"It's a good thing that the senior is still alive, and I don't have to feel so guilty, and I don't have to visit his parents so closely anymore.

His sister hates me so much, so I don't want to appear in front of them, but my uncle and aunt are going abroad.

I'm a little worried again, what do you think about this! "Lin Shengsheng said with some confusion.

"I have to think about this matter carefully, think about it carefully, and see if there is any trick in it." Leng Gongchen frowned and thought.

Lin Shengsheng didn't disturb him, let him think quietly, and slowly fell asleep in his arms.

Day 2 morning.

When Lin Shengsheng opened his eyes, he saw Leng Gongchen lying on the side and looking at him indifferently.

"What are you looking at me for? It's scary, really, you stare at me when you're not sleeping!" Lin Shengsheng pushed him a little funny.

"I see why my wife is so pretty, the more she looks the more beautiful!" Leng Gongchen said with a smile.

"Fuck you, you will lie! How did you think about last night? Have you thought about how we should deal with it?"

Lin Shengsheng remembered what happened last night, and couldn't help asking.

"I thought about it, and I think I still have to go there myself." When Leng Gongchen talked about serious matters, the smile on his face disappeared immediately:
"This incident is very strange. If Chen Junkai had prepared in advance, it is possible to be rushed to such a far place.

If not, it might have been rescued by others and taken to that country.

These are not important, I just want to confirm whether Chen Junkai is the real Chen Junkai.

Or is it that someone has some kind of conspiracy and deliberately made a fake Chen Junkai out to deal with us.

Because of Karen's lesson before, we must prepare in advance, we can't wait for the enemy to hit us before preparing, you know! "

Lin Shengsheng nodded: "I think you're right, we really should find out his identity, so are you going to go alone?"

"Otherwise, you are now a pregnant woman!"

Leng Gongchen understood what this little woman meant and wanted to go with him, but he was really worried.

He didn't want to take this woman to risk because she was pregnant with their second child.

They can't take the risk at all.

"But you made such a decision and plan to go with them alone, do you think you are more familiar with Chen Junkai than I am?"

Lin Shengsheng smiled, looked at him sideways and said.

"This..." Leng Gongchen thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I dare say that other people are better than you, but you are familiar with Chen Junkai.

After all, you went to college together, so you are familiar with him after getting along for such a long time, and I am not familiar with him.

The most contact I have with him is the final fight, nothing else! "

"So, you plan not to take me there, I thought you knew him better than me!" Lin Shengsheng couldn't help laughing.

"You little woman, you still dare to make fun of me, I know him so well, I'm not crooked, and I don't like him!"

Leng Gongchen pressed on Lin Shengsheng as he said, wanting to punish her.

"Don't move! Don't make trouble!" Lin Shengsheng pushed him.

Leng Gongchen suddenly had a desire.

Lin Shengsheng saw the danger: "Don't mess around, I still have a baby in my stomach, it's only been four months.

You have to be careful with me, don't mess around, if there is any mistake, you will regret it later! "

"You were so fierce in the office yesterday. I don't think there's anything wrong. The doctor said that the baby will be stable in three months, so we can do it!"

Leng Gongchen smiled wickedly and moved over.

"Leng Gongchen, you pervert..." Lin Shengsheng wanted to resist.

But where is his strength.

Leng Gongchen lowered his head and kissed Lin Shengsheng's lips, and it took him a long time to let go affectionately, both of them were a little out of breath.

His voice was hoarse: "Don't worry, I will be gentle, the child will be fine!"

"You can't bear it..." Lin Shengsheng reached out to push him.

"I can't bear it..." Leng Gongchen lowered his head again.

Lin Shengsheng suddenly remembered something, wrapped his arms around his neck and said:
"Don't worry, since you have decided to go, yesterday's aunt agreed on the plane ticket at 10 am.

Then you call him now and tell them to refund the plane ticket, and then you can go with us! "

"It's still too late to call later, it's only past 6 o'clock!"

Leng Gongchen didn't have the heart to make any fucking phone calls, now his mind was full of this delicious little woman in front of him, and he just wanted to eat her up in one bite.

Lin Shengsheng gradually sank into it.

It wasn't until after 7 o'clock that Leng Gongchen reluctantly got off her body.

Lin Shengsheng slapped him: "You pervert, you'll eat him up if you're not careful!"

"I have been holding back for more than three months, do you think I can not work hard! Now I can do it, why do you let me suffer, how pitiful I am!"

Leng Gongchen was in a particularly good mood because he had eaten and drank enough, and he was smiling when he spoke.

"Nonsense! You just..." Lin Shengsheng blushed and didn't continue talking.

Leng Gongchen smiled: "What happened yesterday? After being hungry for so long, you ate one meal, do you think I'm full!"

"I won't tell you anymore, I have to take a shower, you should call your aunt quickly!" Lin Shengsheng still hasn't forgotten the business.

"Be careful when you take a shower, don't slip and fall, I'll call now."

Leng Gongchen gave some advice, and then picked up the phone on the bedside table.

He pulled out the number and called.

"Hey, Gong Chen, you woke up so early!" Li Qiuxiang answered the phone and said very affectionately.

"Hello, Auntie, Auntie wakes up very early too!" Leng Gongchen said refreshedly.

He is in a good mood today, so he speaks more kindly.

"I didn't get up early, I didn't sleep at all, I was so happy, I couldn't sleep at all, you know?
I have been dreaming day and night for the past two years, dreaming that my son is not dead, but I didn't expect that he really is not dead! "

When Li Qiuxiang mentioned this, she became very excited.

"Yes, congratulations, auntie, you've finally made it through!" Leng Gongchen smiled on the phone:

"By the way, Auntie, Shengsheng and I plan to go with you to check the situation."

"Are you going together too?" Li Qiuxiang couldn't help being stunned for a moment after hearing what he said:
"However, my daughter went with us. I'm really sorry for what she said that was ugly..."

"What's the matter? It's not that I haven't experienced it, I just ignore her." Leng Gongchen smiled indifferently, he didn't care.

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