"Okay, I'll make a call!" Chen Jianguo walked over with the phone and dialed Leng Gongchen's cell phone number: "Hello!"

"Is uncle okay?" Leng Gongchen answered the phone.

"It's like this. My son has come back. He went out by himself. He didn't know what he was doing, and he didn't tell us!"

Chen Jianguo was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay. Since the person is back, that's the best. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

Leng Gongchen put down the work at hand and planned to help find someone. At this time, he said that someone was found, so he also planned to continue working.

He is not good at words, and he is usually unwilling to talk nonsense, so he wanted to hang up the phone after he finished talking.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you!" Chen Jianguo also knew his character, so he didn't care about his attitude.

After hanging up the phone, he turned and walked into the living room.

Chen Junkai was already sitting on the sofa, his eyes were still a little dull, he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, Li Qiuxiang had brought over a cup of hot milk:

"Come on, isn't your son working too hard outside? Come and drink a cup of hot milk to calm down. Why is your mood a little bit wrong?"

Chen Jianguo also walked over: "Son, tell Dad where you went today? Or where did you meet someone?"

Chen Junkai couldn't help being moved when he saw how his parents cared for him, and he told the reason for the incident.

"While I was watching TV at home today, I suddenly received a text message. Someone asked me out to meet, saying that he was an old acquaintance of mine." He said slowly.

"And then?" Li Qiuxiang became anxious when she heard this, and almost stood up from the sofa.

It was Chen Jianguo who quickly held him down, telling him not to get too excited.

"Then, I asked who he was, but that person refused to say who he was, and told me to meet him, and said he was an old acquaintance, so I went.

Because I was curious, he said he wanted to reminisce about the old days with me, and I wanted to know what I was like before, parents, you won’t blame me, right? "

Chen Junkai looked at them with some guilt as he spoke.

"It's not your fault, it's normal for old acquaintances to ask you out.

Everyone knows that you are still alive, very happy, and my old friends are also happy for me! "Chen Jianguo comforted his son.

He knew that his son had just recovered now, and he didn't have any memory in his mind, so he couldn't speak harsh words like before.

He is like a child now and needs to be guided slowly, so he is now more patient than before, as long as it is a problem raised by his son, he will patiently solve it.

After hearing his words, Chen Junkai really calmed down a lot: "Then, I went to the coffee shop, and that woman called me.

I saw that two people, a man and a woman, actually asked me out. I felt very strange at the time. Wasn’t it just the same person who asked me out?Why are there two people who came to meet?

I walked over and saw that the girl looked very similar to Lin Shengsheng. She introduced herself as Lin Qianqian, and the one next to her was her husband Zhang Wenwu. "

Chen Jianguo and Li Qiuxiang couldn't help being surprised when they heard his words:
"Lin Qianqian actually came looking for you? That woman is not a good thing, stay away from that woman! Don't believe what she says!"

They all knew that Lin Qianqian was still alive, but they never wanted to have any contact with that person.

I don't want to have anything to do with her, so I never met her.

Hearing his son mention it at this time, of course he was shocked, because this woman is really bad.

She is simply a troublesome woman, she can do anything!

They wanted to stay away from that woman, but they didn't expect this woman to find their son on her own initiative.

This is definitely not a good thing, so they have to warn their son not to trust that woman, otherwise they don't know what will happen.

"I don't know if what the woman said is true."

Chen Junkai shook his head with a painful expression:

"I don't remember anything, but I really don't believe I'm that kind of person, I really don't believe that I'm that kind of person, I'm definitely not that kind of person..."

Chen Jianguo looked at his son as if bewitched, and felt a little anxious, but he said slowly:
"Mom and Dad know all about your past, you tell Mom and Dad, what did that woman say to you?

You tell me what it is, let me see if she is lying to you? "

"The woman said, I didn't commit suicide because of disfigurement, but because I like Lin Shengsheng.

But Lin Shengsheng cheated on me, cuckolded me and followed Leng Gongchen. I couldn't accept it, so I drove myself.

Moreover, at that time she was fighting with Lin Shengsheng in full swing. Although I chose to commit suicide, I still love Lin Shengsheng in my heart.

So I chose to knock her enemies into the sea and die together! "Chen Junkai felt a little painful when he said this.

He didn't believe that he was such a person, and he was about to commit suicide after suffering a little pain and frustration, and he also took two other lives.

Secondly, it was because of Lin Shengsheng cuckolding him. If this was the case, he really didn't want to forgive Lin Shengsheng!

Chen Jianguo shook his head: "The things that woman said are all true, generally speaking, there is nothing false.

Did she tell you that by asking you to investigate the files of the original police station, you will know that it is true! "

Chen Junkai nodded: "That woman really said so, Dad, you can pull out that file and show me, I don't believe I am such a person!"

"That woman is right, the incident is indeed like this, but she lied about one thing." Chen Jianguo stood up and said.

"Which thing?" Chen Junkai was very curious.

"It's just that Lin Shengsheng has never been with you, wearing a cuckold is even more nonsense, there is no such thing at all." Chen Jianguo said very seriously.

Chen Junkai said suspiciously: "Then why did I bump them into the sea?"

"That's because you feel too guilty. You have liked Lin Shengsheng for a long time, but he only has Leng Gongchen in his heart.

You couldn't get what you asked for, so you were very desperate, and you did a lot of things that were sorry for them, and even almost killed them. This is the original you.

You woke up at the last moment, so you wanted to do something for Lin Shengsheng, that's why you knocked her sister into the sea.

Because her sister is so bad, even worse than you! "Chen Jianguo simply said everything.

Chen Junkai was stunned: "So, am I actually this kind of person? Much worse than I imagined? I'm such a beast!"

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