While talking, Lin Shengsheng thought of the face of that little secretary that day.

If the entire Leng family knew her identity, it would not be a good thing for the two of them.

"Besides, if I join your company, promotion in the future will also be a problem. Maybe you have some opinions on me, and you haven't thought about the promotion issue.

But for the sake of being Mengmengdan's mother, you will definitely help me climb up the ladder.I don't want to do this, I like to do things through my own efforts.

But if I am in your company, even if I work hard to get promoted, others will say that I am because of you.

I have considered the above situation, so I decided not to work for your company, it is not what you think.

And when I went to the interview, it was also a mistake. It was the trick of Mengmeng, but I didn't know it was the Leng Group.So I hope you don't get angry and don't have any misunderstandings. "

Seeing that Leng Gongchen had been silent, Lin Shengsheng was a little embarrassed, so he could only bring the topic to his son.

She looked at the man in front of her uncomfortably, wondering how he would react?
"Well, I can help you if you have difficulties."

Leng Gongchen left a word lightly, turned around and left.

Lin Shengsheng stood there in a daze, Leng Gongchen must have eaten something wrong, right?You actually said you could help her?

Why did this person suddenly become so humane and so vivid?
Leng Gongchen went upstairs to rest.

Lin Shengsheng wanted to go up too, but Lin Mengmeng insisted on waiting for Leng Yuanyuan to come back, so he asked Mommy to go upstairs first.

Lin Shengsheng could only let him go.

"Auntie, you're finally back!" The little guy jumped on Leng Yuanyuan as soon as he saw Leng Yuanyuan.

Leng Yuanyuan also went out to play for a day after her brother and sister-in-law's family left, and came back after dinner.

"I'm exhausted, give my aunt a hug!" Leng Yuanyuan dropped the bag in her hand, bent down to pick up her little nephew, and kissed his little face.

"Auntie, why didn't you come back until now! I was waiting so anxiously!" The little guy immediately began to express his dissatisfaction.

"I came back after dinner, you're not happy!" Leng Yuanyuan squeezed his little face amusedly: "How are you guys doing today? Have your daddy and your mommy developed..."

As soon as this was mentioned, Lin Mengmeng immediately became excited, and began to describe today's events vividly, laughing happily while talking.

"Not bad, not bad, I don't think your dad is that stupid, don't you know how to protect your mommy today!" Leng Yuanyuan was very satisfied after hearing this.

Lin Mengmeng talked about playing with the jumping machine, and then started to say that he wanted to go to the haunted house, but Daddy changed the subject.

Leng Yuanyuan knew it in her heart, her brother seemed to be more proactive, there is a reason for this.

"Aunt, do you have any plans for the future?" Lin Mengmeng began to worry about the future.

Leng Yuanyuan thought for a while and suddenly asked, "Is tomorrow the day your mommy starts working?"

"Yes." The little guy remembered it clearly.

"Do you know the name of that company?" Leng Yuanyuan asked again.

"I don't know the name. I only know that Mommy said it was a company run by his senior." Lin Mengmeng thought for a while before adding, "And I heard from Mommy that she admires that senior very much."

"What!" Leng Yuanyuan immediately became vigilant: "How is this possible? You can't do it if you are a senior, but you still worship! This is definitely your father's rival in love.

Let's take it as the best case scenario, your mommy's senior has no other interest in your mommy, but they work together every day, maybe it is interesting?It must be stopped, let me think about it! "

Leng Yuanyuan thought for a while, pulled Lin Mengmeng over, and whispered in his ear for a while.

Lin Mengmeng nodded repeatedly.

Lin Shengsheng got a good night's rest because she was too tired at the amusement park yesterday.

I was woken up by the alarm clock in the morning, because today is the first day of work, so I can't be late.

Looking around, Leng Gongchen didn't know when he got up, and no one was in the room.

She went straight to the bathroom.

In the beginning, she always went back to her room to wash up.

But Mengmeng always pestered her like this every day, gradually she was too lazy to go back, the nearest one was convenient, anyway, that man is not here now.

After washing up, he kissed his son's little face before going downstairs to have breakfast.

After breakfast, I just put on my shoes, picked up my bag, and was about to go out.

Leng Gongchen suddenly came down from the study upstairs, walked up to her, and pulled her out without saying a word.

"What are you doing, where are you taking me!" Lin Shengsheng pushed him away, she had to go to work, she had no time to waste time with him, she couldn't be late today.

"I happen to be going to the company as well, so I'll drop you off." Leng Gongchen couldn't help but dragged her to continue walking outside.

Lin Shengsheng originally planned to take the bus to work, but he couldn't shake Leng Gongchen's hand, so he could only be dragged to the side of the car and stuffed into the co-pilot.

She couldn't react, she didn't seem to tell this man where her company was, did she?How come it's on the way?

After arriving in the city center, Leng Gongchen suddenly asked her: "Left or right?"

Lin Shengsheng rolled her eyes in her heart, you said you were going along the way, but you didn't know where to go, how did you go along the way?

But she didn't dare to say it out loud. This man has a big temper, and he might offend him with just a few words, and she will be the one who suffers afterwards.

She tactfully gave out her company address.

Leng Gongchen's driving skills are very good, and his speed is also very fast.

But it didn't take long before it stopped because there was a lot of traffic in front of it.

Lin Shengsheng was in a hurry, it was her first day at work today, she must not be late, otherwise, how would the people in the company think of her?

However, if you want to keep blocking like this, there is no doubt that you will definitely be late.

She was so anxious that she couldn't sit still.

Leng Gongchen saw her anxiety and said, "Be careful."

Then, he rushed out, broke through the barrier, and drove onto the sidewalk.

The car speeds along the pavement.

Lin Shengsheng was terrified, thinking that something was going to happen, but luckily nothing happened.

After exiting the sidewalk, Leng Gongchen made a detour to avoid another traffic jam in front of the main road.

With the sound of sharp wheels rubbing against the ground, the car stopped steadily.

"Here we are." Leng Gongchen looked out the window.

As soon as Lin Shengsheng looked up, he saw the six characters of "Junkai Artificial Intelligence", opened the door and got out of the car.

Leng Gongchen secretly remembered the name of this company.

"The paint here is all knocked off." Lin Shengsheng noticed the injury on the front of the car: "Here, I have to go to the shop to do it again. By the way, you violated the traffic rules just now, and the police uncle is looking for you."

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