But Leng Yuanyuan was still sleeping soundly in bed, thinking it would be midnight.

Lin Mengmeng tried his best to wake her up.

Leng Yuanyuan was very unwilling: "Just let me sleep a little longer!"

"Auntie, I have something serious to ask you!" Lin Mengmeng said solemnly.

"What?" Leng Yuanyuan opened her eyes.

"Daddy and Mommy quarreled. They had conflicts and ignored each other. What should we do?" Lin Mengmeng said with a sad face.

"Let me think about it?" Leng Yuanyuan scratched her head, she just woke up, her mind is not so clear yet.

"Mummy's birthday is coming soon, Daddy promised to give her a surprise, but they had a fight, I'm afraid Daddy will get angry, so I won't surprise her." Lin Mengmeng sighed.

This daddy and mommy are really worrying.

"Let me think about it." Leng Yuanyuan could only use her brain hard in order not to disappoint her cute little nephew.

Lin Shengsheng walked briskly on the side of the street, feeling much more comfortable in her heart.

Involuntarily recalling what happened with Leng Gongchen before, the confrontation between the two last night kept appearing in front of her eyes, and finally ended with Leng Gongchen shaking his face and walking away.

She was obviously in a good mood, but when she thought of that man, she ruined her good mood.

She shook her head, trying to get rid of the unhappy things.

She came out today to meet Chen Junkai, and the address of the appointment was at his company.

Originally, Chen Junkai wanted to pick her up, but he was too busy today, so he could only send her the address.

Naturally, Lin Shengsheng didn't expect Chen Junkai to come pick her up. As a friend, it would be great if he could give him a job.

After arriving at the company, I registered at the front desk.

Knowing her name, the front desk greeted her warmly immediately.

Lin Shengsheng walked and asked all the way, and finally found Chen Junkai's office.

As soon as the secretary heard that she was Lin Shengsheng, he quickly entertained her enthusiastically, saying that Mr. Chen was in a meeting and might have to wait a while.

Lin Shengsheng naturally didn't mind, and just sat and waited in Chen Junkai's office.

The secretary also thoughtfully poured coffee.

Lin Shengsheng looked at this office. Although it was not as luxurious and extravagant as Leng Gongchen, it was still very particular. The senior should also have financial strength, otherwise ordinary companies would not decorate the office like this at the beginning.

But Lin Shengsheng was just looking around, it didn't matter to her whether other people had money or not.

After waiting for less than half an hour, Chen Junkai returned to the office.

"Shengsheng, you came so early, I thought I would pick you up now when I have time." Chen Junkai said with a smile while looking at her calmly.

When she was in school, Lin Shengsheng had a pure and charming feeling, but now she has added a bit of charm, coupled with the light makeup today, she is even more charming and charming.

Chen Junkai's heartbeat accelerated again involuntarily.

"You're so busy, it doesn't take much for me to come here by myself." Lin Shengsheng stood up politely.

The senior is wearing a suit and tie today, which is completely different from the feeling of the big brother next door at school.

But no matter what, he is still a caring big brother, but he is a little more serious than when he was in school.

"Sit down," Chen Junkai also sat down at the desk, turned on the tablet, clicked on it a few times, and then turned the screen to face Lin Shengsheng.

Lin Shengsheng immediately widened her eyes in surprise: "When did you do this?"

"After hearing what you said, I came back to do it. Do you think this navigation robot is the same as what you described?" Chen Junkai pointed to the computer screen.

Lin Shengsheng almost worshiped the dead senior.

I saw a navigation robot in Leng's Group yesterday. It is very interesting. It can answer questions about the company and guide customers.

She thought it was fun, so she described it to Chen Junkai.

I didn't expect him to make it today, it's simply amazing, isn't it!

Lin Shengsheng admired his senior when he was in school, and now he almost feels that he is his idol.

"After it's done, I'll put it in the research room to see if I can open up some more advanced functions, so I didn't take it over and took this video for you to see."

Chen Junkai explained in detail.

Lin Shengsheng nodded. She just glanced at it casually yesterday, but seeing this video today is considered detailed.

Although she also does this kind of work, she has never been in contact with robots.

But the principles are similar, and she is confident that she can make such a robot herself.

"I believe that when you come to the company, as long as the two of us work together, we will be able to research the most advanced artificial intelligence products in China," Chen Junkai said confidently.

At this time, Leng Gongchen's manor was also very lively.

Leng Gongchen took Mengmeng to make cakes in the kitchen, and there was a burst of chaos in the kitchen.

"Daddy, how long does it take to stir this?" Lin Mengmeng asked loudly while stirring.

Dad said to keep stirring, his hands are almost useless.

Leng Gongchen took a look: "No, I read the tutorial, and I have to continue stirring."

But the little guy was obviously tired, so he hurriedly shouted outside: "Yuanyuan, come and help Mengmeng!"

"Brother, can't you let me rest for a while!" Leng Yuanyuan came over with a look of reluctance.

"Auntie, don't be lazy!" Lin Mengmeng looked up at her: "Hurry up and help me, my hand is about to break!"

Leng Yuanyuan could only reluctantly take over the work from Lin Mengmeng.

Seeing her weak look, Lin Mengmeng couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering.

Leng Gongchen turned around and saw his son's sniggering, and felt amused. Seeing her face covered in flour, like a big painted face, made her even more cute.

"Come here, Daddy, and wipe your face." Leng Gongchen beckoned.

Lin Mengmeng walked over obediently and cutely.

"Brother, what kind of cake do you want but can't get it? You have to do it yourself, it's exhausting!"

Leng Yuanyuan doesn't like tossing the most, isn't it good to lie down and eat ready-made ones?
"You can only be sincere if you do it yourself!" Leng Gongchen blurted out.

After I finished speaking, I felt a little inappropriate.

Lin Shengsheng's birthday, why should he be sincere?
Although I thought so in my heart, the movements in my hands didn't stop.

"It seems that my brother really loves my sister-in-law." Leng Yuanyuan joked.

"Don't talk nonsense." Leng Gongchen would not admit it: "I am helping Mengmeng."

"Pull it down." Leng Yuanyuan didn't believe it: "I'm about to die of exhaustion, when will it be better!"

"Auntie, you are an adult. I have been working longer than you. Could it be that you are not as good as me!" Lin Mengmeng leaned over and asked her.

"I'm a little girl, and you are a big man, can I match a man's strength!" Leng Yuanyuan has a reason for everything she says.

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