Lin Qianqian nodded and said:

"Then go back quickly. Don't let them worry about coming to you and seeing me again. It will be inconvenient for you to come out then."

"Then I'll be leaving. Goodbye, little aunt, goodbye, little uncle."

Pingping waved to them, reluctantly wanting to leave.

"Wait a minute, take some snacks with you!" Lin Qianqian said pretending to be distressed.

"No need! I can't take it back. If I'm found out and I can't explain clearly, then it's over!"

Although Pingping wanted to eat it very much, he still refused with difficulty.

"What a poor child. If you go out to play with my aunt in the future, my aunt will let you eat enough. Go!"

Lin Qianqian said with a distressed face on purpose.

"Thank you, auntie!" Pingping ran away happily.

After Pingping left, Lin Qianqian immediately lowered her face, full of unhappiness.

"What's wrong? Why are you upset again!"

Zhang Wenwu saw that something was wrong with her mood, took the bag in her hand, and asked.

"Tell me why I'm unhappy!" Lin Qianqian said angrily.

"How do I know you, you were quite happy just now, I think you had a good time chatting with the child.

Otherwise, let's take this child back and keep him by my side. "

Zhang Wenwu thinks that child is quite cute, anyway, they don't have any children now.

Even if I have children in the future, it's okay to have one more child, and it's not that I can't afford it.

In fact, he didn't agree with Lin Qianqian's plan very much. He thought it was okay to work harder.

The premise of supporting this family is that Lin Qianqian should not be so profligate and not pursue material life so much.

Just like an ordinary housewife, he earns more than enough.

But Lin Qianqian couldn't do it, so he could only listen to her.

Lin Qianqian was originally a woman who would not listen to other people's advice. If she could, she would not become so pitiful.

Now that the two are married, who else can he accommodate if he doesn't accommodate his wife?

"That old man said he had no money, yet he spent so much money to buy a big villa!" Lin Qianqian said through gritted teeth.

"That may be the money given by your sister and your brother-in-law. Isn't it a drop in the bucket for your sister and your brother-in-law to buy a villa?"

Zhang Wenwu didn't think much about it.

"You know what the hell, do you think that if my sister and my brother-in-law are willing to buy it, this old man will take it?
This old man used to be famous for his stubborn temper, and he had a relatively noble personality. He would not accept gifts from others casually.

If my sister and brother-in-law really bought it, then he would never choose such a good house.

Look at the location of the house, the decoration style, it looks so high-end from the outside, and you can tell it's definitely not cheap.

If he didn't have this money, he would never let my sister and brother-in-law buy him such a nice house, do you understand! "

Lin Qianqian knew about these situations, and the more she talked, the angrier she became.

Why is he so biased when both of them were born by him.

To buy a villa, you need to rely on your sister's place, so that it is convenient for her to take care of the children.

But she asked him for money and gave him 20. How could she have the nerve to offer it?
No matter how you look at this villa, it will cost tens of millions to buy.

He has tens of millions in his hand, but he is only willing to give her 20. What kind of father is this?
"Where are you going? This is not the direction we are going home!" Zhang Wenwu couldn't help reminding her when he saw that she was going in the wrong direction.

"Who said you're going home!" Lin Qianqian turned her head and glared at him angrily.

"Then where are you going?" Zhang Wenwu was a little confused.

"Of course I'm going to find that dead old man and ask him to give me an explanation!" Lin Qianqian said angrily.

"However, if you go there now, your brother-in-law's parents are also there, and there are so many bodyguards, won't we suffer if you go?

Although I'm skilled, I can't beat those people, and besides, they were all my old subordinates before, so I'm ashamed to meet them! "

Zhang Wenwu said with some shame.

"What's so embarrassing!"

Lin Qianqian knew this was the truth, but she was not convinced, she was holding a breath in her heart, and even took Zhang Wenwu as a punching bag:
"It's because you are worthless, otherwise, why would I need to be reduced to this level!"

"It's true that I'm worthless!" Zhang Wenwu didn't know what to say.

In fact, he was also very angry. He did a good job as a bodyguard, but followed Leng Gongchen to eat and drink spicy food.

There is still a high annual salary every year, where is it uncomfortable?

I have to come and suffer with this woman, but what's the point of thinking about it now?

The road is chosen by oneself, and it is useless to say these things. Now that you have reached this point, let's go.

Anyway, if he went back now, it would be impossible for Leng Gongchen to accept him anymore, and he would not have the face to go back.

"Looking at you like that, you are worthless!"

Lin Qianqian naturally lost her temper when she saw his appearance, but she was still very angry:
"I don't understand why my dad is so eccentric, no matter what, I'm his daughter, how can he be so eccentric?
The two children must level a bowl of water, and I would be reluctant to give 20 yuan.

But in order to buy a house for himself, living next to Lin Shengsheng unexpectedly cost tens of millions, is this fair? "

"Don't be so excited." Zhang Wenwu persuaded:

"Didn't your dad buy a house for himself? It's not for your sister.

So don't be so excited, I think everyone can make do with it, so what else can you say?It's useless to be angry! "

"No, I have to go to him!" How could Lin Qianqian swallow this breath?

"Then it doesn't work now, there are too many people now, or you can go there when everyone is gone at night and he is at home alone!"

Zhang Wenwu comforted her.

After all, he is a man, and he is more thoughtful in thinking about things.

If they go there at this time, if there is any conflict, they will definitely suffer.

"There are a lot of people. I'm afraid of them. I'm my father's daughter. Why should I be afraid!"

Lin Qianqian knew very well that this time was definitely not the best time, but she still couldn't help but say this.

"I know, if we go now, they will definitely not dare to hurt us, and they have nothing to say, after all, you are looking for your father."

Zhang Wen, I have already figured out the rules of talking to this woman, I have to follow her first, and then explain my reasons:
"But after going there this time, your father will definitely be more vigilant.

When the time comes, find a few bodyguards to stand at the door, and you won't even be able to see his face, so where can we find him! "

"You're right." Lin Qianqian nodded immediately when she heard this:

"That's fine, then I'll listen to you. I won't go now. When it gets dark, they will all leave. I'll go then."

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