Lin Qianqian thought for a while and asked him, "Are you not worried at all? Aren't you afraid that I'm using you again?
You are not afraid that I will borrow your hand again, you just want you to escape for me.

Once my goal is achieved, will I abandon you without hesitation and kick you away?

You really think about it, aren't you afraid of getting that result? "

Zhang Wenwu was silent for a moment, then raised his head and looked at her with a smile: "If you really did that, then I will admit it too."

Just when the two people looked at each other and smiled, a large truck suddenly rushed over from the opposite side and rammed straight into the front of their car.


Lin Qianqian only had time to exclaim, and the two cars collided heavily.


With a loud noise, the big truck pushed their small car, and both cars rushed into the sea together.

In an instant, the waves were rough and directly submerged the two cars.

And in the cab of the big truck, the last person to appear was Chen Junkai!

Lin Shengsheng, you have always hated me in your heart!I know all about it.

In fact, I knew that I did something wrong a long time ago, I just didn't want to believe it, I just didn't want to accept it!

I know that the sins on my body can't be washed away, so I don't intend to wash them off.

I plan to take these sins to another world and slowly atone for them.

I've thought about it a long time ago, and after doing all this, what awaits me is death.

In fact, I should have died a long time ago, but I have been unwilling.

Now all that should be done has been done, and I really deserve to die. At this time, maybe it is good to say that people are about to die.

I figured it out, and I let go of all my hatred. This is the last thing I will do for you before I die.

Take it as my apology to you, although I know that doing this is trivial, but I hope to be able to redeem a little.

Lin Qianqian is a damned woman. She once hurt you so badly, but she stood up today.

But she is not for you, but for her own better life.

If she is alive, she will pester you endlessly, but if she is dead, you will be able to live a quiet life.

It's just that my parents are the ones who suffer the most, and they are the only people I feel sorry for in my life...

At the moment when he was submerged in the sea, these words flashed in Chen Junkai's mind, and then his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.


In a blink of an eye, a month has passed.

Karen has been tried jointly by the top organizations of the two countries, and the final crime sentenced is the death penalty.

He broke the myth of the royal family of country C in history. No member of the royal family has ever been sentenced to such a heavy sentence.

But Karen broke this history and became No.1 in the royal family who was sentenced to death.

Karen's various sins were also thoroughly exposed, and then other dirt in the royal family was gradually exposed.

Those crimes and ugliness were displayed in front of everyone, and the dark side of the royal family was completely exposed.

Not only was the whole country shocked in country C, but even the whole country was paying close attention to this incident on the Internet.

Members of the royal family of country C have suffered a devastating blow!

The stocks of their companies also plummeted, falling again and again, and the position of the royal family members was already in jeopardy.

Almost all members of the royal family are under review by the highest organization in country C.

Members of the royal family, there are almost no really clean people. After checking it this way, almost everyone has stains, and everyone has problems.

Half a year later, the royal family of country C was completely declared disillusioned.

This is an extremely powerful royal family in the world, and it was completely destroyed in a farce like this.

It's embarrassing and despicable. These people really don't know the blessings in the blessings. They do whatever they want when they are in high positions. They deserve this end.


Two years passed quickly.

Pingping had already run around all over the place, but he still stumbled a little.

Lin Shengsheng chased after him, and said with a worried face:
"Pingping, run slowly, be careful of falling down, wait for Mommy, Mommy can't run you..."

But she stared at Pingping patronizingly, stepped on an uneven place, but accidentally fell down.

She screamed in fright, seeing her face about to have an intimate contact with the ground, she closed her eyes tightly in fear.

At this moment, a pair of strong arms held her slender waist, preventing her from falling down.

Leng Gongchen looked at the woman in his arms angrily and amusedly: "Tell the child to be more careful, I think you are the one who should be more careful!
She is already a mother of two children, she walks without looking at her feet, and is still so frizzy?Don't you know there is a baby in your womb?

You are now the key protection object of our family, comparable to the national treasure giant panda. Fortunately, I am watching you by the side, otherwise you will fall to my daughter! "

For two full years, Leng Gongchen's appearance has not changed much, he is still handsome, still serious and unsmiling.

But the love for Lin Shengsheng is still so strong and has never changed.

Lin Shengsheng found out that she didn't fall, and she was relieved immediately. Hearing the man's words, she couldn't help but retort unconvinced:

"Did you know it was a daughter? Tiantian's daughter's daughter, even a daughter, was scared away by what you said!"

Leng Gongchen couldn't help laughing at her puffy look, raised his hand and gently stroked her relatively flat belly, and said softly:
"God has always been good to me. I have two sons, and it's time for me to have a daughter. I believe God will not let me down."

"God is not your relative, why not let you down?" Lin Shengsheng said amusedly.

"Because I never do anything unconscionable, all I do are good things.

God still favors good people. Bad people all end badly, and good people naturally end well. " Leng Gongchen said confidently.

"Pull you down, you're really a peddler." Lin Shengsheng said this deliberately, but her face was covered with a sweet smile.

"I believe it must be a daughter this time." Leng Gongchen was full of confidence.

"Then I wish you the best of luck." Lin Shengsheng said with a smile, "But I'll put my ugly words up front, if you give birth to a son, you can't blame me.

It's not something I can decide. Boys and girls are not about the land, but about the seeds. "

She couldn't help but blush when she said this.

She is getting thicker and thicker now, and she dared to say such things to this man. In the past, that would be incredible!

Thinking of the past, several life and death kidnappings, fleeing abroad several times, and even marrying Chen Junkai to kill Leng Gongchen, the dangers are all around, and it is frightening.

Will the years to come be safe?

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