The Return of the Adorable Baby: Daddy Gao Leng Please Accept

Chapter 595 Blame You For Being Excessively Beautiful

Lin Shengsheng was by the side the whole time without speaking.

She felt that it was not good for her to say anything at this time. She cared about her father's feelings, but she didn't want to wrong herself for others.

Lin Qianqian had done too many bad things before, she couldn't convince herself to forgive her, that was simply impossible.

But now that the problem was in front of them, they had to solve it properly, otherwise Lin Qianqian didn't know what troubles were going to happen again.

After returning to the room at night, Lin Shengsheng came out of the bedroom after taking a shower, and Leng Gongchen was already leaning against the head of the bed, holding a book in his hand.

Lin Mengmeng is sleeping alone now, he has grown up, and now he is not clinging to Lin Shengsheng at all, he is independent, and he also said that all the children in the class are like this.

Although Lin Shengsheng was a little disappointed, she also agreed.

When a child grows up, he always has to stay away from her. In fact, isn't growing up a process where parents let go slowly?

As for Ping Ping, he would really like to sleep with his grandfather, or with his grandparents, as if he never wanted to disturb the lives of the two of them since he was a child.

Leng Gongchen said that this is a sensible child, at least he is more sensible than Lin Mengmeng when he was a child.

Thinking back, when Mengmeng was a child, because he was pestering Lin Shengsheng, he almost delayed his plan of chasing his wife.

Still, the kid helped.

Lin Shengsheng went to the bed and sat down, Leng Gongchen naturally picked up the hair dryer to dry her hair.

Lin Shengsheng leaned into his arms, neither of them spoke but they were full of tacit understanding.

After a long time, when Lin Shengsheng was about to speak, Leng Gongchen spoke first.

"Let's go to Chen's house tomorrow."

he said lightly.

Lin Shengsheng looked at him in astonishment: "What's going on? How do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Why don't I know you? Haven't you been like this for so long?" Leng Gongchen smiled:
"When you come back after going out for a few months, you must go to see them. I understand the kindness in your heart."

"Don't you blame me?" It is true that Lin Shengsheng went to visit Chen Junkai's parents after his death.

His parents only have one daughter left now, and Chen Xueying is now living abroad, almost never coming back for several years.

Lin Shengsheng felt that the two old men had lost their only son at home, and life must be very difficult.

She will visit them from time to time, which can be regarded as doing her best.

Although it is said that Chen Junkai's final tragedy is not her responsibility, it is all because of his own narrow-mindedness that caused the current result.

But no matter what, Lin Shengsheng felt that things always happened because of her, and she should go to visit his parents.

Even if those things are not discussed, she and Chen Junkai used to be very good friends.

Visiting the parents of a good friend after his death, isn't that what one should do?
So, Lin Shengsheng has always done this.

However, she never asked Leng Gongchen, and Leng Gongchen didn't say much, just silently supported her and stayed with her.

"What's your fault? Is it because you are too beautiful?" Leng Gongchen smiled at her:
"A lot of things you do are done according to your heart. I like you like this."

Lin Shengsheng smiled and nodded.

When she first went to visit the Chen family's parents, she was not accepted.

Even Chen Junkai's mother slapped her.

She endured it silently, and continued to visit. She knew how painful it was for a mother who lost her own son, and she could understand it.

If she could bear this slap to alleviate the pain in Chen Junkai's mother's heart, then she would bear it willingly.

She just gave in silently, and she believed that sincerity and sincerity can lead to gold and stone.

Sure enough, the numerous visits within two years brought Chen Junkai's parents to treat her better and better.

Now, Chen Junkai's parents are used to her visits, and they treat her very well, and they no longer have the overreaction they had at the beginning.

Lin Shengsheng felt that she wasn't such a holy mother, so she thought it was doing good deeds.

When Chen Junkai's parents are too old to walk, she plans to bring them all home.

But this is for later, of course she wants to discuss it with Leng Gongchen.

If he disagrees, she won't force it, she can find a nanny to take care of him over there.

Anyway, if you want to take care of it, there is always a way.

Lin Shengsheng believes that there are always more solutions than difficulties.

"Then go to rest early." Leng Gongchen put down the book in his hand:
"Get up early tomorrow, and I will accompany you to his house to see the two old people. Then I have to go to the company when I come back."

"Shall I go to work with you?" Lin Shengsheng looked at him and said.

"No." Leng Gongchen refused immediately: "You have a big belly now, of course you want to rest at home, how can you run around casually?"

"I followed you to the company, how could I be running away!" Lin Shengsheng said unconvinced, "I'll go to the company to help you solve the problem, why not give advice?"

"It's fine for you to play, but it's fine if you go to work. I don't want a pregnant woman to help me with things." Leng Gongchen hugged her and lay under the quilt.

"I'm just too idle, and I don't want to do anything. Isn't it boring to be idle at home all day? Are you afraid that I will be depressed?" Lin Shengsheng said jokingly.

"Aren't you inseparable from me, missing me when you can't see me for a while? That's why you cling to me?" Leng Gongchen put his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead.

"You're so beautiful!" Lin Shengsheng pinched his ears:

"I'm going to watch you, so as not to save you from returning to the company for so long, and some new beauties come to the company to hook you up."

"Who dares to hook me up? Get her out immediately." Leng Gongchen was firm.

"It's more or less the same." Lin Shengsheng snuggled into his arms: "Then you take me to the company tomorrow, and I'll just go and have fun, and I won't do anything, that's fine!"

"That's okay. You can just sit in the office and sleep in the lounge when you're tired." Leng Gongchen thought for a while and agreed.

Lin Shengsheng was stumbling around with his two children at home, but he was not at ease.

It would be good to follow him.

After the two made up their minds, they fell asleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, Lin Shengsheng and Leng Gongchen got up together.

They didn't disturb the family members, went out to eat breakfast, and drove directly to Chen's house.

The Chen family's villa is on the other side of the city center, and it's actually not too far away. Many shops on the street are already open.

Lin Shengsheng bought a bouquet of flowers, a lot of fruits and other things, and various gifts to take to the Chen family's parents.

This is her long-standing habit, she always does things very seriously, without asking for anything in return...

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