After Lin Qianqian finished speaking, she walked away with her small bag on her back.

Her steps were easy, after all, the 20 was too easy, and she was in a very good mood.

Lin Haishan shook his head, sighed, sat down and finished the cup of tea, then got up and left with a frown.

He really has nothing to do with this little daughter. I hope she can restrain herself a little after taking the money this time.

Lin Qianqian went back with 20 yuan.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wenwu was not at home. As long as she thought about it, she knew that this man must have gone to work.

Lin Qianqian angrily took out her mobile phone to make a call.

The phone rang for a while before Zhang Wenwu answered the phone and said in a low voice:

"Hi, I'm at work now, what's the matter?"

"You answer the phone, can you stop being so sneaky?" Lin Qianqian couldn't help being even more angry when she heard him say this.

"If the leader sees it's not good, then we will have to deduct wages and bonuses, and we won't have much money." Zhang Wenwu sighed.

"That's all you have to offer, and you only have that little money in your eyes. Come back quickly. I have money in my hand. I don't need you to take some money. Come back quickly."

Lin Qianqian said slowly.

"Where did you get the money?" Zhang Wenwu obviously didn't believe it.

"I told you to come back and you will come back. I can still lie to you!" Lin Qianqian was very unhappy when she heard Zhang Wenwu suspect that she was very unhappy.

Zhang Wenwu thought for a while and said, "Then wait a minute, I'll ask the leader for leave, and we'll talk about it in detail when we get back."

"What kind of leave! I told you, I told you to resign and come back quickly, don't go to that stupid class again!

It is a waste of life to waste time staying in the company for more than ten hours every day and only get thousands of dollars a month! "

Lin Qianqian was so angry that she couldn't help cursing.

Zhang Wenwu thought for a while and said: "I'll go back first, let's talk about it in detail, and then decide whether to resign, okay?

Now if you really have money in your hands, I can also resign, but we have to do something serious, otherwise we will just sit and eat with the money.

We will still lose money in the future, and you don’t know if you will get the money, if you don’t get it, you will quit your job.

Then we will have no money to eat next week, Qianqian, have you considered this matter? "

"It's really long-winded to ask you to do something. You should come back quickly. Let's meet and talk!"

Lin Qianqian heard some truth from what he said, so she couldn't help but hung up the phone instead of refuting.

After Zhang Wenwu hung up the phone, he went to the leader to ask for leave, and soon went home by bus.

Lin Qianqian stretched her neck waiting at home, and finally waited for him to come back.

"I'm back." Lin Qianqian hurriedly opened the door when she heard the sound of the key opening.

Zhang Wenwu walked in and sat down on the sofa: "What's going on? Where did you get the money from?"

Lin Qianqian proudly took out her bank card: "See, 20 in this card belongs to the two of us.

We use it as we please, so you don't have to go to work, we can do whatever we want.

Now I want to go to a fancy restaurant to eat some delicious food, and then go crazy shopping, buy my favorite bags and clothes.

God knows how long it's been since I splurged like this, and I really feel like the old days are back! "

Zhang Wenwu couldn't help being shocked when he heard his words: "Where did you say that the 20 in this card came from? Who gave it to you?"

"Of course my father gave it to me. Besides my father, who else would give it to me?" Lin Qianqian was a little more proud.

Lin Qianqian knew that Zhang Wenwu would be surprised if she told Zhang Wenwu to bring so much money at once, and it really was.

"Your father gave it to you, are you sure?" Zhang Wenwu's expression turned cold.

"Of course. I asked him for it today. Why don't you think my father won't give me money?" Lin Qianqian said confidently.

"Have you checked the balance in the bank yet?" Zhang Wenwu asked.

"No, but my dad said there are 20 in it, so there must be, can he still lie to me?

He has been sorry to me for so many years, if he continues to lie to me on this, it would be too boring. "

Lin Qianqian fully believed that there must be 20 on this card.

"Fortunately, I didn't resign. I think it's better for you to check it out. If you can really raise 20 yuan, then I won't go to work.

If we do some kind of business, and then we can make money, it can be regarded as the capital, or it is also possible to start a company.

Anyway, you have experience in managing a company before, I believe we can do it slowly. "Zhang Wenwu thought for a while and said.

"What kind of company is 20 yuan? You think it's so easy to start a company! Any investment is more than 20 yuan, okay? You can only set up a small booth or something!"

Lin Qianqian said dismissively.

"That's better than going to work and working with others. I don't have the capital. If I had the capital, I would have started a small business a long time ago. Doing business is better than going to work.

Even if you go to work, you can’t starve to death and can’t support yourself, but doing business is different. After a long time and experience, you can make your business bigger and bigger.

We are not worse than others, and we will definitely get better and better in the future. "Zhang Wenwu is still full of hope for the future life.

Lin Qianqian didn't care about his thoughts at all.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, let's go to the bank to check if there is a balance of 20 on this card." Zhang Wenwu stood up and proposed.

"How do I get there?" Lin Qianqian picked up her coat and put it on her body.

"Of course I took the bus." Zhang Wenwu said as a matter of course.

"What bus should we take? Now that we have money, we can take a taxi. I want to buy a car!" Lin Qianqian disagreed.

"It's not sure whether there is money or not. Let's wait until there is money on this card."

Zhang Wenwu's personality is relatively stable, he will not believe in uncertain things, he has been like this since he was a child, and he is not willing to trust others.

Perhaps it was because he had no parents and no one to take care of him since he was a child, so he developed this habit.

However, he didn't think there was anything wrong with this habit. It's always good to be prepared for everything.

Lin Qianqian didn't want to do it anymore: "Every day when we go out, we squeeze the bus. What's wrong with taking a taxi once? I want to take a taxi, do you understand!"

Zhang Wenwu was forced to do nothing by her: "Okay, I'll listen to you, my little aunt, take a taxi if you say so.

Isn't it just a few dozen dollars?I spent!Listen to you, let's go, let's go! "

Only then did Lin Qianqian turn around and walk out contentedly. The two of them went out to stop a car and went straight to the nearby bank...

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