Lin Qianqian and Zhang Wenwu took a taxi to the corner cafe.

"It's really annoying. I have to take a taxi when I get out. It's very troublesome. I said let's buy a car by ourselves. You must not!" Lin Qianqian complained.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that the card is only 20 in total, and we need to save some money for use.

If you bought a car worth tens of thousands of dollars, would you be willing to drive it? "Zhang Wenwu said a little speechlessly.

"Who drives a car worth tens of thousands of dollars? It's a shame!" Lin Qianqian couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

"If you want me to say that you are so ambitious, we are in this situation now, a car is enough for transportation, and we can change it when we have money in the future, can't we?"

Zhang Wenwu didn't know how to persuade her.

"Of course it's not good. If those who knew me before know that I have gotten to this point, how can I continue to do so?
It makes people laugh out loud. It costs tens of thousands of dollars to buy a bag, but it only costs tens of thousands of dollars to buy a car. Isn't that embarrassing and throwing it home? "

Lin Qianqian didn't want to drive, she would rather walk than drive such a cheap car, it was an insult.

"You just want to save face and suffer. You obviously have no money..." Zhang Wenwu wanted to say.

"Stop talking, it's because you're useless. If you were like Leng Gongchen, I wouldn't be living like this, right?"

Lin Qianqian replied him coldly.

Zhang Wenwu didn't speak this time, he had nothing to say, because what his wife said was right, it was indeed useless to blame him.

If he can earn money, does his wife have to work so hard?
"It would be great if all of Karen's properties were kept, and the two of us would have no worries about eating and drinking for the rest of our lives." Zhang Wenwu said with some regret.

Lin Qianqian frowned: "That's right, I hid a lot of money and gold and silver treasures on his private cruise ship, but I didn't expect that cruise ship to sink later.

I haven't received a penny so far, if that money can get to me, the two of us will be squandering it for a while! "

When the two of them talked about this matter, their thoughts were very consistent, because this matter is really a pity.

"But it doesn't matter. When I get back what belongs to me, we will still live a good life." Lin Qianqian was still full of confidence.

"You always say what belongs to you, what belongs to you? I want to know what you can get back?"

Zhang Wenwu was a little curious. He had always wanted to ask this question, but he hadn't the nerve to ask it for a while.

When it came to this topic again today, he couldn't help asking.

"Of course it's the company left by my grandfather. I managed that company back then, but now it's taken over by my sister!"

Lin Qianqian got angry when she mentioned this:

"Why do you think she did this? Even if I don't give all of the inheritance left by my grandfather, I should have half of it, right?

Now she occupies half of my company and my son, do you think I will let her go? "

"That will definitely not happen, wife, I support you!" Zhang Wenwu said firmly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take it back, and we will have a good life!" Lin Qianqian's eyes were firm.

She had to do what she was sure of. Lin Shengsheng had caused her so much misery.

She had almost died a few times before, so she must settle accounts with this bitch this time she is alive!
The two got out of the taxi, paid the fare, and went to the corner cafe.

Lin Qianqian looked around and said, "Chen Junkai hasn't arrived yet, let's find a remote place to sit down first."

Zhang Wenwu pointed to a corner: "There is a place over there, which is relatively remote and no one pays attention to it."

"Okay, just sit there." Lin Qianqian nodded and walked over first.

The two of them ordered a cup of coffee, sat down and chatted for a while, only to see Chen Junkai hurriedly coming from outside.

He stood there like a headless fly looking around, not knowing who in this coffee shop was the one who asked him out.

"He's here." Lin Qianqian took a sip of coffee with a smile.

"Call him!" Zhang Wenwu was a little anxious.

Only then did Lin Qianqian stand up unhurriedly, and then she pretended to be enthusiastic and waved:

"Jun Kai, I'm here!"

Chen Junkai looked in her direction, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

I thought it was one person who asked him out, but I didn't expect it to be two people.

He thought it was a man who asked him out, but he didn't expect that it was a woman who waved to him.

So who was looking for this man and woman?Or were they both looking for him together?
Moreover, what is the relationship between the two of them and him?
Chen Junkai walked over full of doubts.

"Hello, what's your name?" Chen Junkai sat down opposite them.

"Don't rush to talk about this, I'll order a cup of coffee for you, drink first and then talk.

If I remember correctly, you like to drink cappuccino flavored and slightly sweetened, right? "

Lin Qianqian said with a smile.

Chen Junkai was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I forgot about the past, and I don't know what flavor of coffee I like.

Since you think I like this taste, then you can order this for me, and I will try to see if I like it. "

"Yes!" Lin Qianqian raised her hand and called the waiter:

"Order a cup of coffee for this gentleman, two points of sweetness is enough, and I want cappuccino."

"OK, just a second."

The waiter nodded with a good attitude, and then went to bring coffee.

"Taste first to see if it tastes your favorite!" Lin Qianqian smiled and pushed the coffee towards Chen Junkai.

"Then I won't be polite." Chen Junkai smiled, took a sip of coffee.

Both Lin Qianqian and Zhang Wenwu stared at him, and Lin Qianqian asked, "How is it? Do you like it?"

"It's indeed the taste I like. Thank you, miss. What's your name? Can we start communicating now?"

Chen Junkai is very polite and very gentlemanly.

"My name is Lin Qianqian. This is my husband. His name is Zhang Wenwu." Lin Qianqian introduced the two people on her side.

"Lin Qianqian?" Chen Junkai stared at her for a moment, nodded, and said somewhat uncertainly, "What's your relationship with Lin Shengsheng?"

Lin Qianqian couldn't help being stunned: "You can remember Lin Shengsheng? Then why can't you remember me? What's going on!"

She figured in her mind that if that was the case, she would have to change her plans.

"No, because when I was abroad, it was Lin Shengsheng and her husband who went to help my parents and brought me back.

Otherwise, I would still be staying abroad now, because foreign countries do not allow people to be brought back at will. "Chen Junkai explained with a smile.

"So that's the case?" Lin Qianqian fell into deep thought...

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