him to do things that will harm their bodies or endanger their lives.

"Auntie, don't lie to me, is what you said true? That medicine will not harm my mother's body, but will only get rid of my little sister!"

Pingping still needs to be sure.

"When have I ever lied to you? Just trust me. If you have any questions, you can always come to Auntie!"

Lin Qianqian patted her chest to reassure, showing a weird smile...

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